Node.js options reference

When constructing a new Connection object, you pass in a JavaScript object that specifies the options for the connection (e.g. your account identifier, your user name, etc.). The following sections describe the options that you can set. To set an option, specify the option name as the property name in the JavaScript object.

Required connection options


Your account identifier.

region (Deprecated)

The ID for the region where your account is located.


This option is deprecated and is included here only for backward compatibility. Snowflake recommends transitioning to embedding the region in the account identifier, as described in Using an account locator as an identifier, such as follows.

var connection = snowflake.createConnection({
  account: "",
  username: "myusername",
  password: "mypassword"

In addition, you must specify the options for authenticating to the server.

Authentication options


Specifies the name of the client application connecting to Snowflake.


Specifies the authenticator to use for verifying user login credentials. You can set this to one of the following values:




Use the internal Snowflake authenticator. You must also set the password option.


Use your web browser to authenticate with Okta, AD FS, or any other SAML 2.0-compliant identity provider (IdP) that has been defined for your account.


Use Native SSO through Okta.


Use OAuth for authentication. You must also set the token option to the OAuth token (see below).


Use key pair authentication. See Use key-pair authentication and key-pair rotation.


Use multi-factor authentication (MFA). See Use an MFA passcode.

The default value is SNOWFLAKE.

For more information on authentication, see Managing/Using federated authentication and Clients, drivers, and connectors.


The login name for your Snowflake user or your Identity Provider (e.g. your login name for Okta). Set this option if you set the authenticator option to SNOWFLAKE, SNOWFLAKE_JWT, or the Okta URL endpoint for your Okta account (e.g. https://<okta_account_name> If you don’t set the authenticator option, you must set this value.


Password for the user. Set this option if you set the authenticator option to SNOWFLAKE or the Okta URL endpoint for your Okta account (e.g. https://<okta_account_name> or if you left the authenticator option unset.


Specifies the OAuth token to use for authentication. Set this option if you set the authenticator option to OAUTH.


Specifies the private key (in PEM format) for key pair authentication. For details, see Use key-pair authentication and key-pair rotation.


Specifies the local path to the private key file (e.g. rsa_key.p8). For details, see Use key-pair authentication and key-pair rotation.


Specifies the passcode to decrypt the private key file, if the file is encrypted. For details, see Use key-pair authentication and key-pair rotation.


Specifies the passcode provided by Duo when using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for logins. For details, see Use an MFA passcode.


Specifies whether the MFA passcode is embedded in the login password. If true, the MFA passcode is appended to the end of the password. Default: false. For details, see Use an MFA passcode.

Additional connection options


Specifies a fully-qualified endpoint for connecting to Snowflake. The accessUrl includes the full schema and host, as well as an optional port number, similar to


When using the accessUrl option, the value specified in the account option is not used.


Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for browser activities related to SSO authentication. The default value is 120000 (milliseconds).


Path to the client configuration file associated with the easy logging feature.


Sets whether the driver uses the MFA token in the local credential storage for authentication instead of requesting a new token from the server. Default: false.


Sets whether the driver uses the SSO token in the local credential storage for authentication instead of requesting a new token from the server. Default: false.


By default, client connections typically time out approximately 3-4 hours after the most recent query was executed.

If the clientSessionKeepAlive option is set to true, the client’s connection to the server will be kept alive indefinitely, even if no queries are executed.

The default setting of this option is false.

If you set this option to true, make sure that your program explicitly disconnects from the server when your program has finished. Do not exit without disconnecting.


(Applies only when clientSessionKeepAlive is true)

Sets the frequency (interval in seconds) between heartbeat messages.

You can loosely think of a connection heartbeat message as substituting for a query and restarting the timeout countdown for the connection. In other words, if the connection would time out after at least 4 hours of inactivity, the heartbeat resets the timer so that the timeout will not occur until at least 4 hours after the most recent heartbeat (or query).

The default value is 3600 seconds (one hour). The valid range of values is 900 - 3600. Because timeouts usually occur after at least 4 hours, a heartbeat every 1 hour is normally sufficient to keep the connection alive. Heartbeat intervals of less than 3600 seconds are rarely necessary or useful.


Sets the directory in which to store the credential cache when token caching is enabled. Default: user’s $HOME directory.


The default database to use for the session after connecting.


Specifies whether to disable the validation check of a SAML response. Default: false.


Host address to which the driver should connect.


Specifies whether to enable keep-alive functionality on the socket immediately after receiving a new connection request.

By default, the HTTP protocol creates a new TCP connection for every request. Enabling this parameter allows the driver to re-use connections for multiple requests instead of creating new connections for each request.

The default value is true.


Specifies the lists of hosts that the driver should connect to directly, bypassing the proxy server (e.g. * to bypass Amazon S3 access). For multiple hosts, separate the hostnames with a pipe symbol (|). You can also use an asterisk as a wild card. For example:

noProxy: "*|*"


Specifies the hostname of an authenticated proxy server.


