Snowflake Python APIs: General concepts

The programming model of the Snowflake Python APIs is resource based, meaning the APIs consist of a set of objects that represent their respective object counterparts in Snowflake. Some basic examples of Snowflake resource object types include the following:

  • Databases

  • Schemas

  • Tables

  • Views

  • Alerts

  • Pipes

  • Stages

  • Users

  • Warehouses

For each supported resource, the Python API provides three distinct classes that you can interface with:

Entry point: The Root object

The Root object is the entry point for the Python API. You create an instance of Root that is configured with the Snowflake context in which it will run, by using a Python Connector Connection object or a Snowpark Session object.

For example, the following code instantiates a Root object with a Connection object named my_connection:

from snowflake.core import Root

root = Root(my_connection)

Or, you can instantiate a Root object with a Session object. In a notebook environment or stored procedure, you retrieve the session by using get_active_session() as follows:

from snowflake.core import Root
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session

session = get_active_session()
root = Root(session)

Account, database, and schema scopes

With a Root object, you can access the collections of account-scoped objects, such as warehouses (root.warehouses), databases (root.databases), and external volumes (root.external_volumes).

You can access database-scoped objects under a DatabaseResource, which in turn you can retrieve through the DatabaseCollection object under Root. Currently, SchemaCollection is the only object type available under the database scope.

You can access schema-scoped objects, such as tables, views, streams, and stages, through the SchemaResource object.

For example, the following code accesses a StageCollection first, and then a StageResource:

root = Root(my_connection)
stages = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].stages
my_stage = stages["my_stage"] # Access the "my_stage" StageResource

snowflake.core class diagram

The following diagram shows some basic classes in the snowflake.core package and how they relate to each other, starting with the Root object.

Diagram showing some basic classes in the snowflake.core package and how they relate to each other

Collection class

The Collection classes correspond to classes that are named <SnowflakeObjectType>Collection.

A Collection class represents the set of a particular object type visible within the given context. For schema-scoped objects (like tables, views, functions, and streams), the collection consists of all objects of that type within the given schema that are visible to the current role or user.

SchemaCollection objects are scoped to a database, and account-scoped objects like WarehouseCollection are accessible directly from the Root instance.

In general, collections enable you to do the following:

  • Create an object in the schema, database, or account (depending the scope and context as described previously).

  • Iterate through the set of objects visible in that scope.

For example, the following code creates a new warehouse using a WarehouseCollection object:

# my_wh is created from scratch
my_wh = Warehouse(name="my_wh", warehouse_size="X-Small")

Retrieving a Resource object from a collection

Additionally, collections provide an entry point to retrieve specific Resource objects in the underlying Snowflake database to which the API is connected. You use the square bracket index operator ([ ]) on a collection to “point” to, or get a reference to, a Snowflake object within that collection.

For example, the following code retrieves a reference to an existing warehouse named my_wh in your Snowflake account:

# my_wh_ref is retrieved from an existing warehouse
# This returns a WarehouseResource object, which is a reference to a warehouse named "my_wh" in your Snowflake account
my_wh_ref = root.warehouses["my_wh"]

Model class

The model classes simply have the same names as their equivalent resources in Snowflake, such as Warehouse for warehouses and Table for tables.

A model class represents a Snowflake object along with its associated properties, such as its name, the database and schema to which it belongs (if applicable), and attributes specific to that object type. For example, a Warehouse model indicates the warehouse_size, type, and auto_resume properties for that particular warehouse object.

Model objects contain a “property bag” (a collection of properties and their values) that collectively describes the object. You can use these properties to either describe an existing object in Snowflake, or to provide the specification of that resource to alter an existing object with.

Fetching a model object from a Resource

To return the property bag of an object as it currently exists in your Snowflake database, you run a fetch() operation on the Resource object.

For example, the following code demonstrates some operations you can perform using a model object:

# my_wh is fetched from an existing warehouse
my_wh = root.warehouses["my_wh"].fetch()
print(, my_wh.auto_resume)
# my_wh is fetched from an existing warehouse
my_wh = root.warehouses["my_wh"].fetch()
my_wh.warehouse_size = "X-Small"


This fetch operation fails if the my_wh object does not exist in Snowflake.

Resource class

The Resource classes correspond to classes that are named <SnowflakeObjectType>Resource.

