Choosing SDK components¶

The connectors native SDK consists of multiple components, some of them are independent and some of them depend on each other to work. This section explains how to customize which components will be turned on in the connector. Additionally, each component will be shortly described and their dependencies will be mentioned.

Enabling/disabling components¶

Components are enabled and disabled on the Snowflake database objects level. This means that the executed setup.sql file is the source of truth on what was enabled or disabled. For the first time users it is recommended to use the all.sql file provided by the SDK. This file includes all of the basic features from the SDK (except Task Reactor).

To do so simply put the following line in the setup.sql file of the connector:

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FROM 'native-connectors-sdk-components/all.sql';

For more experienced users it is possible to customize enabled and disabled features. To do so add and remove EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements as needed. Keep in mind that excluding a file which is required by the feature will break it.

-- Core connector objects

-- Connector configuration prerequisites
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FROM 'prerequisites.sql';

-- Connector configuration flow
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FROM 'configuration/app_config.sql';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FROM 'configuration/connector_configuration.sql';


The sections below contain a list of the connectors native SDK components with short descriptions and a list of required other components for each of them. For more information, see The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors reference.

Core component¶

The core component is responsible for creating basic objects for the connector like schemas, roles and persistence layer for the internal status of the application.


This component has no dependencies to other components.

Application configuration component¶

The application configuration component is a persistence layer for storing and reading the internal configuration of the application.


This component has no dependencies to other components.

Prerequisites component¶

Prerequisites are an optional part of the wizard. It supports informing the end user about configurations and initial setup that needs to be satisfied, usually outside of the connector itself.


  • Core component

Connector configuration component¶

The connector configuration is a wizard step responsible for configuring common connector properties like: sink database, data owner role, warehouse etc.


  • Core component

  • Application configuration component

Connection configuration component¶

The connection configuration is a wizard step responsible for configuring the properties related to the communication with the external source system for the connector, for example authentication and authorization properties and methods.


  • Core component

  • Application configuration component

Finalize configuration component¶

The finalize connector is a wizard step responsible for performing final connection checks to the external source system and connector specific configurations.


  • Core component

  • Recommended: Application configuration component

Pause/resume component¶

The pause/resume component provides the option of pausing and resuming the connector whenever desired to stop the credit consumption.


  • Core component

  • Recommended: Application configuration component

  • Recommended: Finalize configuration component

Ingestion component¶

The ingestion component provides abstraction and persistence to define the data that will be put into Snowflake from the external source system.


This component has no dependencies to other component, however requires multiple sql files to be executed.

Scheduler component¶

The scheduler component allows provides a mechanism of triggering tasks inside a connector according to the configuration using Snowflake tasks underneath.


  • Core component

  • Application configuration component

  • Connector configuration component

Connector stats component¶

The connectors stats component provides useful views to see the metadata from the performed ingestion tasks. It is useful to monitor how much data is flowing through the connector.


  • Ingestion component

Sync status component¶

The sync status component provides a view to quickly check when was the last data sync.


  • Ingestion component

  • Connector stats component

Task reactor component¶

The task reactor is a component that provides a mechanism to queue work items and spread them between a number of worker tasks. The number of workers can be changed to allow for more of them when there are huge workloads.


This component has no dependencies to other components.