Exploring compute cost¶
Total compute cost consists of the overall use of:
Virtual warehouses (user-managed compute resources)
Serverless features such as Automatic Clustering and Snowpipe that use Snowflake-managed compute resources
Cloud services layer of the Snowflake architecture
This topic describes how to gain insight into historical compute costs using Snowsight, or by writing queries against views in the ACCOUNT_USAGE and ORGANIZATION_USAGE schemas. Snowsight allows you to quickly and easily obtain information about cost from a visual dashboard. Queries against the usage views allow you to drill down into cost data and can help generate custom reports and dashboards.
If you need more information about how compute costs are incurred, refer to Understanding compute cost.
The cloud services layer consumes credits, but not all of those credits are actually billed. Usage for cloud services is charged only if the daily consumption of cloud services exceeds 10% of the daily usage of virtual warehouses. Snowsight and a majority of views show the total number of credits consumed by warehouses, serverless features, and cloud services without accounting for this daily adjustment to cloud services.
To determine how many credits were actually billed for compute costs, run queries against the METERING_DAILY_HISTORY view.
Viewing credit usage¶
All compute resources (virtual warehouses, serverless, cloud services) consume Snowflake credits. Users can use Snowsight to view the overall cost of compute usage for any given day, week, or month.
To explore compute cost:
Sign in to Snowsight.
Switch to the ACCOUNTADMIN role. If you are not the account administrator, switch to a role with access to cost and usage data.
Navigate to Admin » Cost Management.
Select a warehouse to use to view the usage data. Snowflake recommends using an XS warehouse for this purpose.
Select Consumption.
Select Compute from the Usage Type drop-down.
For usage notes related to the Consumption page, see Usage notes.
Filter by tag¶
You can use tags to attribute the cost of using resources to a logical unit within your organization. A tag is a Snowflake object that can have one or more values associated with it. A user with the appropriate privileges applies a tag/value pair to each resource that is used by a cost center or other logical unit (e.g. the Development environment, a business unit, or business line). Once resources have been tagged, you can isolate costs based on a specific tag/value pair, allowing you to attribute this cost to a specific logical unit.
Because non-administrators cannot work with tags, you must use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to filter by tag.
To filter the Consumption dashboard to show costs associated with a specific tag/value combination:
Sign in to Snowsight.
Switch to the ACCOUNTADMIN role.
Navigate to Admin » Cost Management.
Select a warehouse to use to view the usage data. Snowflake recommends using an XS warehouse for this purpose.
Select Consumption.
Select Compute from the Usage Type drop-down.
From the Tags drop-down, select the tag.
Select the value from the list of the tag’s values.
Select Apply.
For example, you can use the drop-down to select the COST_CENTER
tag and the SALES
value to show usage associated with resources
tagged with COST_CENTER = SALES
while excluding all other usage from the dashboard.
You can also display all resources with a tag regardless of their tag value. Use the drop down to select a tag, then choose All instead of a specific value.
View consumption by type, service, or resource¶
When viewing the bar graph that displays compute history, you can filter the data By Type, By Service or By Resource.
- By Type:
Separates resource consumption into compute (virtual warehouses and serverless resources) and cloud services. For the purpose of this filter, cloud services is separated out from the other types of compute resources.
- By Service:
Separates resource consumption into warehouse consumption and consumption by each serverless feature. For example, WAREHOUSE_METERING represents credits consumed by warehouses while PIPE represents credits consumed by the serverless Snowpipe feature. Cloud services compute is included in warehouse consumption.
- By Resource:
Separates resource consumption by the Snowflake object that consumed credits. For example, each warehouse is represented, as is every table that incurred serverless costs.
Querying data for compute cost¶
Snowflake provides two schemas, ORGANIZATION_USAGE and ACCOUNT_USAGE, that contain data related to usage and cost. The ORGANIZATION_USAGE schema provides cost information for all of the accounts in the organization while the ACCOUNT_USAGE schema provides similar information for a single account. Views in these schemas provide granular, analytics-ready usage data to build custom reports or dashboards.