Specifies the password for the user specified by proxyUser.


Specifies the port of an authenticated proxy server.


Specifies the protocol used to connect to the authenticated proxy server. Use this property to specify the HTTP protocol: http or https.


Specifies the username used to connect to an authenticated proxy server.


The default security role to use for the session after connecting.


The default schema to use for the session after connecting.


Number of milliseconds to keep the connection alive with no response. Default: 60000 (1 minute).


The default virtual warehouse to use for the session after connecting. Used for performing queries, loading data, etc.

Some connection options assume that the specified database object (database, schema, warehouse, or role) already exists in the system. If the specified object does not exist, a default is not set during connection.

After connecting, all of the optional connection options can also be set or overridden through the USE <object> command.

Configuration options


Sets the maximum number of binds the driver uses in a bulk insert operation. The default value is 100000 (100K).


Current working directory to use for GET and PUt operations when it differs from the connector directory.


Specifies how the fetchAsString method returns null values.

  • true (enabled): Returns null values as the string, “NULL”.

  • false (disabled): Returns null values as null.

Default: true (enabled)


Number of threads for clients to use to prefetch large result sets. Valid values: 1-10.


Specifies how to return results that contain duplicate column names. Values include:

  • array: returns the result set as an array, including duplicate column names.

  • object: returns the result set as an object, omitting duplicate column names.

  • object_with_renamed_duplicated_columns: returns the result set as an object, while adding suffixes to duplicate names to make them unique.

The default value is object.

xmlParserConfig options

Beginning with version 1.7.0 of the driver, you can use the following fast-xml-parser library configuration options to customize how the driver processes XML document attributes when querying columns with XML content.

You can download the fast-xml-parser.

By default, the Node.js driver ignores XML element attributes when returning XML data from a query. For example, in the following XML content, the <animal> element includes an id attribute:

<exhibit name="Polar Bear Plunge">
  <animal id="000001">
    <scientificName>Ursus maritimus</scientificName>
    <englishName>Polar Bear</englishName>
  <animal id="000002">
    <scientificName>Ursus maritimus</scientificName>
    <englishName>Polar Bear</englishName>

By default, when the Node.js driver returns the result set, it ignores the id attribute and returns the following output. Notice the attribute names and values are not included.

  exhibit: {
    animal: [
        "scientificName": "Ursus maritimus",
        "englishName": "Polar Bear",
        "name": "Kalluk",
        "scientificName": "Ursus maritimus",
        "englishName": "Polar Bear",
        "name": "Chinook"

For information about how to set these options, refer to Parsing XML data.

To help illustrate how the following options affect how the driver parses XML data, each option description shows how it affects this example.


Whether to ignore XML attributes during parsing. If you want to use the other parser options, you must set ignoreAttributes: false.

Default: true

When set to false, the driver returns the output as follows. Notice the id attribute is now included in the output (by default, the driver prefixes attribute names with @_):

    exhibit: {
      animal: [
          "scientificName": "Ursus maritimus",
          "englishName": "Polar Bear",
          "name": "Kalluk",
          "@_id": "000001"
          "scientificName": "Ursus maritimus",
          "englishName": "Polar Bear",
          "name": "Chinook",
          "@_id": "000002"
      "@_name": "Polar Bear Plunge"

Whether to create a property with the tag name and assign the value directly.

Default: false

When set to true, the driver returns the output as follows:

  exhibit: {
    animal: [
        "scientificName": {
          "#text": "Ursus maritimus"
        "englishName": {
          "#text": "Polar Bear"
        "name": {
          "#text": "Kalluk"
        "@_id": "000001"
        "scientificName": {
          "#text": "Ursus maritimus"
        "englishName": {
          "#text": "Polar Bear"
        "name": {
          "#text": "Chinook"
        "@_id": "000002"
      "@_name": "Polar Bear Plunge"

String to prepend to attribute names.

Default: “@_”

When set to "" to specify no prefix for attribute names, the driver returns the output as follows:

    exhibit: {
      animal: [
          "scientificName": "Ursus maritimus",
          "englishName": "Polar Bear",
          "name": "Kalluk",
          "id": "000001"
          "scientificName": "Ursus maritimus",
          "englishName": "Polar Bear",
          "name": "Chinook",
          "id": "000002"
      "name": "Polar Bear Plunge"

Groups all attributes of a tag under a specified property name.

Default: unset

When set to @@ to group all tag attributes in an element named @@, the driver returns the output as follows:

    exhibit: {
      "@@": {
        "@_name": "Polar Bear Plunge"
      animal: [
          "@@": {
            "@_id": "000001"
          "scientificName": "Ursus maritimus",
          "englishName": "Polar Bear",
          "name": "Kalluk"
          "@@": {
            "@_id": "000002"
          "scientificName": "Ursus maritimus",
          "englishName": "Polar Bear",
          "name": "Chinook"