Managing Snowflake accounts and managed accounts with Python

You can use Python to manage accounts and managed accounts in Snowflake.


The examples in this topic assume that you’ve added code to connect with Snowflake and to create a Root object from which to use the Snowflake Python APIs.

For example, the following code uses connection parameters defined in a configuration file to create a connection to Snowflake:

from snowflake.core import Root
from snowflake.snowpark import Session

session = Session.builder.config("connection_name", "myconnection").create()
root = Root(session)

Using the resulting Session object, the code creates a Root object to use the API’s types and methods. For more information, see Connect to Snowflake with the Snowflake Python APIs.

Managing accounts

You can manage accounts in your Snowflake organization. For an overview of accounts in Snowflake, see Managing accounts in your organization.

The Snowflake Python APIs represents accounts with two separate types:

  • Account: Exposes an account’s properties such as its name identifier, the login name and password of its initial administrative user, and its Snowflake edition.

  • AccountResource: Exposes methods you can use to drop and restore a corresponding Account object.

Creating an account

To create an account, first create an Account object, and then create an AccountCollection object from the API Root object. Using AccountCollection.create, add the new account to Snowflake.

Code in the following example creates an Account object that represents an account named my_account1 with the specified account properties:

from snowflake.core.account import Account

my_account = Account(
  comment="creating my account",


Listing accounts

You can list accounts using the AccountCollection.iter method, which returns a PagedIter iterator of Account objects.

Code in the following example lists accounts whose name starts with my and prints the name of each:

account_iter = root.accounts.iter(like="my%")  # returns a PagedIter[Account]
for account_obj in account_iter:

Code in the following example sets the optional parameter history=True to list a history of accounts including dropped accounts that have not yet been deleted.

account_iter = root.accounts.iter(history=True)  # returns a PagedIter[Account]
for account_obj in account_iter:

Performing account operations

You can perform common account operations—such as dropping and restoring an account—with an AccountResource object.

To demonstrate operations you can do with an account resource, code in the following example does the following:

  1. Gets the my_account1 account resource object.

  2. Drops the account with the specified grace period, which is the number of days during which the account can be restored (“undropped”).

  3. Restores the dropped account within the specified grace period (that is, before it’s permanently deleted).

my_account_res = root.accounts["my_account1"]

Managing managed accounts

You can manage Snowflake managed accounts, which are currently used by data providers to create reader accounts for their consumers. For more information, see Manage reader accounts.

The Snowflake Python APIs represents managed accounts with two separate types:

  • ManagedAccount: Exposes a managed account’s properties such as its name identifier, the login name and password of its initial administrative user, and its account type.

  • ManagedAccountResource: Exposes methods you can use to drop a corresponding ManagedAccount object.

Creating a managed account

To create a managed account, first create a ManagedAccount object, and then create a ManagedAccountCollection object from the API Root object. Using ManagedAccountCollection.create, add the new managed account to Snowflake.

Code in the following example creates a ManagedAccount object that represents a managed account named reader_acct1 with the specified account properties:

from snowflake.core.managed_account import ManagedAccount

my_managed_account = ManagedAccount(
  comment="creating my managed account",


Listing managed accounts

You can list managed accounts using the ManagedAccountCollection.iter method, which returns a PagedIter iterator of ManagedAccount objects.

Code in the following example lists managed accounts whose name starts with reader and prints the name of each:

account_iter = root.managed_accounts.iter(like="reader%")  # returns a PagedIter[ManagedAccount]
for account_obj in account_iter:

Dropping a managed account

You can drop a managed account with a ManagedAccountResource object.

Code in the following example gets the reader_acct1 managed account resource object and then drops the account.

my_managed_account_res = root.managed_accounts["reader_acct1"]