Connect to Snowflake with the Snowflake Python APIs¶
Before you can perform actions with the Snowflake Python APIs, you must define a connection to Snowflake. With the connection, you can
create a Root
object for access to resources modeled by the API.
Specify connection properties¶
You can define a connection to Snowflake using one of the following mechanisms:
Connect using a Python dictionary¶
You can specify the values needed to connect to Snowflake by using a Python dictionary. When you connect, you pass this dictionary as an argument to the function or method you’re using to connect:
import os
"account": os.environ["snowflake_account_demo"],
"user": os.environ["snowflake_user_demo"],
"password": os.environ["snowflake_password_demo"],
"role": "test_role",
"database": "test_database",
"warehouse": "test_warehouse",
"schema": "test_schema",
Connect using a configuration file¶
You can specify connection definitions in a TOML configuration file. This eliminates the need to explicitly define a connection to Snowflake in your code.
You can generate the basic settings for the TOML configuration file in Snowsight. For information, see Configuring a client, driver, library, or third-party application to connect to Snowflake.
You can also configure the connection settings manually. For example, create a configuration file located at
, and add connection settings similar to the following:
account = "test-account"
user = "test_user"
password = "******"
role = "test_role"
warehouse = "test_warehouse"
database = "test_database"
schema = "test_schema"
In this example, you define a Snowflake connection named myconnection
with the account test-account
, user test_user
password credentials, and database information.
Underscores are not supported in the account
setting. If the account identifier
includes underscores, replace them with dashes. For more information, see Account name in your organization.
Connection definitions support the same configuration options available in the Snowflake Python Connector.
Connect and create a Root
Using the connection properties you’ve specified, you can create a connection to Snowflake. With the connection, you can create a
Snowflake Python APIs Root
object with which to begin using the API.
You can connect using one of the following objects:
Connect with a Snowpark Session
If you’re using the Snowpark API for Python, you can create a connection to Snowflake
by using its snowflake.snowpark.Session
Code in the following example uses connection parameters defined in a configuration file to create a connection to Snowflake. Using the
resulting Session
object, the code creates a Root
object from which to use the API:
from snowflake.core import Root
from snowflake.snowpark import Session
session = Session.builder.config("connection_name", "myconnection").create()
root = Root(session)
For more information about creating a Session
, see Creating a Session for Snowpark Python.
Connect with a Python Connector Connection
If you’re using the Snowflake Connector for Python, you can create a connection
to Snowflake by using its snowflake.connector.connect
function. The function returns a Connection
Code in the following example uses connection parameters defined in a configuration file to create a connection to Snowflake. Using the
resulting Connection
object, the code creates a Root
object from which to use the API:
from snowflake.connector import connect
from snowflake.core import Root
connection = connect(connection_name="myconnection")
root = Root(connection)
For more information about the Snowflake Connector for Python API, see Python Connector API.
Use the Root
With a Root
object created from your connection to Snowflake, you can access
objects and methods of the Snowflake Python APIs. The Root
object is the root of the resource tree modeled by the API.
You use the Root
object to interact with Snowflake objects represented by the API.
Code in the following example uses the Root
object to access Snowflake objects in order to resume the task named mytask
The task is in the schema named myschema
, which is in the database named mydb
. The code uses the databases
, and tasks
methods to get an object that represents this task:
tasks = root.databases["mydb"].schemas["myschema"].tasks
mytask = tasks["mytask"]