Managing Snowflake network policies with Python

You can use Python to manage Snowflake network policies, which you can use to control inbound access to the Snowflake service and internal stage. For more information, see Controlling network traffic with network policies.


ALTER NETWORK POLICY is currently not supported.

The Snowflake Python APIs represents network policies with two separate types:

  • NetworkPolicy: Exposes a network policy’s properties such as its name, network rules, and allowed and blocked IP lists.

  • NetworkPolicyResource: Exposes methods you can use to fetch a corresponding NetworkPolicy object and drop the network policy.


The examples in this topic assume that you’ve added code to connect with Snowflake and to create a Root object from which to use the Snowflake Python APIs.

For example, the following code uses connection parameters defined in a configuration file to create a connection to Snowflake:

from snowflake.core import Root
from snowflake.snowpark import Session

session = Session.builder.config("connection_name", "myconnection").create()
root = Root(session)

Using the resulting Session object, the code creates a Root object to use the API’s types and methods. For more information, see Connect to Snowflake with the Snowflake Python APIs.

Creating a network policy

To create a network policy, first create a NetworkPolicy object, and then create a NetworkPolicyCollection object from the API Root object. Using NetworkPolicyCollection.create, add the new network policy to Snowflake.

Code in the following example creates a NetworkPolicy object that represents a network policy named my_network_policy with the specified allowed and blocked network rules and IP addresses:

from snowflake.core.network_policy import NetworkPolicy

my_network_policy = NetworkPolicy(
  name = 'my_network_policy',
  allowed_network_rule_list = ['allowed_network_rule1','allowed_network_rule2'],
  blocked_network_rule_list = ['blocked_network_rule1','blocked_network_rule2'],


Getting network policy details

You can get information about a network policy by calling the NetworkPolicyResource.fetch method, which returns a NetworkPolicy object.

Code in the following example gets information about a network policy named my_network_policy:

my_network_policy = root.network_policies["my_network_policy"].fetch()

Listing network policies

You can list network policies using the NetworkPolicyCollection.iter method, which returns a PagedIter iterator of NetworkPolicy objects.

Code in the following example lists network policies whose name starts with my and prints the name of each:

network_policy_iter = root.network_policies.iter(like="my%")  # returns a PagedIter[NetworkPolicy]
for network_policy_obj in network_policy_iter:

Dropping a network policy

You can drop a network policy with a NetworkPolicyResource object.

Code in the following example fetches the my_network_policy network policy resource object and then drops the network policy.

my_network_policy_res = root.network_policies["my_network_policy"]