Create and manage long running services in an app

The topic describes how to configure and use long running services in a Snowflake Native App with Snowpark Container Services. For information on using a job service in an app, see Create and manage job services in an app.

Privileges required to create a service in the consumer account

In order for an app to create a service in the consumer account, the consumer must first grant the following privileges:


    This privileges is required for all services. One or more compute pools are required to create a service in the consumer account.


    This privilege is required for any service that exposes endpoints. If a service needs to make connections to URLs outside of Snowflake, this privilege is required for the app to create the required external access integration.

Considerations when creating services within an app

The following considerations apply when creating a service within a Snowflake Native App with Snowpark Container Services:

  • References to warehouses. See Best practices when using services within an app for information on using in a Snowflake Native App with Snowpark Container Services.

  • Quoted names for a service within an app are not supported.

  • Services cannot not be created in a versioned schema.

  • Services may not be created outside of the application using a container image created within the app.

Use the CREATE SERVICE command in an app

The CREATE SERVICE is used to create a long running service. Within the context of an app, providers should always consider calling this command from within a stored procedure instead of calling it directly within the setup script.

To create a service, use the CREATE SERVICE command within a stored procedure. The following example shows the syntax for using this command in an app.

CREATE SERVICE IF NOT EXISTS services.my_service
  IN COMPUTE POOL consumer_compute_pool
  FROM SPECIFICATION_FILE = '/containers/service1_spec.yaml';

The FROM SPECIFICATION_FILE clause points to the service specification file specific to a version of the app. This path is relative to the root directory of the app.

Add the CREATE SERVICE command to a stored procedure

A Snowflake Native Apps with Snowpark Container Services supports multiple ways of creating a service within a stored procedure.

A provider can use any combination of these methods to create services in the consumer account.

Create a service by using the grant_callback property

grant_callback is a property in the manifest file that allows providers to specify a callback function. The callback function is a stored procedure that can create compute pools, services and perform other setup tasks required by the application.


Using the grant_callback property to specify the callback function is only supported by Snowflake Native Apps with Snowpark Container Services.

The advantage of specifying a callback function with grant_callback is that the stored procedure is not called until the consumer grants the required privileges to the app. This ensures that the app has the privileges required to create services and other objects in the consumer account.

To use grant_callback add it to the configuration section of the manifest.yml file:

  log_level: INFO
  trace_level: ALWAYS
  grant_callback: core.grant_callback

Then, in the setup script, define a call back function as shown in the following example:


 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE core.grant_callback(privileges array)
 AS $$
      CREATE COMPUTE POOL IF NOT EXISTS app_compute_pool
          MIN_NODES = 1
          MAX_NODES = 3
   END IF;
      CREATE SERVICE IF NOT EXISTS core.app_service
       IN COMPUTE POOL my_compute_pool
       FROM SPECIFICATION_FILE = '/containers/service1_spec.yaml';
   END IF;

GRANT USAGE ON PROCEDURE core.grant_callback(array) TO APPLICATION ROLE app_public;

This example creates a grant_callback procedure that does the following:

  • Tests whether the consumer has granted the CREATE COMPUTE POOL privilege to the app. If the consumer has granted this privilege, the grant_callback procedure creates the compute pool.

  • Tests whether the consumer has granted the BIND SERVICE ENDPOINT privilege to the app. If the consumer has granted this privilege, the grant_callback procedure creates the service.

This example shows a pattern for creating services and a compute pool in an app with containers. In this example, the app first tests whether the consumer has granted the required privileges and then creates the service or compute pool.

Create a service based on a reference definition

An app can create services using a reference definition by using the register_callback property in the manifest.yml file. This property specifies a stored procedure used to bind an object in the consumer account to the reference definition.

For more information on using references in an app, see Request references and object-level privileges from consumers

An app can use the register_callback of the reference to create a service after all the required references are bound. If a service is created before all the references to an external access integrations or secret is allowed, the service creation fails.

Create a service using a stored procedure

An app can create a service directly within a stored procedure. As with other stored procedures, providers can define them in the application setup script. This stored procedure would use the CREATE SERVICE command to create the service, then grant the necessary privileges on the stored procedure to an application role.

The consumer would call this stored procedure to create the service in their account after they have given the app the required privileges and references.

Determine the status of a service

To determine the status of a service, an app can call the SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_STATUS — Deprecated system function from the setup script.

This system function returns a JSON object for each container in each service instance.

Best practices when using services within an app

The following are best practices and considerations when using services within a Snowflake Native App with Snowpark Container Services:

  • Create a Streamlit app or stored procedures that allows consumers interact with a service.

    In some situations, a consumer may need to create, start, stop, restart, and manage the services provided by the app.

  • Use a single stored procedure to verify that the consumer has granted all the required privileges.

    A service may require that the consumer grants multiple privileges to the app. For example, a service may require the CREATE COMPUTE POOL, CREATE WAREHOUSE, BIND SERVICE ENDPOINT and other privileges. An app may also require reference to existing objects in the consumer account.

    In this context, Snowflake recommends using a single stored procedure to verify that all of the prerequisites have been met. After the prerequisites are met, this stored procedure would then create the service.

  • If a service requires a warehouse to execute queries, the app should create the warehouse directly in the consumer account. This requires that the consumer grant the CREATE WAREHOUSE global privilege to the app. See Request global privileges from consumers for more information.