Access History¶
This topic provides concepts on the user access history in Snowflake.
Access History in Snowflake refers to when the user query reads data and when the SQL statement performs a data write operation, such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE along with variations of the COPY command, from the source data object to the target data object. The user access history can be found by querying the ACCESS_HISTORY view in the ACCOUNT_USAGE and ORGANIZATION_USAGE schemas. The records in these views facilitate regulatory compliance auditing and provide insights on popular and frequently accessed tables and columns because there is a direct link between the user (i.e. query operator), the query, the table or view, the column, and the data.
Each row in the ACCESS_HISTORY view contains a single record per SQL statement. The record contains the following kinds of information:
The source columns the query accessed directly and indirectly, such as the underlying tables that the data for the query comes from.
The projected columns the user sees in the query result, such as the columns specified in a SELECT statement.
The columns that are used to determine the query result but are not projected, such as columns in a WHERE clause to filter the result.
For example:
SELECT c1 as vc1,
c2 as vc2
WHERE t.c3 > 0
Columns C1 and C2 are source columns that the view accesses directly, which are recorded in the
column of the ACCESS_HISTORY view.Column C3 is used to filter the rows the view includes, which is recorded in the
column of the ACCESS_HISTORY view.Columns VC1 and VC2 are projected columns the user sees when querying the view,
, which are recorded in thedirect_objects_accessed
column of the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
The same behavior applies to a key column in a WHERE clause. For example:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW join_v (vc1, vc2, c1) AS
bt.c1 AS vc1,
bt.c2 AS vc2,
FROM bt, jt
WHERE bt.c3 = jt.c1;
Two different tables are required to create the view:
(base table) andjt
(join table.).Columns C1, C2, and C3 from the base table and column C1 from the join table are all recorded in the
column of the ACCESS_HISTORY view.Columns VC1, VC2, and C1 are projected columns the user sees when querying the view,
SELECT * FROM join_v;
, which are recorded in thedirect_objects_accessed
column of the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
Records in the Account Usage QUERY_HISTORY view do not always get recorded in the ACCESS_HISTORY view. The structure of the SQL statement determines whether Snowflake records an entry in the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
For details on the read and write operations Snowflake supports in the ACCESS_HISTORY view, refer to the view Usage notes.
Tracking read and write operations¶
The ACCESS_HISTORY view in both the ACCOUNT_USAGE and the ORGANIZATION_USAGE schemas includes the following columns:
query_id | query_start_time | user_name | direct_objects_accessed | base_objects_accessed | objects_modified | object_modified_by_ddl | policies_referenced | parent_query_id | root_query_id
Read operations are tracked through the first five columns, while the last column,
, specifies the data write information that involved Snowflake columns, tables, and stages.
The query in Snowflake and how the database objects were created determines the information Snowflake returns in the
, base_objects_accessed
, and objects_modified
Similarly, if the query references an object protected by a row access policy or a column protected by a masking policy, Snowflake records
the policy information in the policies_referenced
The object_modified_by_ddl
column records the DDL operation on a database, schema, table, view, and column. These operations also
include statements that specify a row access policy on a table or view, a masking policy on a column, and tag updates
(e.g. set a tag, change a tag value) on the object or column.
The parent_query_id
and root_query_id
columns record query IDs that correspond to:
A query that performs a read or write operation on another object.
A query that performs a read or write operation on an object that calls a stored procedure, including nested stored procedure calls. For details, see ancestor queries (in this topic).
For column details, see the Columns section in the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
Consider the following scenario to understand a read query and how the ACCESS_HISTORY view records this information:
A series of objects:
.A read query on
, such as:select * from view_2;
In this example, Snowflake returns:
in thedirect_objects_accessed
column because the query specifiesview_2
in thebase_objects_accessed
column because that is the original source of the data inview_2
Note that view_1
and view_3
are not included in the direct_objects_accessed
and base_objects_accessed
because neither of those views were included in the query and they are not the base object that serves as the source for the data in
Consider the following scenario to understand a write operation and how the ACCESS_HISTORY view records this information:
A data source:
Create a table from the data source (i.e. CTAS):
create table table_1 as select * from base_table;
In this example, Snowflake returns:
in thebase_objects_accessed
columns because the table was accessed directly and is the source of the data.table_1
in theobjects_modified
column with the columns that were written to when creating the table.
