External network access examples¶
This topic provides examples of accessing external network locations from user-defined functions and procedures.
Accessing the Google Translate API with OAuth¶
The following steps include code to create an external access integration for access to the Google Translation API. The steps add the security integration and the permissions needed to execute the statements.
Create a network rule representing the external location.
For more information about the role of a network rule in external access, including privileges required, see Creating a network rule to represent the external network location.
CREATE OR REPLACE NETWORK RULE google_apis_network_rule MODE = EGRESS TYPE = HOST_PORT VALUE_LIST = ('translation.googleapis.com');
Create a security integration to hold the OAuth credentials required to authenticate with the external network location specified by the
network rule.For reference information on the command, including privileges required, see CREATE SECURITY INTEGRATION (External API Authentication).
CREATE OR REPLACE SECURITY INTEGRATION google_translate_oauth TYPE = API_AUTHENTICATION AUTH_TYPE = OAUTH2 OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = 'my-client-id' OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = 'my-client-secret' OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = 'https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token' OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth' OAUTH_ALLOWED_SCOPES = ('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform') ENABLED = TRUE;
Create a secret to represent the credentials contained by the
security integration.For more information about the role of the secret in external access, including privileges required, see Creating a secret to represent credentials.
The secret must specify a refresh token with its OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN parameter. To obtain a refresh token from the service provider (in this case, from the Google Cloud Translation API service), you can use a way the provider offers or use Snowflake system functions.
To create a secret with a refresh token, use either Google OAuth Playground or Snowflake system functions, as described by the following:
Snowflake system functions
Execute CREATE SECRET to create a secret. You’ll update it with the refresh token in a later step.
USE DATABASE my_db; USE SCHEMA secret_schema; CREATE OR REPLACE SECRET oauth_token TYPE = oauth2 API_AUTHENTICATION = google_translate_oauth;
Execute the SYSTEM$START_OAUTH_FLOW function to retrieve a URL with which you can obtain a refresh token, specifying as its argument the name of the secret you created previously.
CALL SYSTEM$START_OAUTH_FLOW( 'my_db.secret_schema.oauth_token' );
The function generates a URL you can use to complete the OAuth consent process.
In a browser, visit the generated URL and complete the OAuth2 consent process. When you’ve finished, leave the browser open to the last page of the process.
From the browser address bar, copy all of the text after the question mark in the URL of the last page of the consent process.
Execute the SYSTEM$FINISH_OAUTH_FLOW function, specifying as an argument the parameters you just copied from the browser address bar to update the secret with a refresh token.
Be sure to execute SYSTEM$FINISH_OAUTH_FLOW in the same session as SYSTEM$START_OAUTH_FLOW. SYSTEM$FINISH_OAUTH_FLOW updates the secret you specified in SYSTEM$START_OAUTH_FLOW with access token and refresh token it obtained from the OAuth server.
CALL SYSTEM$FINISH_OAUTH_FLOW( 'state=<remaining_url_text>' );
Google OAuth Playground
In Google OAuth Playground, select and authorize the Cloud Translation API as specified in step 1.
In Step 2, click exchange authorization code for tokens, then copy the refresh token token value.
Execute CREATE SECRET to create a secret that specifies the refresh token value you copied.
For more information about the role of a secret in external access, including privileges required, see Creating a secret to represent credentials.
CREATE OR REPLACE SECRET oauth_token TYPE = oauth2 API_AUTHENTICATION = google_translate_oauth OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN = 'my-refresh-token';
Create an external access integration using the network rule and secret.
For more information about the role of an external access integration, including privileges required, see Creating an external access integration.
Create a
role that will be assigned to users who need to create a UDF or procedure that uses the integration.CREATE OR REPLACE ROLE developer; CREATE OR REPLACE ROLE user;
Grant to the
role privileges needed to create a UDF that uses the objects for external access. This includes the following:The READ privilege on the secret.
The USAGE privilege on the schema containing the secret.
The USAGE privilege on the integration.
GRANT READ ON SECRET oauth_token TO ROLE developer; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA secret_schema TO ROLE developer; GRANT USAGE ON INTEGRATION google_apis_access_integration TO ROLE developer;
Create a UDF
that translates the specified text into a phrase in the specified language. For more information, see Using the external access integration in a function or procedure.USE ROLE developer; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION google_translate_python(sentence STRING, language STRING) RETURNS STRING LANGUAGE PYTHON RUNTIME_VERSION = 3.8 HANDLER = 'get_translation' EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIONS = (google_apis_access_integration) PACKAGES = ('snowflake-snowpark-python','requests') SECRETS = ('cred' = oauth_token ) AS $$ import _snowflake import requests import json session = requests.Session() def get_translation(sentence, language): token = _snowflake.get_oauth_access_token('cred') url = "https://translation.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2" data = {'q': sentence,'target': language} response = session.post(url, json = data, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}) return response.json()['data']['translations'][0]['translatedText'] $$;
Grant the USAGE privilege on the
function so that those with theuser
role can call it.GRANT USAGE ON FUNCTION google_translate_python(string, string) TO ROLE user;
Execute the
function to translate a phrase.USE ROLE user; SELECT google_translate_python('Happy Thursday!', 'zh-CN');
This generates the following output.
