Migrating from the Snowflake Model Registry Preview API¶
Snowflake previously made a model registry preview available privately to select customers. The registry feature described in public documentation has significant changes in functionality and APIs compared to the preview version. Most notably, the core registry functionality is now hosted natively inside Snowflake using a new schema-level model object.
This table summarizes key differences between the two registry implementations. The API of the privately-available preview version is designated the “Preview API,” while the current publicly-released API is called the “Public API.”
Preview API |
Public API |
Metadata is stored in tables. Models are stored in stages. The registry API is a Python library that creates and maintains these objects for the models stored in the registry.
Models are native schema-level objects, like tables and stages. The Python registry API is a class that facilitates interaction with model objects in Python, using SQL under the hood.
The following sections describe the differences between the two APIs in more detail.
The private API has not been deprecated; you are welcome to continue using it if you need features that are not yet available in the public API.
Support for Snowpark Container Services¶
The public API does not yet support deploying models to Snowpark Container Services (SPCS). You can continue using the private API if you are relying on this functionality.
Importing and Accessing the Registry API¶
Both registry APIs are in the main Snowpark ML package, snowflake.ml
Preview API |
from snowflake.ml.registry import model_registry
Use |
Public API |
from snowflake.ml.registry import Registry
Use the |
Creating a Registry¶
The Preview API requires that the registry be created by the Python library.
Preview API |
Required before using registry for the first time. |
Public API |
Not applicable. Any existing schema can be used as a registry. |
Opening a Registry¶
You open a registry to add new models to it and to work with the models already in it.
Preview API |
reg = model_registry.ModelRegistry(
Public API |
reg = Registry(
Logging a Model¶
Adding a model to the registry is called logging. Both APIs use a registry method called log_model
for this
purpose. This method has two minor differences in the Public API:
The parameter that specifies the model version, previously called
, is now calledversion_name
to better reflect its semantics.You can’t set tags when logging a model. Instead, add tags after logging using the model’s
Getting a Reference to a Model¶
Getting a reference to a model allows you to update its metadata and perform other operations on it.
Preview API |
Getting a model from the registry always returns a specific version of the model, so it is necessary to specify the version you want when you retrieve the model. model = model_registry.ModelReference(
Public API |
Model versions are separate from the model itself. To get a reference to the model: m = reg.get_model("my_model")
To get a reference to a specific version, first get a reference to the model as above, then retrieve the desired
version. Note that the model object has an attribute, mv = m.version('v1')
mv = m.default
Deploying a Model¶
Preview API |
Models must be explicitly deployed to a warehouse (as a user-defined function) or to Snowpark Container Services (as a service). This example illustrates deploying to a warehouse. model.deploy(
Public API |
It is not necessary to explicitly deploy a model. |
Using a Model for Inference¶
Inference refers to using the model to make predictions based on test data.
Preview API |
Specify the deployment name you used when you deployed the model in order to run inference. result_dataframe = model.predict(
"my_warehouse_predict", test_dataframe)
Public API |
Models are run in a warehouse. You can call methods of the model from Python or from SQL. Python You call methods using the remote_prediction = mv.run(
test_features, function_name="predict")
SQL You can call methods of the default version using a simple SELECT query, or specify a version using a WITH clause. -- Use default version
SELECT my_model!predict() FROM test_table;
-- Use a specific version
WITH my_model_v1 AS MODEL my_model VERSION "v1"
SELECT my_model_v1!predict() FROM test_table;
Accessing and Updating Descriptions¶
Preview API |
The model reference provides getter and setter methods for the description. (In this API, a model reference is always to a specific version of the model.) print(model.get_model_description())
model.set_model_description("A better description")
Public API |
Both models and model versions provide access to a description through their equivalent
m.comment = "A better description"
m.description = "A better description"
mv.comment = "A better description"
mv.description = "A better description"
Accessing and Updating Metrics¶
In both APIs, metrics are set at the model version level.
Preview API |
Set scalar metric model.set_metric("test_accuracy", test_accuracy)
Set hierarchical (dictionary) metric model.set_metric("dataset_test", {"accuracy": test_accuracy})
Set multivalent (matrix) metric model.set_metric("confusion_matrix", test_confusion_matrix)
Get all metrics print(model.get_metrics())
Remove a metric model.remove_metric("test_accuracy")
Public API |
Set scalar metric m.set_metric("test_accuracy", test_accuracy)
Set hierarchical (dictionary) metric mo.set_metric("dataset_test", {"accuracy": test_accuracy})
Set multivalent (matrix) metric m.set_metric("confusion_matrix", test_confusion_matrix)
Get all metrics print(m.get_metrics())
Remove a metric m.remove_metric("test_accuracy")
Deleting a Model¶
Preview API |
You can only delete specific versions of a model. To delete the model completely, delete all its versions. registry.delete_model(
Public API |
Deleting a model deletes all its versions. reg.delete_model("mymodel")
You may also delete a specific version of a model through the model’s m.delete_version("v1")
Listing Versions of a Model¶
Preview API |
The model_list = registry.list_models()
model_list.filter(model_list["NAME"] == "mymodel").show()
Public API |
Given a model reference, you can get the versions of the model as either a list of Get list of ModelVersions instances version_list = m.versions()
Get informational DataFrame version_df = m.show_versions()
Managing Model Lifecycle¶
You’re intended to manage the lifecycle of a model using tags. For example, you might create a tag called stage
record the model’s current status, using values such as “experimental”, “alpha”, “beta”, “production”, “deprecated”, and
In the Public API, tags are implemented using SQL tag objects. See Object Tagging to learn how to create tags and define their permissible values.
The Public API also has the concept of the default version of a model, which is the model used when a version is not
specified, particularly in SQL. When you train a new version of a model, and the new model is ready for widespread use,
you can update the default version. You can set the default version using the model’s default
m.default = "2"
You can then get the default version of the model, as a ModelVersion
object, as follows.
mv = m.default
Or you can call its predict
method right away.
m.default.run(test_features, function_name="predict"))