Supported operations¶
For a complete description of the read and write operations the ACCESS_HISTORY view supports, see the usage notes sections in the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
Multiple statements in a single request¶
Snowflake supports executing multiple statements simultaneously as a single request. How you track the request in the access history depends on whether it was executed in Snowsight or programmatically.
When you use Snowsight to execute multiple statements, it runs the queries one at a time and returns the
of the last executed query. You can find all executed statements and their return values in the ACCESS_HISTORY view.Features like the Snowflake Python connector or the Snowflake SQL API combine multiple SQL statements into a single request and return a single
for all of the statements. This number is actually a parent query id for all of the individual statements. To return thequery_id
of each statement that comprised the request, you must query the ACCESS_HISTORY view using theparent_query_id
. For example, if the request returnedquery_id = 6789
, then you can return the query ids of the individual statements by executing the following:SELECT query_id, parent_query_id, direct_objects_accessed FROM snowflake.account_usage.access_history WHERE parent_query_id = 6789;
Access history in Snowflake provides the following benefits pertaining to read and write operations:
- Data discovery:
Discover unused data to determine whether to archive or delete the data.
- Track how sensitive data moves:
Track data movement from an external cloud storage location (e.g. Amazon S3 bucket) to the target Snowflake table, and vice versa.
Track internal data movement from a Snowflake table to a different Snowflake table.
After tracing the movement of sensitive data, apply policies (masking and row access) to protect data, update access control settings to further regulate access to the stage and table, and set tags to ensure stages, tables, and columns with sensitive data can be tracked for compliance requirements.
- Data validation:
The accuracy and integrity of reports, dashboards, and data visualization products such as charts and graphs are validated since the data can be traced to its original source.
Data stewards can also notify users prior to dropping or altering a given table or view.
- Compliance auditing:
Identify the Snowflake user who performed a write operation on a table or stage and when the write operation occurred to meet compliance regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA.
- Enhance overall data governance:
The ACCESS_HISTORY view provides a unified picture of what data was accessed, when the data access took place, and how the accessed data moved from the data source object to the data target object.
Column lineage¶
Column lineage (i.e. access history for columns) extends the Account Usage ACCESS_HISTORY view to specify how data flows from the source
column to the target column in a write operation. Snowflake tracks the data from the source columns through all subsequent table objects
that reference data from the source columns (e.g. INSERT, MERGE, CTAS) provided that objects in the lineage chain are not dropped.
Snowflake makes column lineage accessible by enhancing the objects_modified
column in the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
Column lineage provides the following benefits:
- Protect Derived Objects:
Data stewards can easily tag sensitive source columns without having to do additional work after creating derived objects (e.g. CTAS). Subsequently, the data steward can protect tables containing sensitive columns with a row access policy or protect the sensitive columns themselves with either a masking policy or a tag-based masking policy.
- Sensitive Column Copy Frequency:
Data privacy officers can quickly determine the object count (e.g. 1 table, 2 views) of a column containing sensitive data. By knowing how many times a column with sensitive data appears in a table object, data privacy officers can prove how they satisfy regulatory compliance standards (e.g. to meet General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards in the European Union).
- Root Cause Analysis:
Column lineage provides a mechanism to trace the data to its source, which can help to pinpoint points of failure resulting from poor data quality and reduce the number of columns to analyze during the troubleshooting process.
For additional details about column lineage, see:
Example: Column lineage (in this topic)
Masking and row access policy references¶
The POLICY_REFERENCED column specifies the object that has a row access policy set on a table or a masking policy set on a column, including any intermediate objects that are protected by either a row access policy or a masking policy. Snowflake records the policy that is enforced on the table or column.
Consider these objects:
» v1
» v2
is a base table.v1
is a view built from the base table.v2
is a view built fromv1
If the user queries v2
, the policies_referenced
column records either the row access policy that protects v2
, each masking
policy that protects the columns in v2
, or both kinds of policy as applicable. Additionally, this column records any masking or row
access policies that protect t1
and v1
These records can help data governors understand how their policy-protected objects are accessed.