Most views in the ORGANIZATION_USAGE and ACCOUNT_USAGE schemas contain the cost of compute resources in terms of credits consumed. To explore compute cost in currency, rather than credits, write queries against the USAGE_IN_CURRENCY_DAILY view. This view converts credits consumed into cost in currency using the daily price of a credit.
General cost views¶
The following views contain information related to the compute costs of all Snowflake features. You can focus on a particular feature by filtering on the service_type
For additional views that focus on the cost of a specific feature, see Feature-specific cost views.
View |
Compute resource |
Description |
Schema |
Warehouses Serverless Cloud Services |
Credits consumed by all compute resources (warehouses, serverless, and cloud services) in a given day. Can be used to determine whether cloud services compute costs were actually billed for a specific day (that is, cloud services credit consumption exceeded 10% of warehouse consumption). |
Warehouses Serverless Cloud Services |
Credits consumed by warehouses, cloud services, and serverless features on an hourly basis. To see how many credits an individual warehouse is consuming, query the WAREHOUSE_METERING_HISTORY view. |
Warehouses Serverless Cloud Services |
Daily credit consumption by all compute resources along with the cost of that usage in the organization’s currency. |
Feature-specific cost views¶
The following views that are dedicated to the usage and cost information for a specific feature.
View |
Compute resource |
Description |
Warehouses Serverless Cloud Services |
Daily credit usage for Snowflake Native Apps in an account within the last 365 days. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by automatic clustering. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by Cortex Analyst. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed for Cortex Fine-tuning. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed to run queries that use Cortex LLM functions. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed to process documents with Document AI. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed to call Cortex LLM functions. |
Serverless |
Daily credits consumed for Cortex Search for serving and text embeddings |
Serverless |
Credits consumed for Cortex Search serving |
Serverless |
Credits consumed to call scheduled DMFs and ingest results into an event table. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed for database replication. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by Document AI. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed for Hybrid Table Requests resources. |
Warehouses |
Credits used to refresh data fulfilled to other regions by Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment. |
Warehouses |
Estimated usage associated with fulfilling data products to other regions by using Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment. Refer to the SERVICE_TYPE of REPLICATION. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed the refreshing of materialized views. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by Snowpipe. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by the query acceleration service. |
Warehouses |
Credits consumed per query for warehouse usage. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed and number of bytes transferred during database replication. If possible, use the DATABASE_REPLICATION_USAGE_HISTORY view instead. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed and number of bytes transferred during replication for a specific replication group. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by the search optimization service. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by serverless alerts. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by serverless tasks. |
Serverless |
Credits consumed by Snowpipe Streaming compute (does not include client costs). |
Warehouses Cloud Services |
Hourly credit usage of each warehouse, including the cloud services cost associated with using the warehouse. |
The views and table functions of the Snowflake Information Schema also provide usage data related to cost. Though the ACCOUNT_USAGE schema is preferred, the Information Schema can be faster in some circumstances.
Example queries¶
The following queries drill-down into data in ACCOUNT_USAGE views to gain insight into compute costs.
Queries executed against views in the Account Usage schema can be modified to gain insight into cost for the entire organization by using the corresponding view in the Organization Usage schema. For example, both schemas include a WAREHOUSE_METERING_HISTORY view.
Click the name of a query below to see the full SQL example.
- Compute for Warehouses:
- Compute for Cloud Services:
- Compute for Automatic Clustering:
- Compute for Search Optimization:
- Compute for Materialized Views:
- Compute for Query Acceleration Service:
- Compute for Snowpipe:
- Compute and client costs for Snowpipe Streaming:
- Compute for Serverless Alerts:
- Compute for Serverless Tasks:
- Compute for Replication:
- Compute for Partner Tools:
- Compute for Hybrid Tables:
- Compute for Cortex Analyst:
- Compute for Cortex Fine-tuning:
- Compute for Cortex functions:
- Compute for Cortex Search:
- Compute for Document AI:
Compute for warehouses¶
- Query: Average hour-by-hour Snowflake spend (across all warehouses) over the past m days
This query shows the total credit consumption on an hourly basis to help understand consumption trends (peaks, valleys) over the past m days. This helps identify times of day when there are spikes in consumption.
