Parallel Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) on Container Runtime for ML¶
The Snowflake ML Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) API is a model-agnostic framework that enables efficient, parallelized hyperparameter tuning of models. You can use any open-source framework or algorithm. You can also use Snowflake ML APIs.
Today, this API is available for use within a Snowflake Notebook configured to use the Container Runtime on Snowpark Container Services (SPCS). After you create such a notebook, you can:
Train a model using any open source package, and use this API to distribute the hyperparameter tuning process
Train a model using Snowflake ML distributed training APIs, and scale HPO while also scaling each of the training runs
The HPO workload, initiated from the Notebook, executes inside Snowpark Container Services on either CPU or GPU instances, and scales out to the cores (CPUs or GPUs) available on a single node in the SPCS compute pool.
The parallelized HPO API provides the following benefits:
A single API that automatically handles all the complexities of distributing the training across multiple resources
The ability to train with virtually any framework or algorithm using open-source ML frameworks or the Snowflake ML modeling APIs
A selection of tuning and sampling options, including Bayesian and random search algorithms along with various continuous and non-continuous sampling functions
Tight integration with the rest of Snowflake; for example efficient data ingestion via Snowflake Datasets or Dataframes and automatic ML lineage capture
Optimize a model’s hyperparameters¶
Use Snowflake ML HPO API to tune a model. The following steps illustrate the process:
Ingest the data.
Use the search algorithm to define the strategy used to optimize the hyperparameters.
Define how the hyperparameters are sampled.
Configure the tuner.
Get the hyperparameters and training metrics from each training job.
Initiate the training job.
Get the training job results.
The following sections walk through the preceding steps. For an example, see Container Runtime HPO Example.
Ingest the data¶
Use the dataset_map
object to ingest the data into the HPO API. The dataset_map
object is a dictionary that pairs
the training or test dataset with its corresponding Snowflake DataConnector object. The dataset_map
object is passed to the
training function. The following is an example of a dataset_map
dataset_map = {
"x_train": DataConnector.from_dataframe(session.create_dataframe(X_train)),
"y_train": DataConnector.from_dataframe(
"x_test": DataConnector.from_dataframe(session.create_dataframe(X_test)),
"y_test": DataConnector.from_dataframe(
Define the search algorithm¶
Define the search algorithm used to explore the hyperparameter space. The algorithm uses the outcomes of previous trials to determine how to configure the hyperparameters. You can use the following search algorithms:
Grid search Explores a grid fo hyperparamter values that you define. The HPO API evaluates every possible combination of hyperparameters. The following is an example of a hyperparameter grid:
search_space = { "n_estimators": [50, 51], "max_depth": [4, 5]), "learning_rate": [0.01, 0.3], } In the preceding example, each parameter has two possible values. There are 8 (2 * 2 * 2) possible combinations of hyperparameters.
Bayesian optimization Uses a probabilistic model to determine the next set of hyperparameters to evaluate. The algorithm uses the outcomes of previous trials to determine how to configure the hyperparameters. For more information about Bayesian optimization, see Bayesian Optimization.
Random search Randomly samples the hyperparameter space. It’s a simple and effective approach that works particularly well with large or mixed (continuous or discrete) search spaces.
You can use the following code to define the search algorithm:
from entities import search_algorithm
search_alg = search_algorithm.BayesOpt()
search_alg = search_algorithm.RandomSearch()
search_alg = search_algorithm.GridSearch()
Define hyperparameter sampling¶
Use the search space functions to define the hyperparameter sampling method during each trial. Use them to describe the range and type of the values that the hyperparameters can take.
The following are the available sampling functions:
): Samples a continuous value uniformly between lower and upper. Useful for parameters like dropout rates or regularization strengths.loguniform(
): Samples a value in logarithmic space, ideal for parameters that span several orders of magnitude (e.g., learning rates).randint(
): Samples an integer uniformly between lower (inclusive) and upper (exclusive). Suitable for discrete parameters like the number of layers.choice(options): Randomly selects a value from a provided list. Often used for categorical parameters.
