Preview — 9.4 Release Notes


Content in this page is available in advance of the completion of the 9.4 release, which is currently either pending or in progress.

The release is scheduled to complete February 26 (subject to change).

Features, updates, or behavior changes described in this page might not become available in your account(s) until the completion of the release.

For updates to these release notes, see Release notes change log.

New features

Automatic propagation of user-defined tags — General availability

You can now configure an object tag so it is automatically propagated from a source object to target objects, which streamlines tag management across objects and ensures that data protection policies associated with tags get consistently applied to target objects. Tags can be propagated when a target object depends on a source object (for example, a view based on a tagged table) or when data moves from a source object to another object (for example, using a CTAS statement to create a table from a tagged table).

Extensibility updates

Support for associating an event table with a database — General availability

With this release, support for associating an event table with a database is generally available. When you assign an event table to a database, the scope of objects for which events are collected in the event table is limited to objects in the database.

Previously, an event table could be associated only with the account.

Data lake updates

CATALOG_NAMESPACE parameter for catalog integrations is now optional

With this release, the CATALOG_NAMESPACE parameter for catalog integrations is now optional instead of required:

  • If you create a catalog integration to sync a Snowflake-managed Iceberg table with Snowflake Open Catalog, you no longer need to specify the CATALOG_NAMESPACE parameter. Snowflake syncs the Apache Iceberg™ table to the external catalog in Open Catalog that you specify in the catalog integration.

  • If you create a catalog integration for unmanaged Iceberg tables and you don’t specify a CATALOG_NAMESPACE with the catalog integration, you must specify it at the table level. You can alternatively specify it with the catalog integration and then override it at the table level.

Release notes change log




Release notes

Initial publication (preview)


Automatic tag propagation - GA announcement

Added to New features section