The policies_referenced
column provides additional benefits to the ACCESS_HISTORY view:
Identify the policy-protected objects a user accesses in a given query.
Simplify the policy audit process.
Querying the ACCESS_HISTORY view eliminates the need for complex joins on other Account Usage views (e.g. POLICY_REFERENCES and QUERY_HISTORY), to obtain information about the protected objects and protected columns a user accesses.
Account-level vs. Organization-level access history¶
Administrators monitor access history at the account-level by querying the ACCESS_HISTORY view in the account’s ACCOUNT_USAGE schema. There is no additional cost associated with the ACCOUNT_USAGE.ACCESS_HISTORY view.
The ACCESS_HISTORY view in the ORGANIZATION_USAGE schema gathers the access history of all of the accounts in an organization into a single view to provide an organization-level access history. This ORGANIZATION_USAGE.ACCESS_HISTORY view is only found in the organization account.
Organization-level access history in the ORGANIZATION_USAGE schema differs from access history in the ACCOUNT_USAGE schema in the following ways:
- Additional columns:
The ORGANIZATION_USAGE.ACCESS_HISTORY view in the organization account contains additional columns that provide insights related to organizational listings. These columns can be used to determine which of the data products attached to an organization listing were accessed by a consumer’s query, and whether those data products are protected by a policy such as a masking policy. For more information, see Organizational listing governance.
- Additional cost:
The ORGANIZATION_USAGE.ACCESS_HISTORY view in the organization account is a premium view that incurs the following costs:
Compute costs associated with the serverless tasks that populate the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
Storage costs associated with storing the data in the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
For more information about these costs, see Costs associated with premium views.
Querying the ACCESS_HISTORY View¶
The following sections provide example queries for the ACCESS_HISTORY view.
Note that some of the example queries filter on the query_start_time
column to increase query performance. Another option to
increase performance is to query over narrower time ranges.
Examples: Read Queries¶
The subsections below detail how to query the ACCESS_HISTORY view for read operations for the following use cases:
Obtain the access history for a specific user.
Facilitate compliance audits for sensitive data access in the last 30 days, based on
(e.g. a table id), to answer the following questions:Who accessed the data?
When was the data accessed?
What columns were accessed?
Return the user access history¶
Return the user access history, ordered by user and query start time, starting from the most recent access.
SELECT user_name , query_id , query_start_time , direct_objects_accessed , base_objects_accessed FROM access_history ORDER BY 1, 3 desc ;
Facilitate compliance audits¶
The following examples help to facilitate compliance audits:
Add the
value to determine who accessed a sensitive table in the last 30 days:SELECT distinct user_name FROM access_history , lateral flatten(base_objects_accessed) f1 WHERE f1.value:"objectId"::int=<fill_in_object_id> AND f1.value:"objectDomain"::string='Table' AND query_start_time >= dateadd('day', -30, current_timestamp()) ;
Using the
value of32998411400350
, determine when the access occurred in the last 30 days:SELECT query_id , query_start_time FROM access_history , lateral flatten(base_objects_accessed) f1 WHERE f1.value:"objectId"::int=32998411400350 AND f1.value:"objectDomain"::string='Table' AND query_start_time >= dateadd('day', -30, current_timestamp()) ;
Using the
value of32998411400350
, determine which columns were accessed in the last 30 days:SELECT distinct f4.value AS column_name FROM access_history , lateral flatten(base_objects_accessed) f1 , lateral flatten(f1.value) f2 , lateral flatten(f2.value) f3 , lateral flatten(f3.value) f4 WHERE f1.value:"objectId"::int=32998411400350 AND f1.value:"objectDomain"::string='Table' AND f4.key='columnName' ;
Examples: Write operations¶
The subsections below detail how to query the ACCESS_HISTORY view for write operations for the following use cases:
Load data from a stage to a table.
Unload data from a table to a stage.
Use the PUT command to upload a local file to a stage.
Use the GET command to retrieve data files from a stage to a local directory.
Tracking sensitive stage data movement.