SELECT start_time, warehouse_name, credits_used_compute FROM snowflake.account_usage.warehouse_metering_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(day, -m, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) AND warehouse_id > 0 -- Skip pseudo-VWs such as "CLOUD_SERVICES_ONLY" ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2; -- by hour SELECT DATE_PART('HOUR', start_time) AS start_hour, warehouse_name, AVG(credits_used_compute) AS credits_used_compute_avg FROM snowflake.account_usage.warehouse_metering_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(day, -m, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) AND warehouse_id > 0 -- Skip pseudo-VWs such as "CLOUD_SERVICES_ONLY" GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY 1, 2;
- Query: Credit consumption by warehouse over specific time period
This query shows the total credit consumption for each warehouse over a specific time period. This helps identify warehouses that are consuming more credits than others and specific warehouses that are consuming more credits than anticipated.
-- Credits used (all time = past year) SELECT warehouse_name, SUM(credits_used_compute) AS credits_used_compute_sum FROM snowflake.account_usage.warehouse_metering_history GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC; -- Credits used (past N days/weeks/months) SELECT warehouse_name, SUM(credits_used_compute) AS credits_used_compute_sum FROM snowflake.account_usage.warehouse_metering_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(day, -m, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC;
- Query: Warehouse usage over m-day average
This query returns the daily average credit consumption grouped by week and warehouse. It can be used to identify anomalies in credit consumption for warehouses across weeks from the past year.
WITH cte_date_wh AS ( SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS start_date, warehouse_name, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used_date_wh FROM snowflake.account_usage.warehouse_metering_history GROUP BY start_date, warehouse_name ) SELECT start_date, warehouse_name, credits_used_date_wh, AVG(credits_used_date_wh) OVER (PARTITION BY warehouse_name ORDER BY start_date ROWS m PRECEDING) AS credits_used_m_day_avg, 100.0*((credits_used_date_wh / credits_used_m_day_avg) - 1) AS pct_over_to_m_day_average FROM cte_date_wh QUALIFY credits_used_date_wh > 100 -- Minimum N=100 credits AND pct_over_to_m_day_average >= 0.5 -- Minimum 50% increase over past m day average ORDER BY pct_over_to_m_day_average DESC;
Compute for cloud services¶
- Query: Billed cloud services
Usage for cloud services is billed only if the daily consumption of cloud services exceeds 10% of the daily usage of virtual warehouses. This query returns how much of cloud services consumption was actually billed for a particular day, ordered by the highest billed amount.
SELECT usage_date, credits_used_cloud_services, credits_adjustment_cloud_services, credits_used_cloud_services + credits_adjustment_cloud_services AS billed_cloud_services FROM snowflake.account_usage.metering_daily_history WHERE usage_date >= DATEADD(month,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) AND credits_used_cloud_services > 0 ORDER BY 4 DESC;
- Query: Total cloud services cost by type of query
This query returns the total credits consumed for cloud services by a particular type of query.
SELECT query_type, SUM(credits_used_cloud_services) AS cs_credits, COUNT(1) num_queries FROM snowflake.account_usage.query_history WHERE true AND start_time >= TIMESTAMPADD(day, -1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10;
- Query: Cloud services cost for queries of a given type
This query returns the total credits consumed for cloud services by all queries of a specifc type. Replace
if you want to focus on a different type of query andday
if you want to explore a longer or shorter period of time.SELECT * FROM snowflake.account_usage.query_history WHERE true AND start_time >= TIMESTAMPADD(day, -1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AND query_type = 'COPY' ORDER BY credits_used_cloud_services DESC LIMIT 10;
- Query: Warehouses with high cloud services usage
This query shows the warehouses that are not using enough warehouse time to cover the cloud services portion of compute. This provides a launching point for additional investigation by isolating warehouses with a high ratio of cloud service use (>10% of overall credits). Investigation candidates include issues around cloning, listing files in S3, partner tools, setting session parameters, etc.
SELECT warehouse_name, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used, SUM(credits_used_cloud_services) AS credits_used_cloud_services, SUM(credits_used_cloud_services)/SUM(credits_used) AS percent_cloud_services FROM snowflake.account_usage.warehouse_metering_history WHERE TO_DATE(start_time) >= DATEADD(month,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) AND credits_used_cloud_services > 0 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 4 DESC;
- Query: Cloud services usage sorted by portion of query time
This query returns all queries run within the last minute and sorts them by parts of total query execution time (e.g. compilation time vs. queue time).
SELECT * FROM snowflake.account_usage.query_history WHERE true AND start_time >= TIMESTAMPADD(minute, -60, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ORDER BY compilation_time DESC, execution_time DESC, list_external_files_time DESC, queued_overload_time DESC, credits_used_cloud_services DESC LIMIT 10;
Compute for Automatic Clustering¶
- Query: Automatic Clustering cost history (by day, by object)
This query provides a list of tables with Automatic Clustering and the volume of credits consumed via the service over the last 30 days, broken out by day. Any irregularities in the credit consumption or consistently high consumption are flags for additional investigation.
SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, database_name, schema_name, table_name, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.automatic_clustering_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(month,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1,2,3,4 ORDER BY 5 DESC;
- Query: Automatic Clustering History & m-day average
This query shows the average daily credits consumed by Automatic Clustering grouped by week over the last year. It can help identify anomalies in daily averages over the year so you can investigate spikes or unexpected changes in consumption.
WITH credits_by_day AS ( SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.automatic_clustering_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(year,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC ) SELECT DATE_TRUNC('week',date), AVG(credits_used) AS avg_daily_credits FROM credits_by_day GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
Compute for Search Optimization¶
- Query: Search Optimization cost history (by day, by object)
This query provides a full list of tables with Search Optimization and the volume of credits consumed via the service over the last 30 days, broken out by day. Any irregularities in the credit consumption or consistently high consumption are flags for additional investigation.
SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, database_name, schema_name, table_name, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.search_optimization_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(month,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1,2,3,4 ORDER BY 5 DESC;
- Query: Search Optimization History & m-day average
This query shows the average daily credits consumed by Search Optimization grouped by week over the last year. It can help identify anomalies in daily averages over the year so you can investigate spikes or unexpected changes in consumption.
WITH credits_by_day AS ( SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.search_optimization_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(year,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC ) SELECT DATE_TRUNC('week', date), AVG(credits_used) as avg_daily_credits FROM credits_by_day GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
Compute for Materialized Views¶
- Query: Materialized Views cost history (by day, by object)
This query provides a full list of materialized views and the volume of credits consumed via the service over the last 30 days, broken out by day. Any irregularities in the credit consumption or consistently high consumption are flags for additional investigation.
SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, database_name, schema_name, table_name, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.materialized_view_refresh_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(month,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1,2,3,4 ORDER BY 5 DESC;
- Query: Materialized Views History & m-day average
This query shows the average daily credits consumed by materialized views grouped by week over the last year. It can help identify anomalies in daily averages over the year so you can investigate spikes or unexpected changes in consumption.
WITH credits_by_day AS ( SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.materialized_view_refresh_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(year,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC ) SELECT DATE_TRUNC('week',date), AVG(credits_used) AS avg_daily_credits FROM credits_by_day GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
Compute for Query Acceleration Service¶
- Query: Query Acceleration Service cost by warehouse
This query returns the total number of credits used by each warehouse in your account for the query acceleration service (month-to-date):
Compute for Snowpipe and Snowpipe Streaming¶
- Query: Cumulative usage of data ingest (Snowpipe and “Copy”)
This query returns an aggregated daily summary of all loads for each table in Snowflake showing average file size, total rows, total volume and the ingest method (copy or Snowpipe). If file sizes are too small or big for optimal ingest, additional investigation/optimization may be required. By mapping the volume to credit consumption, it is possible to determine which tables are consuming more credits per TB loaded.
SELECT TO_DATE(last_load_time) AS load_date, status, table_catalog_name AS database_name, table_schema_name AS schema_name, table_name, CASE WHEN pipe_name IS NULL THEN 'COPY' ELSE 'SNOWPIPE' END AS ingest_method, SUM(row_count) AS row_count, SUM(row_parsed) AS rows_parsed, AVG(file_size) AS avg_file_size_bytes, SUM(file_size) AS total_file_size_bytes, SUM(file_size)/POWER(1024,1) AS total_file_size_kb, SUM(file_size)/POWER(1024,2) AS total_file_size_mb, SUM(file_size)/POWER(1024,3) AS total_file_size_gb, SUM(file_size)/POWER(1024,4) AS total_file_size_tb FROM snowflake.account_usage.copy_history GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6 ORDER BY 3,4,5,1,2;
- Query: Snowpipe cost history (by day, by object)
This query provides a full list of pipes and the volume of credits consumed via the service over the last 30 days, broken out by day. Any irregularities in the credit consumption or consistently high consumption are flags for additional investigation.
SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, pipe_name, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.pipe_usage_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(month,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 3 DESC;
- Query: Snowpipe History & m-day average
This query shows the average daily credits consumed by Snowpipe grouped by week over the last year. It can help identify anomalies in daily averages over the year so you can investigate spikes or unexpected changes in consumption.
WITH credits_by_day AS ( SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.pipe_usage_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(year,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC ) SELECT DATE_TRUNC('week',date), AVG(credits_used) AS avg_daily_credits FROM credits_by_day GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
- Query: Total Snowpipe Streaming cost
This query lists the current credit usage for Snowpipe Streaming, including both Snowpipe Streaming compute and client costs.
SELECT start_time, end_time, SUM(credits_used) AS total_credits, name, IFF(CONTAINS(name,':'),'streaming client cost', 'streaming compute cost') AS streaming_cost_type FROM SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.METERING_HISTORY WHERE service_type ='SNOWPIPE_STREAMING' GROUP BY ALL;
Compute for serverless alerts¶
- Query: Total serverless alert cost
This query lists the current credit usage for all serverless alerts:
SELECT start_time, end_time, alert_id, alert_name, credits_used, schema_id, schema_name, database_id, database_name FROM SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.serverless_alert_history ORDER BY start_time, alert_id;
Compute for serverless tasks¶
- Query: Total serverless task cost
This query lists the current credit usage for all serverless tasks:
SELECT start_time, end_time, task_id, task_name, credits_used, schema_id, schema_name, database_id, database_name FROM snowflake.account_usage.serverless_task_history ORDER BY start_time, task_id;
Compute for replication¶
- Query: Account replication cost
This query lists the credits used by a replication or failover group for account replication in the current month:
SELECT start_time, end_time, replication_group_name, credits_used, bytes_transferred FROM snowflake.account_usage.replication_group_usage_history WHERE start_time >= DATE_TRUNC('month', CURRENT_DATE());
- Query: Database replication cost history (by day, by object)
This query provides a full list of replicated databases and the volume of credits consumed via the replication service over the last 30 days, broken out by day. Any irregularities in the credit consumption or consistently high consumption are flags for additional investigation.
SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, database_name, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.database_replication_usage_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(month,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 3 DESC;
- Query: Database replication History & m-day average
This query shows the average daily credits consumed by Replication grouped by week over the last year. This helps identify any anomalies in the daily average so you can investigate any spikes or changes in consumption.
WITH credits_by_day AS ( SELECT TO_DATE(start_time) AS date, SUM(credits_used) AS credits_used FROM snowflake.account_usage.database_replication_usage_history WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(year,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC ) SELECT DATE_TRUNC('week',date), AVG(credits_used) AS avg_daily_credits FROM credits_by_day GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
Compute for partner tools¶
- Query: Credit consumption by partner tools
This query identifies which of Snowflake’s partner tools/solutions (e.g. BI, ETL, etc.) are consuming the most credits. This can help identify partner solutions that are consuming more credits than anticipated, which can be a starting point for additional investigation.
-- This Is Approximate Credit Consumption By Client Application WITH client_hour_execution_cte AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN client_application_id LIKE 'Go %' THEN 'Go' WHEN client_application_id LIKE 'Snowflake UI %' THEN 'Snowflake UI' WHEN client_application_id LIKE 'SnowSQL %' THEN 'SnowSQL' WHEN client_application_id LIKE 'JDBC %' THEN 'JDBC' WHEN client_application_id LIKE 'PythonConnector %' THEN 'Python' WHEN client_application_id LIKE 'ODBC %' THEN 'ODBC' ELSE 'NOT YET MAPPED: ' || CLIENT_APPLICATION_ID END AS client_application_name, warehouse_name, DATE_TRUNC('hour',start_time) AS start_time_hour, SUM(execution_time) AS client_hour_execution_time FROM snowflake.account_usage.query_history qh JOIN snowflake.account_usage.sessions se ON se.session_id = qh.session_id WHERE warehouse_name IS NOT NULL AND execution_time > 0 AND start_time > DATEADD(month,-1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1,2,3 ), hour_execution_cte AS ( SELECT start_time_hour, warehouse_name, SUM(client_hour_execution_time) AS hour_execution_time FROM client_hour_execution_cte GROUP BY 1,2 ), approximate_credits AS ( SELECT A.client_application_name, C.warehouse_name, (A.client_hour_execution_time/B.hour_execution_time)*C.credits_used AS approximate_credits_used FROM client_hour_execution_cte A JOIN hour_execution_cte B ON A.start_time_hour = B.start_time_hour and B.warehouse_name = A.warehouse_name JOIN snowflake.account_usage.warehouse_metering_history C ON C.warehouse_name = A.warehouse_name AND C.start_time = A.start_time_hour ) SELECT client_application_name, warehouse_name, SUM(approximate_credits_used) AS approximate_credits_used FROM approximate_credits GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 3 DESC;
Compute for hybrid tables¶
- Query: Credit consumption by hybrid table over a specific period of time
This query shows the total credit consumption for each hybrid table over a specific period of time. This helps identify hybrid tables that are consuming more credits than others and specific hybrid tables that are consuming more credits than anticipated.
-- Credits used (all time = past year) SELECT object_type, SUM(credits_used) AS total_credits FROM SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.HYBRID_TABLE_USAGE_HISTORY GROUP BY 1; -- Credits used (past N days/weeks/months) SELECT object_type, SUM(credits_used) AS total_credits FROM SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.HYBRID_TABLE_USAGE_HISTORY WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(day, -5, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) GROUP BY 1;
Compute for Cortex Analyst¶
- Query: Credit consumption by Cortex Analyst.
This query shows the credit consumption for Cortex Analyst.
Compute for Cortex Fine-tuning¶
- Query: Credit consumption by Cortex Fine-tuning.
This query shows the training credit consumption for each Cortex Fine-tuning, aggregated in one hour increments.
Compute for Cortex functions¶
- Query: Credit consumption by Cortex functions.
This query shows the credit consumption for each Cortex function call, aggregated in one hour increments based on function and model.
- Query: Credit consumption by Cortex function called with the
model. This query shows the credit consumption for each Cortex function called with the
model, aggregated in one hour increments based on function and model.SELECT * FROM SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.CORTEX_FUNCTIONS_USAGE_HISTORY WHERE model_name = 'mistral-large';
- Query: Credit consumption by Cortex functions query.
This query shows the credit consumption for each Cortex functions query, aggregated in one hour increments based on function and model.
Compute for Cortex Search¶
- Query: Daily credit consumption by Cortex Search.
This query shows the credit consumption for each Cortex Search Service, aggregated daily, including both serving and embed text token consumption.
- Query: Credit consumption by Cortex Search serving.
This query shows the serving credit consumption for each Cortex Search Service, aggregated in one hour increments.
Compute for Document AI¶
- Query: Credit consumption by Document AI.
This query shows the credit consumption for Document AI.
- Query: Credit consumption per Document AI query.
This query retrieves records from the CORTEX_DOCUMENT_PROCESSING_USAGE_HISTORY view where the CREDITS_USED is greater than 0.072.