------------------------------------------------------- | GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_PYTHON('HAPPY THURSDAY!', 'ZH-CN') | ------------------------------------------------------- | 快乐星期四! | -------------------------------------------------------
Accessing an external lambda function with basic authentication¶
The following steps include example code to create an external access integration for access to a lambda function external to Snowflake. The example uses a placeholder for the external endpoint itself, but it could be a function available at a REST service endpoint, for example.
The external access is used in a vectorized Python UDF that receives a Pandas DataFrame containing the data.
Create a network rule
representing the external locationmy_external_service
(here, a placeholder value for the location of an external endpoint).For more information about the role of a network rule in external access, see Creating a network rule to represent the external network location.
CREATE OR REPLACE NETWORK RULE lambda_network_rule MODE = EGRESS TYPE = HOST_PORT VALUE_LIST = ('my_external_service');
Create a secret to represent credentials required by the external service.
Handler code later in this example retrieves the credentials from the secret using a Snowflake API for Python.
For more information about the role of the secret in external access, see Creating a secret to represent credentials.
CREATE OR REPLACE SECRET secret_password TYPE = PASSWORD USERNAME = 'my_user_name' PASSWORD = 'my_password';
Create a
role and grant to it READ privileges on the secret. This role will be assigned to users who need to create a UDF or procedure that uses the secret.Also, create the role that users will use to call the function.
Grant to the
role privileges needed to create a UDF that uses the objects for external access. This includes the following:The READ privilege on the secret.
The USAGE privilege on the schema containing the secret.
GRANT READ ON SECRET secret_password TO ROLE developer; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA secret_schema TO ROLE developer;
Create an external access integration to specify the external endpoint and credentials through the network rule and secret you created.
For more information about the role of an external access integration, including privileges required, see Creating an external access integration.
Create a vectorized Python UDF
that accesses an external network location to process data received as a Pandas DataFrame.For more information on using external access in a UDF, see Using the external access integration in a function or procedure.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION return_double_column(x int) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE PYTHON EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIONS = (lambda_external_access_integration) SECRETS = ('cred' = secret_password) RUNTIME_VERSION = 3.8 HANDLER = 'return_first_column' PACKAGES = ('pandas', 'requests') AS $$ import pandas import numpy as np import json import requests import base64 import _snowflake from _snowflake import vectorized from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry session = requests.Session() retries = Retry(total=10, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], allowed_methods = None) session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) @vectorized(input=pandas.DataFrame) def return_first_column(df): request_rows = [] df.iloc[:,0] = df.iloc[:,0].astype(int) request_rows = np.column_stack([df.index, df.iloc[:,0]]).tolist() request_payload = {"data" : request_rows} username_password_object = _snowflake.get_username_password('cred'); basic = HTTPBasicAuth(username_password_object.username, username_password_object.password) url = 'my_external_service' response = session.post(url, json=request_payload, auth=basic) response.raise_for_status() response_payload = json.loads(response.text) response_rows = response_payload["data"] return pandas.DataFrame(response_rows)[1] $$;
Grant the USAGE privilege on the
function so that those with theuser
role can call it.GRANT USAGE ON FUNCTION return_double_column(int) TO ROLE user;
Execute the
function, making a request to the external endpoint.Code in the following example creates a two-column table and inserts 100,000,000 rows containing 4-byte integers. The code then executes the
function, passing values from columna
for processing by the external endpoint.CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT SEQ4(), SEQ4() FROM TABLE(GENERATOR(ROWCOUNT => 100000000)); SELECT return_double_column(a) AS retval FROM t1 ORDER BY retval;
Accessing Amazon S3 with AWS IAM¶
The following steps include example code to connect to an AWS S3 bucket using IAM.
For more information about AWS IAM, see AWS IAM documentation.
Create a network rule,
, that represents the AWS S3 bucket at the location specified by the VALUE_LIST parameter.For more information about the role of a network rule in external access, see Creating a network rule to represent the external network location.
CREATE OR REPLACE NETWORK RULE aws_s3_network_rule MODE = EGRESS TYPE = PRIVATE_HOST_PORT VALUE_LIST = ('external-access-iam-bucket.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com');
Create a security integration to hold the AWS IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) credentials required to authenticate with the external network location specified by the
network rule.For reference information on the command, including privileges required, see CREATE SECURITY INTEGRATION (AWS IAM Authentication).