Load data from a stage to a table¶
Load a set of values from a data file in external cloud storage into columns in a target table.
copy into table1(col1, col2) from (select t.$1, t.$2 from @mystage1/data1.csv.gz);
The direct_objects_accessed
and base_objects_accessed
column specify that an external named stage was accessed:
{ "objectDomain": STAGE "objectName": "mystage1", "objectId": 1, "stageKind": "External Named" }
The objects_modified
column specifies that data was written to two columns of the table:
{ "columns": [ { "columnName": "col1", "columnId": 1 }, { "columnName": "col2", "columnId": 2 } ], "objectId": 1, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.TABLE1", "objectDomain": TABLE }
Unload data from a table to a stage¶
Unload a set of values from a Snowflake table into cloud storage.
copy into @mystage1/data1.csv from table1;
The direct_objects_accessed
and base_objects_accessed
columns specify the table columns that were
{ "objectDomain": TABLE "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.TABLE1", "objectId": 123, "columns": [ { "columnName": "col1", "columnId": 1 }, { "columnName": "col2", "columnId": 2 } ] }
The objects_modified
column specifies the stage to which the accessed data was written:
{ "objectId": 1, "objectName": "mystage1", "objectDomain": STAGE, "stageKind": "External Named" }
Use the PUT Command to upload a local file to a stage¶
Copy a data file to an internal (i.e. Snowflake) stage.
put file:///tmp/data/mydata.csv @my_int_stage;
The direct_objects_accessed
and base_objects_accessed
columns specify the local path to the file that was
{ "location": "file:///tmp/data/mydata.csv" }
The objects_modified
column specifies the stage where the accessed data was written:
{ "objectId": 1, "objectName": "my_int_stage", "objectDomain": STAGE, "stageKind": "Internal Named" }
Use the GET command to retrieve data files from a stage to a local directory¶
Retrieve a data file from an internal stage to a directory on the local machine.
get @%mytable file:///tmp/data/;
The direct_objects_accessed
and base_objects_accessed
columns specify the stage and local directory that were
{ "objectDomain": Stage "objectName": "mytable", "objectId": 1, "stageKind": "Table" }
The objects_modified
column specifies the directory to which the accessed data was written:
{ "location": "file:///tmp/data/" }
Tracking Sensitive stage data movement¶
Track sensitive stage data as it moves through a series of queries executed in chronological order.
Execute the following queries. Note that five of the statements access stage data. Therefore, when you query the ACCESS_HISTORY view for stage access, the result set should include five rows.
use test_db.test_schema; create or replace table T1(content variant); insert into T1(content) select parse_json('{"name": "A", "id":1}'); -- T1 -> T6 insert into T6 select * from T1; -- S1 -> T1 copy into T1 from @S1; -- T1 -> T2 create table T2 as select content:"name" as name, content:"id" as id from T1; -- T1 -> S2 copy into @S2 from T1; -- S1 -> T3 create or replace table T3(customer_info variant); copy into T3 from @S1; -- T1 -> T4 create or replace table T4(name string, id string, address string); insert into T4(name, id) select content:"name", content:"id" from T1; -- T6 -> T7 create table T7 as select * from T6;Where:
specify the names of tables.
specify the names of stages.
Query the access history to determine the access to stage S1
The data for the
, andobjects_modified
columns are shown in the following table.
[ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68611, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66566, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T6" } ] [ { "objectDomain": "Stage", "objectId": 117, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.S1", "stageKind": "External Named" } ] [ { "objectDomain": "Stage", "objectId": 117, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.S1", "stageKind": "External Named" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68613, "columnName": "ID" }, { "columnId": 68612, "columnName": "NAME" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66568, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T2" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "objectDomain": "Stage", "objectId": 118, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.S2", "stageKind": "External Named" } ] [ { "objectDomain": "Stage", "objectId": 117, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.S1", "stageKind": "External Named" } ] [ { "objectDomain": "Stage", "objectId": 117, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.S1", "stageKind": "External Named" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68614, "columnName": "CUSTOMER_INFO" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66570, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T3" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68610, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66564, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T1" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68615, "columnName": "NAME" }, { "columnId": 68616, "columnName": "ID" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66572, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T4" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68611, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66566, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T6" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68611, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66566, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T6" } ] [ { "columns": [ { "columnId": 68618, "columnName": "CONTENT" } ], "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 66574, "objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.T7" } ]Note the following about the query example:
Uses a JOIN construct rather than a USING clause.
