Known limitations to Document AI

This topic describes known limitations to Document AI.

Document AI has the following limitations during preview:

  • Document AI supports processing documents in English. The results for other languages might not be satisfactory.

  • Document AI supports processing documents of specific formats and sizes.

    For more information, see Prepare your documents for Document AI.

  • Document AI supports processing a maximum of 1000 documents in one query.

  • Document AI does not support a whole table extraction in a single query.

  • Document AI does not support privilege inheritance between roles. For example, you cannot grant the SNOWFLAKE.DOCUMENT_INTELLIGENCE_CREATOR database role to role B, grant role B to role A, and then grant role A to a user.

  • Document AI does not support multiple users working on the same model build at the same time in Snowsight. For example, two users cannot upload documents or review answers within the same model build at the same time.

  • Document AI supports AWS and Microsoft Azure commercial regions for your Snowflake account, with the exception of:

    • AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore)

    • AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka)

    • AWS EU (Paris)

    • Microsoft Azure Switzerland North (Zurich)

    For more information, see Supported Cloud Regions.

    If you want to process documents stored in a cloud platform or region that is not supported by Document AI, create an account in a supported Snowflake region, and then create an external stage to connect to the cloud storage provider that contains your documents. For more information, see Overview of data loading.