snow sql¶

Executes Snowflake query. Use either query, filename or input option. Query to execute can be specified using query option, filename option (all queries from file will be executed) or via stdin by piping output from other command. For example cat my.sql | snow sql -i. The command supports variable substitution that happens on client-side.


snow sql
  --query <query>
  --filename <files>
  --variable <data_override>
  --project <project_definition>
  --env <env_overrides>
  --connection <connection>
  --host <host>
  --port <port>
  --account <account>
  --user <user>
  --password <password>
  --authenticator <authenticator>
  --private-key-file <private_key_file>
  --token-file-path <token_file_path>
  --database <database>
  --schema <schema>
  --role <role>
  --warehouse <warehouse>
  --mfa-passcode <mfa_passcode>
  --diag-log-path <diag_log_path>
  --diag-allowlist-path <diag_allowlist_path>
  --format <format>




--query, -q TEXT

Query to execute.

--filename, -f FILE

File to execute. Default: [].

--stdin, -i

Read the query from standard input. Use it when piping input to this command. Default: False.

--variable, -D TEXT

String in format of key=value. If provided the SQL content will be treated as template and rendered using provided data.

-p, --project TEXT

Path where Snowflake project resides. Defaults to current working directory.

--env TEXT

String in format of key=value. Overrides variables from env section used for templates. Default: [].

--connection, -c, --environment TEXT

Name of the connection, as defined in your config.toml. Default: default.

--host TEXT

Host address for the connection. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--port INTEGER

Port for the connection. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--account, --accountname TEXT

Name assigned to your Snowflake account. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--user, --username TEXT

Username to connect to Snowflake. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--password TEXT

Snowflake password. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--authenticator TEXT

Snowflake authenticator. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--private-key-file, --private-key-path TEXT

Snowflake private key file path. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--token-file-path TEXT

Path to file with an OAuth token that should be used when connecting to Snowflake.

--database, --dbname TEXT

Database to use. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--schema, --schemaname TEXT

Database schema to use. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--role, --rolename TEXT

Role to use. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--warehouse TEXT

Warehouse to use. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--temporary-connection, -x

Uses connection defined with command line parameters, instead of one defined in config. Default: False.

--mfa-passcode TEXT

Token to use for multi-factor authentication (MFA).


Run python connector diagnostic test. Default: False.

--diag-log-path TEXT

Diagnostic report path. Default: <temporary_directory>.

--diag-allowlist-path TEXT

Diagnostic report path to optional allowlist.

--format [TABLE|JSON]

Specifies the output format. Default: TABLE.

--verbose, -v

Displays log entries for log levels info and higher. Default: False.


Displays log entries for log levels debug and higher; debug logs contains additional information. Default: False.


Turns off intermediate output to console. Default: False.


Displays the help text for this command.

Usage notes¶

You can specify the SQL query to execute using one of the following options

  • Specify the query string using the --query option.

  • Use the --filename option to specify a file that contains the SQL query or queries to execute.

  • Specify the query as stdin and pipe it to the snow sql command, such as cat my.sql | snow sql.

  • If your query contains special characters, such as the dollar sign in SYSTEM functions, that you do not want the shell to interpret, you can do either of the following:

    • Enclose the query in single quotes instead of double quotes, as in:


    • Escape the special character, as in:


  • Use variables for templating SQL queries with a combination of a <% variable_name %> placeholder in your SQL queries and a -D command-line option, in the form:

    snow sql -q "select * from my-database order by <% column_name %>" -D "column_name=Country"


    You can currently use the SnowSQL &variable_name and <% variable_name %> syntax for templates. However, Snowflake recommends using the <% variable_name %> syntax.


  • The following example uses the SQL SYSTEM$CLIENT_VERSION_INFO system function to return version information about the clients and drivers.

    snow sql --query 'SELECT SYSTEM$CLIENT_VERSION_INFO();'
    select current_version();
    | 8.25.1            |
  • The following example shows how you can specify a database using a client-side variable:

    snow sql -q "select * from <% database %>.logs" -D "database=dev"

    When executed, the command substitutes the value dev in the <% database %> variable to create the dev.logs identifier and then sends the select * from dev.logs SQL query to Snowflake for processing.


    You can currently use the SnowSQL &variable_name and &``{ variable_name }`` syntax for templates. However, Snowflake recommends using the <% variable_name %> syntax.

  • This example shows how to pass in environment variables using the --env option:

    snow sql -q "select '<% ctx.env.test %>'" --env test=value_from_cli