Using sfsql — Obsoleted

This topic describes how to use sfsql, including a list of the native Henplus commands that are not supported by the client.


Some Snowflake SQL commands are implemented through the JDBC driver used by sfsql, e.g. PUT/GET for uploading files to and downloading files from internal stages. As a result, these operations can be performed in sfsql, but cannot be performed in the Snowflake web interface.

Setting Parameters

HenPlus provides properties that control session behavior; however, you should not set these properties in sfsql. Instead, use the session parameters provided by Snowflake.

In addition, HenPlus provides the following global properties that can be set across all sessions (the property settings are saved when you log out of the session). You can use these global properties to control the formatting and appearance of your SQL statement results:

  • To see the list of global parameters and their current values, type set-property at the command line:


    Initial Value




    Specifies the character(s) used to separate/format columns in the display.


    off (or false)

    Not currently used.


    off (or false)

    Specifies whether to display a statement before executing it.



    Specifies the maximum number of rows returned in the statement results.


    on (or true)

    Specifies whether to include a footer row in the results.


    on (or true)

    Specifies whether to include a header row, including column headings, in the results.

  • To set a global parameter, type set-property followed by the parameter name and value.

    For example, to disable headers and footers in the results:> set-property sql-result-showfooter false> set-property sql-result-showheader false

    Note that you do not need to type any closing characters, e.g. semi-colon (;), to set the global properties.

Executing SQL Statements and Script Files

To execute a SQL query or statement:

  • Type a semi-colon (;) immediately following the end of the statement.

  • If you enter a new line after the statement, you must type two semi-colons (;;) to execute the statement.

  • On a new line, you can also type a forward-slash (/) which is the command for ending a statement.

For example, any of the syntax can be used to execute the following query:> select * from test1;> select * from test1
                                      ;;> select * from test1

To execute a SQL script file, use @ or @@ followed by the directory path and full name of the file (including the file extension, if any).

For example, to execute a file named query.sql located in the /Users/user1/scripts directory:> @/Users/user1/scripts/query.sql


HenPlus also allows using the start command to execute a file; however, you cannot use this command in sfsql to execute a file because Snowflake reserves the START keyword for initiating transactions. For more information, see Transactions.

Canceling In-progress Queries

To cancel a query that has not yet completed, use the [CTRL]-c keyboard combo.

Spooling Results

To spool the results of a SQL query or command, type spool followed by the directory path and name of the file in which to spool the results.

To stop spooling results, type spool off.

Accessing the Snowflake Command Line Help

Snowflake provides command line help topics. To access the help, use the following syntax:

info [ <topic> | <subtopic> ]
  • If no value is specified, all the top-level topics in the help are displayed.

  • If a topic is specified, all the subtopics for the topic are displayed.

  • If a subtopic is specified, the contents of the subtopic are displayed.

For example:


info warehouses;

info alter_warehouse;

Unsupported HenPlus Commands

HenPlus provides native commands for performing tasks such as describing objects and importing/exporting data from the system. You should not use these commands in sfsql. Instead, use the SQL commands provided by Snowflake:

Unsupported HenPlus commands:

Equivalent Snowflake SQL commands:

tables , views, and other related commands

SHOW <objects>

describe , idescribe

DESCRIBE <object>

import , import-check, and other related commands

COPY INTO <table>, COPY INTO <location>

dump-out , dump-in, and other related commands