with access_history_flatten as ( select r.value:"objectId" as source_id, r.value:"objectName" as source_name, r.value:"objectDomain" as source_domain, w.value:"objectId" as target_id, w.value:"objectName" as target_name, w.value:"objectDomain" as target_domain, c.value:"columnName" as target_column, t.query_start_time as query_start_time from (select * from TEST_DB.ACCOUNT_USAGE.ACCESS_HISTORY) t, lateral flatten(input => t.BASE_OBJECTS_ACCESSED) r, lateral flatten(input => t.OBJECTS_MODIFIED) w, lateral flatten(input => w.value:"columns", outer => true) c ), sensitive_data_movements(path, target_id, target_name, target_domain, target_column, query_start_time) as -- Common Table Expression ( -- Anchor Clause: Get the objects that access S1 directly select f.source_name || '-->' || f.target_name as path, f.target_id, f.target_name, f.target_domain, f.target_column, f.query_start_time from access_history_flatten f where f.source_domain = 'Stage' and f.source_name = 'TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.S1' and f.query_start_time >= dateadd(day, -30, date_trunc(day, current_date)) union all -- Recursive Clause: Recursively get all the objects that access S1 indirectly select sensitive_data_movements.path || '-->' || f.target_name as path, f.target_id, f.target_name, f.target_domain, f.target_column, f.query_start_time from access_history_flatten f join sensitive_data_movements on f.source_id = sensitive_data_movements.target_id and f.source_domain = sensitive_data_movements.target_domain and f.query_start_time >= sensitive_data_movements.query_start_time ) select path, target_name, target_id, target_domain, array_agg(distinct target_column) as target_columns from sensitive_data_movements group by path, target_id, target_name, target_domain;The query produces the following result set related to stage
data movement:
Example: Column lineage¶
The following example queries the ACCESS_HISTORY view and uses the FLATTEN function to flatten the
As a representative example, execute the following SQL query in your Snowflake account to produce the table below, where the numbered comments indicate the following:
// 1
: Get the mapping between thedirectSources
field and the target column.// 2
: Get the mapping between thebaseSources
field and the target column.
// 1
directSources.value: "objectId" as source_object_id,
directSources.value: "objectName" as source_object_name,
directSources.value: "columnName" as source_column_name,
'DIRECT' as source_column_type,
om.value: "objectName" as target_object_name,
columns_modified.value: "columnName" as target_column_name
) t,
lateral flatten(input => t.OBJECTS_MODIFIED) om,
lateral flatten(input => om.value: "columns", outer => true) columns_modified,
lateral flatten(
input => columns_modified.value: "directSources",
outer => true
) directSources
// 2
baseSources.value: "objectId" as source_object_id,
baseSources.value: "objectName" as source_object_name,
baseSources.value: "columnName" as source_column_name,
'BASE' as source_column_type,
om.value: "objectName" as target_object_name,
columns_modified.value: "columnName" as target_column_name
) t,
lateral flatten(input => t.OBJECTS_MODIFIED) om,
lateral flatten(input => om.value: "columns", outer => true) columns_modified,
lateral flatten(
input => columns_modified.value: "baseSources",
outer => true
) baseSources
Example: Track row access policy references¶
Return a row for each instance when a row access policy is set on a table, view, or materialized view without duplicates:
use role accountadmin; select distinct obj_policy.value:"policyName"::VARCHAR as policy_name from snowflake.account_usage.access_history as ah , lateral flatten(ah.policies_referenced) as obj , lateral flatten(obj.value:"policies") as obj_policy ;
Example: Track masking policy references¶
Return a row for each instance when a masking policy protects a column without duplicates. Note that additional flattening is necessary
because the policies_referenced
column specifies the masking policy on a column one level deeper than the row access policy on a
use role accountadmin; select distinct policies.value:"policyName"::VARCHAR as policy_name from snowflake.account_usage.access_history as ah , lateral flatten(ah.policies_referenced) as obj , lateral flatten(obj.value:"columns") as columns , lateral flatten(columns.value:"policies") as policies ;
Example: Track the enforced policy in a query¶
Return the time when the policy was updated (POLICY_CHANGED_TIME) and the policy conditions (POLICY_BODY) for a given query in a given time frame.