The following is an example of how you can define the search space with the uniform function:
search_space = {
"n_estimators": tune.uniform(50, 200),
"max_depth": tune.uniform(3, 10),
"learning_rate": tune.uniform(0.01, 0.3),
Configure the tuner¶
Use the TunerConfig
object to configure the tuner. Within the object, you specify the metric being optimized, the optimization mode, and the other execution parameters. The following are the available configuration options:
Metric The performance metric, such as accuracy or loss that you’re optimizing.
Mode Determines whether the objective is to maximize or minimize the metric (
).Search Algorithm Specifies the strategy for exploring the hyperparameter space.
Number of Trials Sets the total number of hyperparameter configurations to evaluate.
Concurrency Defines how many trials can run concurrently.
The following example code uses the Bayesian optimization library to maximize the accuracy of a model over five trials.
from import tune
tuner_config = tune.TunerConfig(
utility_kwargs={"kind": "ucb", "kappa": 2.5, "xi": 0.0}
Get the hyperparameters and training metrics¶
The Snowflake ML HPO API requires the training metrics and hyperparameters from each training run to optimize the hyperparameters effectively. Use the TunerContext
object to get the hyperparameters and training metrics. The following example creates a training function to get the hyperparameters and training metrics:
def train_func():
tuner_context = get_tuner_context()
config = tuner_context.get_hyper_params()
dm = tuner_context.get_dataset_map()
...{"accuracy": accuracy}, model=model)
Initiate the training job¶
Use the Tuner
object to initiate the training job. The Tuner
object takes the training function, search space, and tuner configuration as arguments. The following is an example of how to initiate the training job:
from import tune
tuner = tune.Tuner(train_func, search_space, tuner_config)
tuner_results =
The preceding code distributes the training function across the available resources. It collects and summarizes the trial outcomes and identifies the best performing configuration.
Get the training job results¶
After all trials are completed, the
object consolidates the outcomes of each trial. It provides structured access to the performance metrics, the best configuration, and the best model.The following are its available attributes:
results: A Pandas DataFrame containing metrics and configurations for every trial.
best_result: A DataFrame row summarizing the trial with the best performance.
best_model: The model instance associated with the best trial, if applicable.
The following code gets the results, the best model, and the best result:
API reference¶
The following is the import statement for the Tuner module:
from import Tuner
The Tuner class is the main interface for interacting with the container runtime HPO API. To run an HPO job, use the following code to initialize a Tuner object and call the run method with the Snowflake datasets.
class Tuner:
def __init__(
train_func: Callable,
search_space: SearchSpace,
tuner_config: TunerConfig,
def run(
self, dataset_map: Optional[Dict[str, DataConnector]] = None
) -> TunerResults
The following is the import statement for the search space:
from entities.search_space import uniform, choice, loguniform, randint
The following code defines the search space functions:
def uniform(lower: float, upper: float)
Sample a float value uniformly between lower and upper.
Use for parameters where all values in range are equally likely to be optimal.
Examples: dropout rates (0.1 to 0.5), batch normalization momentum (0.1 to 0.9).
def loguniform(lower: float, upper: float) -> float:
Sample a float value uniformly in log space between lower and upper.
Use for parameters spanning several orders of magnitude.
Examples: learning rates (1e-5 to 1e-1), regularization strengths (1e-4 to 1e-1).
def randint(lower: int, upper: int) -> int:
Sample an integer value uniformly between lower(inclusive) and upper(exclusive).
Use for discrete parameters with a range of values.
Examples: number of layers, number of epochs, number of estimators.
def choice(options: List[Union[float, int, str]]) -> Union[float, int, str]:
Sample a value uniformly from the given options.
Use for categorical parameters or discrete options.
