Managing Snowflake databases, schemas, tables, and views with Python

You can use Python to manage Snowflake databases, schemas, tables, and views. For more information about managing and working with data in Snowflake, see Databases, Tables and Views - Overview.


The examples in this topic assume that you’ve added code to connect with Snowflake and to create a Root object from which to use the Snowflake Python APIs.

For example, the following code uses connection parameters defined in a configuration file to create a connection to Snowflake:

from snowflake.core import Root
from snowflake.snowpark import Session

session = Session.builder.config("connection_name", "myconnection").create()
root = Root(session)

Using the resulting Session object, the code creates a Root object to use the API’s types and methods. For more information, see Connect to Snowflake with the Snowflake Python APIs.

Managing databases

You can manage databases in Snowflake. The Snowflake Python APIs represents databases with two separate types:

  • Database: Exposes a database’s properties, such as its name.

  • DatabaseResource: Exposes methods you can use to fetch a corresponding Database object and to drop the database.


Creating a database

You can create a database by calling the DatabaseCollection.create method and passing a Database object that represents the database you want to create. To create a database, first create a Database object that specifies the database name.

Code in the following example creates a Database object representing a database named my_db and then creates the database by passing the Database object to the DatabaseCollection.create method:

from snowflake.core.database import Database

my_db = Database(name="my_db")

Getting database details

You can get information about a database by calling the DatabaseResource.fetch method, which returns a Database object.

Code in the following example gets information about a database named my_db:

my_db = root.databases["my_db"].fetch()

Listing databases

You can list databases using the iter method, which returns a PagedIter iterator.

Code in the following example lists databases whose name begins with my:

databases = root.databases.iter(like="my%")
for database in databases:

Dropping or restoring a database

You can drop a database using the DatabaseResource.drop method or restore a database using the DatabaseResource.undrop method.

To demonstrate these operations, code in the following example drops and then restores the most recent version of the my_db database:

my_db_res = root.databases["my_db"]

Managing schemas

You can manage schemas in Snowflake. A schema is a database-level object. When you create or reference a schema, you do so in the context of its database.

The Snowflake Python APIs represents schemas with two separate types:

  • Schema: Exposes a schema’s properties, such as its name.

  • SchemaResource: Exposes methods you can use to fetch a corresponding Schema object and to drop the schema.


Creating a schema

To create a schema, first create a Schema object that specifies the schema name.

Code in the following example creates a Schema object representing a schema named my_schema:

from snowflake.core.schema import Schema

my_schema = Schema(name="my_schema")

The code then creates the schema in the my_db database by passing the Schema object to the SchemaCollection.create method.

Getting schema details

You can get information about a schema by calling the SchemaResource.fetch method, which returns a Schema object.

Code in the following example gets a Schema object that represents the my_schema schema:

my_schema = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].fetch()

Listing schemas

You can list the schemas in a specified database using the iter method. The method returns a PagedIter iterator of Schema objects.

Code in the following example lists schema names in the my_db database:

schema_list = root.databases["my_db"].schemas.iter()
for schema_obj in schema_list:

Dropping or restoring a schema

You can drop a schema using the SchemaResource.drop method or restore a schema using the SchemaResource.undrop method.

To demonstrate these operations, code in the following example drops and then restores the most recent version of the my_schema schema:

my_schema_res = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"]

Managing standard tables

You can manage standard tables in Snowflake. A table is a schema-level object. When you create or reference a table, you do so in the context of its schema.

The Snowflake Python APIs represents tables with two separate types:

  • Table: Exposes a table’s properties, such as its name and columns.

  • TableResource: Exposes methods you can use to fetch a corresponding Table object, update the properties of the table, and drop the table.


Creating a table

To create a table, first create a Table object that specifies the table name, column names, and column data types.

Code in the following example creates a Table object representing a table named my_table with the specified columns:

from snowflake.core.table import Table, TableColumn

my_table = Table(
  columns=[TableColumn(name="c1", datatype="int", nullable=False),
           TableColumn(name="c2", datatype="string")]

The code then creates the table in the my_db database and my_schema schema by passing the Table object to the TableCollection.create method.

Getting table details

You can get information about a table by calling the TableResource.fetch method, which returns a Table object.

Code in the following example gets information about a table named my_table:

my_table = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].tables["my_table"].fetch()

Creating or altering a table

You can set properties of a Table object and pass it to the TableResource.create_or_alter method to create a table if it doesn’t exist, or alter it according to the table definition if it does exist. The behavior of create_or_alter is intended to be idempotent, which means that the resulting table object will be the same regardless of whether the table exists before you call the method.