Prior to using this query, update the WHERE clause input values:
where query_start_time > '2023-07-07' and
query_start_time < '2023-07-08' and
query_id = '01ad7987-0606-6e2c-0001-dd20f12a9777')
query_start_time > '2023-07-07'
Specifies the beginning timestamp.
query_start_time < '2023-07-08'
Specifies the end timestamp.
query_id = '01ad7987-0606-6e2c-0001-dd20f12a9777'
Specifies the query identifier in the Account Usage ACCESS_HISTORY view.
Run the query:
select distinct t1.*,
t4.value:"policyId"::number as PID
from (select *
where query_start_time > '2023-07-07' and
query_start_time < '2023-07-08' and
query_id = '01ad7987-0606-6e2c-0001-dd20f12a9777') as t1, //
lateral flatten (input => t1.POLICIES_REFERENCED,OUTER => TRUE) t2,
lateral flatten (input => t2.value:"columns", OUTER => TRUE) t3,
lateral flatten (input => t3.value:"policies",OUTER => TRUE) t4
) as j1
left join
select OBJECT_MODIFIED_BY_DDL:"objectId"::number as PID,
OBJECT_MODIFIED_BY_DDL:"properties"."policyBody"."value" as POLICY_BODY
where OBJECT_MODIFIED_BY_DDL is not null and
(OBJECT_MODIFIED_BY_DDL:"objectDomain" ilike '%masking%' or OBJECT_MODIFIED_BY_DDL:"objectDomain" ilike '%row%')
) as j2
On j1.POLICIES_REFERENCED is not null and = and j1.QUERY_START_TIME>j2.QUERY_START_TIME) as j3
QUALIFY ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY query_id,pid ORDER BY policy_changed_time DESC) = 1;
Examples: UDFs¶
These UDF examples show how the Account Usage ACCESS_HISTORY view records:
Calling a UDF named
.Insert the product of calling the
function into a table namedmydb.tables.t1
.Shared UDFs.
Call a UDF¶
Consider the following SQL UDF that calculates the product of two numbers and assume it is stored in the schema named mydb.udfs
CREATE FUNCTION MYDB.UDFS.GET_PRODUCT(num1 number, num2 number) RETURNS number AS $$ NUM1 * NUM2 $$ ;
Calling get_product
directly results in recording the UDF details in the
[ { "objectDomain": "FUNCTION", "objectName": "MYDB.UDFS.GET_PRODUCT", "objectId": "2", "argumentSignature": "(NUM1 NUMBER, NUM2 NUMBER)", "dataType": "NUMBER(38,0)" } ]
This example is analogous to calling a stored procedure (in this topic).
Consider the following INSERT statement to update the columns named 1 and 2 in the table named mydb.tables.t1
insert into t1(product) select get_product(c1, c2) from mydb.tables.t1;
The ACCESS_HISTORY view records the get_product
function in the:
column because the function is explicitly named in the SQL statement, andobjects_modified
column in thedirectSources
array because the function is the source of the values that are inserted into the columns.