Examples: activation functions ['relu', 'tanh', 'sigmoid']
The following is the import statement for the TunerConfig module:
from import TunerConfig
Use the following code to define configuration class for the tuner:
class TunerConfig:
Configuration class for the tuning process.
metric (str): The name of the metric to optimize. This should correspond
to a key in the metrics dictionary reported by the training function.
mode (str): The optimization mode for the metric. Must be either "min"
for minimization or "max" for maximization.
search_alg (SearchAlgorithm): The search algorithm to use for
exploring the hyperparameter space. Defaults to random search.
num_trials (int): The maximum number of parameter configurations to
try. Defaults to 5
max_concurrent_trials (Optional[int]): The maximum number of concurrently running trials per node. If not specified, it defaults to the total number of nodes in the cluster. This value must be a positive
integer if provided.
>>> from entities import search_algorithm >>> from import TunerConfig
>>> config = TunerConfig(
... metric="accuracy",
... mode="max",
... num_trials=5,
... max_concurrent_trials=1
... )
The following is the import statement for the search algorithm:
from entities.search_algorithm import BayesOpt, RandomSearch, GridSearch
The following code creates a Bayesian optimization search algorithm object:
class BayesOpt():
Bayesian Optimization class that encapsulates parameters for the acquisition function.
This class is designed to facilitate Bayesian optimization by configuring
the acquisition function through a dictionary of keyword arguments.
utility_kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):
A dictionary specifying parameters for the utility (acquisition) function.
If not provided, it defaults to:
'kind': 'ucb', # Upper Confidence Bound acquisition strategy
'kappa': 2.576, # Exploration parameter for UCB
'xi': 0.0 # Exploitation parameter
utility_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
The following code creates a random search algorithm object:
class RandomSearch():
The default and most basic way to do hyperparameter search is via random search.
Seed or NumPy random generator for reproducible results. If set to None (default), the global generator (np.random) is used.
random_state: Optional[int] = None
The following is the import statement for the TunerResults module:
from entities.tuner_results import TunerResults
The following code creates a TunerResults object:
class TunerResults:
results: pd.DataFrame
best_result: pd.DataFrame
best_model: Optional[Any]
The following is the import statement for the get_tuner_context
from import get_tuner_context
This helper method is designed to be called within the training function. It returns a TunerContext object that encapsulates several useful fields for running the trial, including:
Hyperparameters selected by the HPO framework for the current trial.
The dataset required for training.
A helper function to report metrics, guiding the HPO framework in suggesting the next set of hyperparameters
The following code creates a tuner context object:
class TunerContext:
A centralized context class for managing trial configuration, reporting, and dataset information.
def get_hyper_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Retrieve the configuration dictionary.
Dict[str, Any]: The configuration dictionary for the trial.
return self._hyper_params
def report(self, metrics: Dict[str, Any], model: Optional[Any] = None) -> None:
Report metrics and optionally the model if provided.
This method is used to report the performance metrics of a model and, if provided, the model itself.
The reported metrics will be used to guide the next set of hyperparameters selection in the
optimization process.
metrics (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary containing the performance metrics of the model.
The keys are metric names, and the values are the corresponding metric values.
model (Optional[Any], optional): The trained model to be reported. Defaults to None.
None: This method doesn't return anything.
def get_dataset_map(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Type[DataConnector]]]:
Retrieve the dataset mapping.
Optional[Dict[str, Type[DataConnector]]]: A mapping of dataset names to DataConnector types, if available.
return self._dataset_map
Bayesian optimization requires continuous search spaces and works only with the uniform sampling function. It is incompatible with discrete parameters.
sampled using the tune.randint
or tune.choice
methods. To work around this limitation, either use
and cast the parameter inside the training function, or switch to a sampling algorithm that handles
both discrete and continuous spaces, such as tune.RandomSearch
Error message |
Possible causes |
Possible solutions |
Invalid search space configuration: BayesOpt requires all sampling functions to be of type ‘Uniform’. |
Bayesian optimization works only with uniform sampling, not with discrete samples. (See Limitations above.) |
Insufficient CPU resources. Required: 16, Available: 8. The numbers of required and available resources may differ. |
Follow guidance provided by the error message. |
Insufficient GPU resources. Required: 4, Available: 2. May refer to CPU or GPU. The numbers of required and available resources may differ. |
Follow the guidance provided by the error message. |