CREATE OR REPLACE SECURITY INTEGRATION aws_s3_security_integration TYPE = API_AUTHENTICATION AUTH_TYPE = AWS_IAM ENABLED = TRUE AWS_ROLE_ARN = 'arn:aws:iam::736112632310:role/external-access-iam-bucket';
Get the ARN and ID for the IAM USER.
Execute the DESC command on the security integration you created.
DESC SECURITY INTEGRATION aws_s3_security_integration;
From the output displayed, copy the values of the following properties to use in the next step:
Grant the IAM user permissions needed to access the bucket.
Use the ARN and ID values when configuring a trust policy as described in Step 5 of Option 1: Configuring a Snowflake storage integration to access Amazon S3.
Create a secret of type CLOUD_PROVIDER_TOKEN to represent credentials required by the external service.
Handler code later in this example retrieves the credentials from the secret using a Snowflake API.
For more information about the role of the secret in external access, see Creating a secret to represent credentials.
CREATE OR REPLACE SECRET aws_s3_access_token TYPE = CLOUD_PROVIDER_TOKEN API_AUTHENTICATION = aws_s3_security_integration;
Create a
role and grant to it READ privileges on the secret. This role will be assigned to users who need to create a UDF or procedure that uses the secret.Also, create the role that users will use to call the function.
Grant to the
role the privileges needed to create a UDF that uses the objects for external access. This includes the following:The READ privilege on the secret.
The USAGE privilege on the schema containing the secret.
GRANT READ ON SECRET aws_s3_access_token TO ROLE developer; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA secret_schema TO ROLE developer;
Create an external access integration to specify the external endpoint and credentials through the network rule and secret you created.
For more information about the role of an external access integration, including privileges required, see Creating an external access integration.
CREATE OR REPLACE EXTERNAL ACCESS INTEGRATION aws_s3_external_access_integration ALLOWED_NETWORK_RULES = (aws_s3_network_rule) ALLOWED_AUTHENTICATION_SECRETS = (aws_s3_access_token) ENABLED = TRUE COMMENT = 'Testing S3 connectivity';
Create a UDF that uses the external access integration to connect with the Amazon S3 bucket specified in the network rule you created.
The handler code uses Snowflake APIs to retrieve a token from the secret you created. From this token, you can use Snowflake APIs to retrieve values needed to create a session for connecting with Amazon S3, including an access key ID, secret access key, and session token.
For more information on using external access in a UDF, see Using the external access integration in a function or procedure.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aws_s3_python_function() RETURNS VARCHAR LANGUAGE PYTHON EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIONS = (aws_s3_external_access_integration) RUNTIME_VERSION = '3.8' SECRETS = ('cred' = aws_s3_access_token) PACKAGES = ('boto3') HANDLER = 'main_handler' AS $$ import boto3 import _snowflake from botocore.config import Config def main_handler(): # Get token object cloud_provider_object = _snowflake.get_cloud_provider_token('cred') # Boto3 configuration config = Config( retries=dict(total_max_attempts=9), connect_timeout=30, read_timeout=30, max_pool_connections=50 ) # Connect to S3 using boto3 s3 = boto3.client( 's3', region_name='us-west-2', aws_access_key_id=cloud_provider_object.access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=cloud_provider_object.secret_access_key, aws_session_token=cloud_provider_object.token, config=config ) # Use S3 object to upload/download return 'Successfully connected with S3' $$;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aws_s3_java_function() RETURNS STRING LANGUAGE JAVA EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIONS = (aws_s3_external_access_integration) SECRETS = ('cred' = aws_s3_access_token) HANDLER = 'AWSTokenProvider.handle' AS $$ import com.snowflake.snowpark_java.types.CloudProviderToken; import com.snowflake.snowpark_java.types.SnowflakeSecrets; public class AWSTokenProvider { public static String handle() { // Get token object SnowflakeSecrets sfSecret = SnowflakeSecrets.newInstance(); CloudProviderToken cloudProviderToken = sfSecret.getCloudProviderToken("cred"); // Create variables for AWS session credentials String accessKeyId = cloudProviderToken.getAccessKeyId(); String secretAccessKey = cloudProviderToken.getSecretAccessKey(); String token = cloudProviderToken.getToken(); // Create S3 client using AWS APIs. return "Successfully connected with S3 with temp access token: " + token; } } $$;
Grant the USAGE privilege on the UDF so that those with the
role can call it.GRANT USAGE ON FUNCTION return_double_column(int) TO ROLE user;
Execute the function to connect to the external endpoint.
SELECT aws_s3_python_function();
SELECT aws_s3_java_function();