Similarly, the table t1
is recorded in these same columns:
[ { "objectDomain": "FUNCTION", "objectName": "MYDB.UDFS.GET_PRODUCT", "objectId": "2", "argumentSignature": "(NUM1 NUMBER, NUM2 NUMBER)", "dataType": "NUMBER(38,0)" }, { "objectDomain": "TABLE", "objectName": "MYDB.TABLES.T1", "objectId": 1, "columns": [ { "columnName": "c1", "columnId": 1 }, { "columnName": "c2", "columnId": 2 } ] } ] [ { "objectDomain": "TABLE", "objectName": "MYDB.TABLES.T1", "objectId": 2, "columns": [ { "columnId": "product", "columnName": "201", "directSourceColumns": [ { "objectDomain": "Table", "objectName": "MYDB.TABLES.T1", "objectId": "1", "columnName": "c1" }, { "objectDomain": "Table", "objectName": "MYDB.TABLES.T1", "objectId": "1", "columnName": "c2" }, { "objectDomain": "FUNCTION", "objectName": "MYDB.UDFS.GET_PRODUCT", "objectId": "2", "argumentSignature": "(NUM1 NUMBER, NUM2 NUMBER)", "dataType": "NUMBER(38,0)" } ], "baseSourceColumns":[] } ] } ]
Examples: Tracking objects modified by a DDL operation¶
Create a tag with ALLOWED_VALUES¶
Create the tag:
create tag governance.tags.pii allowed_values 'sensitive','public';
Column value:
{ "objectDomain": "TAG", "objectName": "governance.tags.pii", "objectId": "1", "operationType": "CREATE", "properties": { "allowedValues": { "sensitive": { "subOperationType": "ADD" }, "public": { "subOperationType": "ADD" } } } }
If you do not specify allowed values when creating the tag, the properties
field is an empty array (i.e. {}
Create a table with a tag and masking policy¶
Create the table with a masking policy on the column, a tag on the column, and a tag on the table:
create or replace table email string with masking policy governance.policies.email_mask with tag (governance.tags.pii = 'sensitive') ) with tag (governance.tags.pii = 'sensitive');
Column value:
{ "objectDomain": "TABLE", "objectName": "", "objectId": "1", "operationType": "CREATE", "properties": { "tags": { "governance.tags.pii": { "subOperationType": "ADD", "objectId": { "value": "1" }, "tagValue": { "value": "sensitive" } } }, "columns": { "email": { objectId: { "value": 1 }, "subOperationType": "ADD", "tags": { "governance.tags.pii": { "subOperationType": "ADD", "objectId": { "value": "1" }, "tagValue": { "value": "sensitive" } } }, "maskingPolicies": { "governance.policies.email_mask": { "subOperationType": "ADD", "objectId": { "value": 2 } } } } } } }
Set a masking policy on a tag¶
Set a masking policy on the tag (i.e. tag-based masking):
alter tag governance.tags.pii set masking policy governance.policies.email_mask;
Column value:
{ "objectDomain": "TAG", "objectName": "governance.tags.pii", "objectId": "1", "operationType": "ALTER", "properties": { "maskingPolicies": { "governance.policies.email_mask": { "subOperationType": "ADD", "objectId": { "value": 2 } } } } }
Swap a table¶
Swap the table named t2
with the table named t3
alter table governance.tables.t2 swap with governance.tables.t3;
Note the two different records in the view.
Record 1:
{ "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 0, "objectName": "GOVERNANCE.TABLES.T2", "operationType": "ALTER", "properties": { "swapTargetDomain": { "value": "Table" }, "swapTargetId": { "value": 0 }, "swapTargetName": { "value": "GOVERNANCE.TABLES.T3" } } }
Record 2:
{ "objectDomain": "Table", "objectId": 0, "objectName": "GOVERNANCE.TABLES.T3", "operationType": "ALTER", "properties": { "swapTargetDomain": { "value": "Table" }, "swapTargetId": { "value": 0 }, "swapTargetName": { "value": "GOVERNANCE.TABLES.T2" } } }
Drop a masking policy¶
Drop the masking policy:
drop masking policy governance.policies.email_mask;
Column value:
{ "objectDomain" : "MASKING_POLICY", "objectName": "governance.policies.email_mask", "objectId" : "1", "operationType": "DROP", "properties" : {} }Note
The column value is representative and applies to a DROP operation on a tag and row access policy.
field is an empty array and does not provide any information on the policy prior to the DROP operation.
Track tag references on a column¶
Query the object_modified_by_ddl
column to monitor how a tag is set on a column.
As the table administrator, set a tag on a column, unset the tag, and update the tag with a different string value:
alter table hr.tables.empl_info alter column email set tag governance.tags.test_tag = 'test'; alter table hr.tables.empl_info alter column email unset tag governance.tags.test_tag; alter table hr.tables.empl_info alter column email set tag governance.tags.data_category = 'sensitive';
As the data engineer, change the tag value:
alter table hr.tables.empl_info alter column email set tag governance.tags.data_category = 'public';
Query the ACCESS_HISTORY view to monitor the changes:
select query_start_time, user_name, object_modified_by_ddl:"objectName"::string as table_name, 'EMAIL' as column_name, tag_history.value:"subOperationType"::string as operation, tag_history.key as tag_name, nvl((tag_history.value:"tagValue"."value")::string, '') as value from TEST_DB.ACCOUNT_USAGE.access_history ah, lateral flatten(input => ah.OBJECT_MODIFIED_BY_DDL:"properties"."columns"."EMAIL"."tags") tag_history where true and object_modified_by_ddl:"objectDomain" = 'Table' and object_modified_by_ddl:"objectName" = 'TEST_DB.TEST_SH.T' order by query_start_time asc;
+-----------------------------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | QUERY_START_TIME | USER_NAME | TABLE_NAME | COLUMN_NAME | OPERATION | TAG_NAME | VALUE | +-----------------------------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | Mon, Feb. 14, 2023 12:01:01 -0600 | TABLE_ADMIN | HR.TABLES.EMPL_INFO | EMAIL | ADD | GOVERNANCE.TAGS.TEST_TAG | test | | Mon, Feb. 14, 2023 12:02:01 -0600 | TABLE_ADMIN | HR.TABLES.EMPL_INFO | EMAIL | DROP | GOVERNANCE.TAGS.TEST_TAG | | | Mon, Feb. 14, 2023 12:03:01 -0600 | TABLE_ADMIN | HR.TABLES.EMPL_INFO | EMAIL | ADD | GOVERNANCE.TAGS.DATA_CATEGORY | sensitive | | Mon, Feb. 14, 2023 12:04:01 -0600 | DATA_ENGINEER | HR.TABLES.EMPL_INFO | EMAIL | ADD | GOVERNANCE.TAGS.DATA_CATEGORY | public | +-----------------------------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------------+-----------+
Example: Call a stored procedure¶
Consider the following stored procedure and assume it is stored in the schema named mydb.procedures
create or replace procedure get_id_value(name string) returns string not null language javascript as $$ var my_sql_command = "select id from A where name = '" + NAME + "'"; var statement = snowflake.createStatement( {sqlText: my_sql_command} ); var result = statement.execute();; return result.getColumnValue(1); $$ ;
Calling my_procedure
directly results in recording the procedure details in both the
and base_objects_accessed
columns as follows:
[ { "objectDomain": "PROCEDURE", "objectName": "MYDB.PROCEDURES.GET_ID_VALUE", "argumentSignature": "(NAME STRING)", "dataType": "STRING" } ]
This example is analogous to calling a UDF (in this topic).
Example: Ancestor queries with stored procedures¶
You can use the parent_query_id
and root_query_id
columns to understand how stored procedure calls relate to each other.
Suppose that you have three different stored procedure statements and you run them in the following order:
A query on the ACCESS_HISTORY view records the information as follows:
SELECT query_id, parent_query_id, root_query_id, direct_objects_accessed FROM SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.ACCESS_HISTORY;+----------+-----------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | QUERY_ID | PARENT_QUERY_ID | ROOT_QUERY_ID | DIRECT_OBJECTS_ACCESSED | +----------+-----------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | 1 | NULL | NULL | [{"objectName": "myproc_parent"}] | | 2 | 1 | 1 | [{"objectName": "myproc_child"}] | | 3 | 2 | 1 | [{"objectName": "mytable"}] | +----------+-----------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+
The first row corresponds to calling the second procedure named
as shown in thedirect_objects_accessed
columns return NULL because you called this stored procedure directly.The second row corresponds to the query that calls the first procedure named
as shown in thedirect_objects_accessed column
columns return the same query ID because the query callingmyproc_child
was initiated by the query callingmyproc_parent
, which you called directly.The third row corresponds to the query that accessed the table named
in themyproc_child
procedure as shown in thedirect_objects_accessed
column returns the query ID of the query that accessedmytable
, which corresponds to callingmyproc_child
. That stored procedure was initiated by the query callingmyproc_parent
, which is shown in theroot_query_id
Example: Sequence¶
Consider the following SQL statement that creates a sequence:
COMMENT = 'Comment on sequence';
Creating this sequence results in the following entry in the access history:
"objectDomain": "Sequence",
"objectId": 1,
"objectName": "TEST_DB.TEST_SCHEMA.SEQ",
"operationType": "CREATE",
"properties": {
"start": {
"value": "2"
"increment": {
"value": "7"
"comment": {
"value": "Comment on Sequence"