Managing Snowflake Notebooks with Python

You can use Python to manage Snowflake Notebooks, which is a development interface in Snowsight that offers an interactive, cell-based programming environment for Python and SQL. For more information, see About Snowflake Notebooks.

The Snowflake Python APIs represents notebooks with two separate types:

  • Notebook: Exposes a notebook’s properties such as its name, version, query warehouse, and .ipynb file.

  • NotebookResource: Exposes methods you can use to fetch a corresponding Notebook object, manage versions of the notebook, and execute the notebook.


The examples in this topic assume that you’ve added code to connect with Snowflake and to create a Root object from which to use the Snowflake Python APIs.

For example, the following code uses connection parameters defined in a configuration file to create a connection to Snowflake:

from snowflake.core import Root
from snowflake.snowpark import Session

session = Session.builder.config("connection_name", "myconnection").create()
root = Root(session)

Using the resulting Session object, the code creates a Root object to use the API’s types and methods. For more information, see Connect to Snowflake with the Snowflake Python APIs.

Creating a notebook

To create a notebook, first create a Notebook object, and then create a NotebookCollection object from the API Root object. Using NotebookCollection.create, add the new notebook to Snowflake.

Code in the following example creates a Notebook object that represents a notebook named my_nb in the my_db database and the my_schema schema:

from snowflake.core.notebook import Notebook

my_nb = Notebook(name="my_nb")

notebooks = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].notebooks

The code creates a NotebookCollection variable notebooks and uses NotebookCollection.create to create a new notebook in Snowflake.

You can also create a notebook from a stage with an existing .ipynb file. Code in the following example creates a notebook from the @my_stage stage with the notebook_file.ipynb file:

from snowflake.core.notebook import Notebook

my_nb = Notebook(name="my_nb",

notebooks = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].notebooks

Getting notebook details

You can get information about a notebook by calling the NotebookResource.fetch method, which returns a Notebook object.

Code in the following example gets information about a notebook named my_nb in the my_db database and the my_schema schema:

my_nb = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].notebooks["my_nb"].fetch()

Listing notebooks

You can list notebooks using the NotebookCollection.iter method, which returns a PagedIter iterator of Notebook objects.

Code in the following example lists notebooks whose name starts with my in the my_db database and the my_schema schema, and then prints the name of each:

from snowflake.core.notebook import NotebookCollection

notebooks: NotebookCollection = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].notebooks
nb_iter = notebooks.iter(like="my%")  # returns a PagedIter[Notebook]
for nb_obj in nb_iter:

Performing notebook operations

You can perform common notebook operations—such as managing versions and executing notebooks—with a NotebookResource object.

To demonstrate some operations you can do with a notebook resource, code in the following example does the following:

  1. Fetches the my_nb notebook resource object.

  2. Adds a lives version to the notebook object. This is equivalent to ALTER NOTEBOOK … ADD LIVE VERSION.

  3. Commits the live version of the notebook to a Git repository, if a Git connection is set up. Otherwise, sets the live version to null.

    For more information, see ALTER NOTEBOOK.

  4. Executes the notebook.


    To execute a notebook, you must add a live version to it first.

  5. Drops the notebook.

my_nb_res = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].notebooks["my_nb"]
