Request access to objects in a consumer account¶

This topic provides general information about how a provider can request privileges or access to objects in the consumer account after a Snowflake Native App is installed.

About privileges and references in a Snowflake Native App¶

In a simple Snowflake Native App, all of the required objects are created inside the APPLICATION object when the setup script runs during installation. In this context, all of the objects required by the app are created and accessible within the APPLICATION object. The consumer is not required to perform any actions. All of the necessary privileges required are managed by the app using application roles.

However, a more complex Snowflake Native App may need to create new objects or access objects in the consumer account that are outside the APPLICATION object. In this case, the consumer must grant the necessary privileges or authorize access to allow the Snowflake Native App to create or access these objects.

The Snowflake Native App Framework allows providers to do the following:

  • Check for account-level privileges in the consumer account.

  • Request account-level privileges to perform tasks, for example creating a database.

  • Use references to access existing objects in the consumer account.

Providers request access to a consumer account by requesting the following:

Global privileges

Global privileges allow the Snowflake Native App to perform actions in the consumer account. Refer to Privileges the provider can request from the consumer for details.


References allow the app to access existing objects in the consumer account. A provider defines the references that the app requests in the manifest.yml file.

After installation, the consumer allows access to the object by providing a reference that is created with the fully qualified name of the object.

References allow the app to access objects using a logical name. A reference allows a provider to create the app without having to know the specific name of the object or its parent database and schema.

See references for more information.

How a consumer allows access to a Snowflake Native App¶

For each request for access that provider defines in the app, the consumer must allow access to the app. How a consumer allows access is different for global privileges and references.

Grant global privileges to a Snowflake Native App¶

When a provider configures an app to request specific privileges or access to specific objects, there are two ways a consumer can grant these privileges to the app:

  • If a provider implements a user interface using the Python Permission SDK, the consumer uses Snowsight to grant the permissions that are requested by the app. The Python Permission SDK automatically runs the required GRANT statements in the consumer account.

  • If a provider does not implement a user interface, the provider must communicate to the consumer what privileges the app requires. For example, the provide must communicate to the consumer information about the SQL statements that the consumer must run to grant the necessary privileges to the app.

    Snowflake recommends including this information in the README file of the app, which the consumer can view as part of listing for the Snowflake Native App.

Authorize access on objects¶

When a provider defines a reference to an object in the consumer account that is outside of the APPLICATION object, there are two ways a consumer can create references on these objects and associate them to the application.

  • If a provider implements a user interface with the Python Permission SDK, the consumer uses Snowsight to associate the references to the objects required by the app. See Managing Access Requests using Snowsight

  • If a provider does not implement a user interface, the consumer must manually create the reference, then associate it with the Snowflake Native App.