Getting started with the Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors¶
The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors is a library that provides universal components that can be used to build a Snowflake native app that ingests the data from an external data source into Snowflake. The provided components define the recommended flow of the connector application, allow customization, and provide building blocks for building ingestion logic.
The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors is distributed as code to be pulled and build locally. Below you can find some information to get you familiarized with the structure of the SDK, how to use it in your project, how to deploy and install an application and how to use it during development.
Project structure¶
The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors consists of multiple parts, which will be described below.
This directory contains the actual Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors source code and tests. Because of the nature of the native app inside Snowflake source code is not only Java code, but also bundled SQL code with database objects definitions.
The Java code is inside src/main
directory as for any regular Java library. The same for the unit tests located inside src/test
Additionally, inside src/
directory you can find intTest
and appTest
Those are respectively integration and application tests. Both of those test types require connection to a Snowflake account.
The former ones test the SDK components using standalone database objects, while the latter deploy an actual application and run tests using it.
SQL source files are contained inside src/main/resources
directory. They are included inside jar archive when building the Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors.
To use them they need to be extracted from the jar and put inside a build target directory that will be copied to Snowflake stage inside application package.
This directory contains helper library designed to enable easier unit testing of the Connector based on the Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors. It provides mock implementations for some of the database objects, specially designed test builders that allow overwriting parts of the code not available for customization and some custom assertions based on the AssertJ library.
SDK installation and usage¶
Currently, installation and usage of the Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors requires the developer to perform some manual actions.
The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors library is available via Maven Central
repositories {
dependencies {
compileOnly 'com.snowflake:connectors-native-sdk:2.0.0'
testImplementation 'com.snowflake:connectors-native-sdk-test:2.0.0'
To access provided SQL files they need to be extracted to the target directory for the native app. To achieve this use the following gradle task definition (for now it has to be manually copied into the build.gradle
String defaultBuildDir = './sf_build'
String defaultSrcDir = './app'
String libraryName = 'connectors-native-sdk'
project.tasks.register('copySdkComponents') { = 'Snowflake'
it.description = "Copies .sql files from ${sdkComponentsDirName} directory to the connector build file."
doLast {
copySdkComponents(libraryName, defaultBuildDir, sdkComponentsDirName)
private void copySdkComponents(String libraryName, String defaultBuildDir, String sdkComponentsDirName) {"Starting 'copySdkComponents' task...")
def targetDir = getCommandArgument('targetDir', {defaultBuildDir})
try {
project.copy {"Copying [${sdkComponentsDirName}] directory with .sql files to '${targetDir}'")
from project.zipTree(project.configurations.compileClasspath.find {})
into targetDir
include "${sdkComponentsDirName}/**"
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Utils.exitWithErrorLog("Unable to find [${libraryName}] in the compile classpath. Make sure that the library is " +
"published to Maven local repository and the proper dependency is added to the build.gradle file.")
project.copy {"Copying [${libraryName}] jar file to [${targetDir}]")
from configurations.runtimeClasspath.find {
into targetDir
rename ("^.*${libraryName}.*\$", "${libraryName}.jar")
TaskLogger.success("Copying sdk components finished successfully.")
To then run this task:
./gradlew copySdkComponents
The extracted SQL files can be then executed during the execution of the setup.sql
for the Native App.
Deployment and installation¶
The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors is designed to be used with the Snowflake Native App Framework. This means that deployment and installation is happening the same way as it does for any other native app. This mean that first the Application Package needs to be created and all the files need to be uploaded into stage, recommendation is to create stage inside the Application Package. If the above example script was used then all the required files from the Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors should be already present in the target build directory of the Connector. This means that its up to the developer to make sure that the custom code of the Connector and any Streamlit files are also there. For more information check Create an application package.
Once the Application Package is created and files are uploaded to stage, then a version
of the application can be created. This step is optional during development,
because Application Instance can be created directly from files in stage instead of using registered version.
For more information check Create an application object.
The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors provides objects and procedures that handle common use cases for each Connector application. This includes things like configuration, lifecycle, ingestion definition, and so on. To review the full list of features, see the SDK reference. Some parts of the predefined features can be customized, for more information on that check Stored procedures and handlers customization.
As mentioned before Connectors Native SDK contains different types of tests.
This includes unit tests, integration tests and so called application tests.
The unit tests use features provided in the aforementioned connectors-native-sdk-test
As for integration and application tests they require connection to Snowflake.
Connection details can be defined using the .env/snowflake_credentials
Application tests directory also contains an empty connector application in resource.
That application is deployed during the test suite execution
Additional resources:
For hands-on experience on using and implementing your own connector, try our tutorials: