Cortex Analyst administrator monitoring¶
To improve the quality of answers provided by Cortex Analyst, you must continue to refine the semantic model.
To help you refine the model, Cortex Analyst logs requests to an event table in the Snowflake database.
This feature is currently only available for semantic models stored in a stage (passed through the
request body parameter).
The logs include the following:
The user who asked the question
The question asked
Generated SQL
Errors and/or warnings
Request and response bodies
Other metadata
Accessing logs¶
You can view these logs in the Monitoring tab of the Semantic Model within Snowsight. Users must have the WRITE privilege on the stage and the SELECT privilege on referenced tables to view the logs.
Alternatively, you can query the logs directly from the Snowflake database using SQL, depending on your privileges.
Querying logs with SQL¶
Use the snowflake.local.cortex_analyst_requests
UDTF to retrieve logs
for a specific semantic model. This function performs access control checks to
ensure the calling user has necessary privileges.
The following is an example of how to use the UDTF:
SELECT * FROM table(SNOWFLAKE.LOCAL.CORTEX_ANALYST_REQUESTS('FILE_ON_STAGE', '@my_db.my_schema.my_stage/path/to/file.yaml'));
: Currently, you can only useFILE_ON_STAGE
: The fully qualified stage file URL. For example,@my_db.my_schema.my_stage/path/to/file.yaml
Returns: A table with all API requests for the specified semantic model.
If you have the snowflake.cortex_analyst_requests_admin
application role, you can query the snowflake.local.cortex_analyst_requests_v
view. This view includes all requests to Cortex Analyst across all semantic models.
If you have the snowflake.cortex_analyst_requests_admin
application role, you can also query raw events from the snowflake.local.cortex_analyst_requests_raw
event table.
The responses are in the open telemetry format. The snowflake.local.cortex_analyst_requests_v
view has the
same data as the snowflake.local.cortex_analyst_requests_raw
event table, but in a more readable format.