You can consider a Resource object as a pointer or reference to an underlying Snowflake object. Whereas the model class is a simple property bag representing the properties or specification of an object, the Resource class is a reference to the actual object in your Snowflake database.

To get a Resource object, you typically refer to it by name from its corresponding Collection, by using the square bracket index operator ([ ]). The following code example retrieves an existing warehouse named my_wh from the warehouse collection:

# my_wh_ref is retrieved from an existing warehouse
# This returns a WarehouseResource object, which is a reference to a warehouse named "my_wh" in your Snowflake account
my_wh_ref = root.warehouses["my_wh"]

# Fetch returns the properties of the object (returns a "Model" Warehouse object that represents that warehouse's properties)
wh_properties = my_wh_ref.fetch()

To convert a Resource object to its corresponding model, perform a fetch() on the resource – this retrieves the properties of the corresponding object in Snowflake. Note that this fetch operation fails if the object does not actually exist in Snowflake.

Performing type-specific operations on a Resource object

The Resource class also implements the object type’s specialized API operations. For example, you use a WarehouseResource object to resume a warehouse, or a StageResource object to list the files on a stage.

The following code examples show how to perform these type-specific operations using their respective Resource objects:

# my_wh_ref is retrieved from an existing warehouse
my_wh_ref = root.warehouses["my_wh"]

# Resume a warehouse using a WarehouseResource object
# my_stage is fetched from an existing stage
stage_ref = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].stages["my_stage"]

# Print file names and their sizes on a stage using a StageResource object
for file in stage_ref.list_files():
  print(, file.size)

Using the create_or_alter API

Resource objects also expose the create_or_alter API method if it’s supported by the resource. This method enables you to, as the name suggests, create or alter Snowflake objects.


The Python API uses this create-or-alter (COA) mechanism for modifying objects in Snowflake. The purpose of this mechanism is to ensure that the result of a COA operation is the same regardless of whether that particular object already existed in your Snowflake database.

In other words, if the object did not previously exist, the COA operation would create one with the provided specification; if it did already exist, the operation would alter the existing object to match the requested specification. This logic enables you to create or alter resources by using a single piece of code in an idempotent and atomic manner.

Consistent design pattern to manage resources

The Snowflake Python APIs have a consistent design pattern that you use to manage resources in Snowflake. Consider an example scenario where you need to alter an existing warehouse object in your account. The following steps outline how you typically work with the API’s design pattern to do so, by using all three class types as described previously.

1. Get a WarehouseCollection from Root

Warehouses are account-scoped objects that you can directly access from Root:

my_warehouses = root.warehouses # my_warehouses is a WarehouseCollection

2. Get a WarehouseResource object from WarehouseCollection

To retrieve a Resource object, you typically start with its collection. Collection objects provide an entry point to retrieve specific resources in the underlying Snowflake database by using the square bracket index operator ([ ]):

my_wh_ref = my_warehouses.warehouses["my_wh"] # my_wh_ref is a WarehouseResource

3. Fetch the Warehouse model from WarehouseResource

Using the WarehouseResource object, you fetch the corresponding Warehouse model and its properties from Snowflake:

my_wh = my_wh_ref.fetch() # my_wh is a Warehouse model object

4. Modify a property in the Warehouse model

Then, you modify a property, such as the warehouse_size, in your warehouse model:

my_wh.warehouse_size = "X-Small"

5. Alter the existing warehouse object in Snowflake

Finally, using your modified warehouse model specification, you alter the existing warehouse object in Snowflake (or create the warehouse object if it doesn’t exist):

my_wh_ref.create_or_alter(my_wh) # Use the WarehouseResource to perform create_or_alter

Using this my_wh_ref reference, you can also perform other operations on the object in Snowflake, such as dropping it, if necessary.

Full code example

The following code example shows the create-or-alter warehouse operation in full from start to end:

# my_wh is fetched from an existing warehouse
my_warehouses = root.warehouses # my_warehouses is a WarehouseCollection
my_wh_ref = my_warehouses.warehouses["my_wh"] # my_wh_ref is a WarehouseResource
my_wh = my_wh_ref.fetch() # my_wh is a Warehouse model object
my_wh.warehouse_size = "X-Small"

my_wh_ref.create_or_alter(my_wh) # Use the WarehouseResource perform create_or_alter