2024_07 Bundle (Generally Enabled)

Bundle History


To determine the current status of bundles in your account, see SYSTEM$SHOW_ACTIVE_BEHAVIOR_CHANGE_BUNDLES.

For more information, see Behavior change management.

  1. Introduced in the 8.32 release (August 26-30, 2024) as Disabled by Default; however, account admins can enable for testing.

  2. Status changed in the 8.38 release (October 7-9, 2024) to Enabled by Default; account admins can disable for opt-out.

  3. Status changed in the 9.2 release (January 22-February 13, 2025) to Generally Enabled; account admins can no longer enable or disable this bundle.

List of Changes


This change list has been compiled using reasonable efforts. We are not always able to determine the full customer impact of a behavior change beforehand. The change list may not include all changes in a release, for example, last minute or emergency changes. In addition, behavior changes that are determined to have minimal to no user impact may not be pre-announced.

If you have any questions about the changes in this bundle, please contact Snowflake Support.

For differences between the in-advance and final versions of these notes, see Behavior Change Bundle change log.

Security Changes

Additional Notes

Snowflake Information Schema views: New column GRANTED_TO

SQL Changes - Commands & Functions

Additional Notes

SHOW <class_name> INSTANCES commands: Changes in output

SHOW VERSIONS IN MODEL command: module_name column in output renamed model_name

SHOW WAREHOUSES command: New column in output

SHOW/DESC PIPE[S] commands: New column in output

Snowflake Native App Framework: Changes to the SHOW APPLICATION and DESC APPLICATION commands

SQL Changes — Usage Views & Information Schema Views / Table Functions

Additional Notes

APPLICATION_STATE view: Add columns to provide additional information about app

LISTING_EVENTS_DAILY: new columns in output

NOTIFICATION_HISTORY table function: Removal of the message column from the output

Snowpark Container Services container logs: Changes to resource attributes

Virtual Warehouse Changes

Additional Notes

Query Acceleration Service: Expanded support for COPY statements

Data Sharing Changes

Additional Notes

New privilege MANAGE SHARE TARGET replaces CREATE SHARE to add accounts to shares

Extensibility & Developer Changes

Additional Notes

Addition of the uses_gpu parameter

Telemetry: Event table attribute name and value changes

Behavior Change Bundle change log




BCR-1692: Change default value of DEFAULT_SECONDARY_ROLES to ALL

Moved from 2024_07 bundle to 2024_08 bundle.


Updated as complete

Bundle 2024_07 announcements released.


Updated as pending

Bundle 2024_07 announcements released as pending.


Released as preview

Bundle 2024_07 announcements released as preview.