The create_or_alter method uses default values for any Table properties that you don’t explicitly define. For example, if you don’t set data_retention_time_in_days, its value defaults to None even if the table previously existed with a different value.

Code in the following example appends a new column named c3 of datatype int to the my_table table, and then alters the table in Snowflake:

from snowflake.core.table import PrimaryKey, TableColumn

my_table = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].tables["my_table"].fetch()
my_table.columns.append(TableColumn(name="c3", datatype="int", nullable=False, constraints=[PrimaryKey()]))

my_table_res = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].tables["my_table"]

Listing tables

You can list the tables in a specified schema using the iter method, which returns a PagedIter iterator of Table objects.

Code in the following example lists tables whose name begins with my:

tables = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].tables.iter(like="my%")
for table_obj in tables:

Swapping table names

You can swap (exchange) the name of a table with another table in a single transaction using the TableResource.swap_with method. For more information, see the SWAP WITH parameter description in ALTER TABLE.

Code in the following example swaps my_table with other_table in the same database and schema:

my_table_res = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].tables["my_table"]

Code in the following example swaps my_table (in the my_db database and my_schema schema) with other_table (in the other_db database and other_schema schema):

my_table_res = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].tables["my_table"]
my_table_res.swap_with(to_swap_table_name="other_table", target_database="other_db", target_schema="other_schema")

Performing table operations

You can perform common table operations—such as managing reclustering for a table and dropping or restoring a table—with a TableResource object.

For more information about these table operations, see Table, view, and sequence commands in the SQL command reference.

To demonstrate some operations you can do with a table resource, code in the following example does the following:

  1. Gets the my_table table resource object in the my_db database and the my_schema schema.

  2. Suspends reclustering for the table.

  3. Resumes reclustering for the table.

  4. Drops the table.

  5. Restores the most recent version of the dropped table.

my_table_res = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].tables["my_table"]


Managing event tables

You can manage Snowflake event tables, which are a special kind of database table with a predefined set of columns where Snowflake can collect telemetry data. For more information, see Event table overview.

The Snowflake Python APIs represents event tables with two separate types:

  • EventTable: Exposes an event table’s properties such as its name, data retention time, max data extension time, and change tracking option.

  • EventTableResource: Exposes methods you can use to fetch a corresponding EventTable object, rename the event table, and drop the event table.


Creating an event table

To create an event table, first create a EventTable object, and then create a EventTableCollection object from the API Root object. Using EventTableCollection.create, add the new event table to Snowflake.

Code in the following example creates a EventTable object that represents an event table named my_event_table with the specified parameters:

from snowflake.core.event_table import EventTable

event_table = EventTable(
  data_retention_time_in_days = 3,
  max_data_extension_time_in_days = 5,
  change_tracking = True,
  default_ddl_collation = 'EN-CI',
  comment = 'CREATE EVENT TABLE'

event_tables = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].event_tables

The code creates a EventTableCollection variable event_tables and uses EventTableCollection.create to create a new event table in Snowflake.

Getting event table details

You can get information about an event table by calling the EventTableResource.fetch method, which returns a EventTable object.

Code in the following example gets information about an event table named my_event_table:

my_event_table = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].event_tables["my_event_table"].fetch()

Listing event tables

You can list event tables using the EventTableCollection.iter method, which returns a PagedIter iterator of EventTable objects.

Code in the following example lists event tables whose name starts with my in the my_db database and my_schema schema, and prints the name of each:

from snowflake.core.event_table import EventTableCollection

event_tables: EventTableCollection = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].event_tables
event_table_iter = event_tables.iter(like="my%")  # returns a PagedIter[EventTable]
for event_table_obj in event_table_iter:

Code in the following example also lists event tables whose name begins with my, but it uses the starts_with parameter instead of like. This example also sets the optional parameter show_limit=10 to limit the number of results to 10:

event_tables: EventTableCollection = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].event_tables
event_table_iter = event_tables.iter(starts_with="my", show_limit=10)
for event_table_obj in event_table_iter:

Performing event table operations

You can perform common event table operations—such as renaming an event table and dropping an event table—with a EventTableResource object.


Only the RENAME functionality of ALTER TABLE (event tables) is currently supported.

RENAME is not supported on the default event table, SNOWFLAKE.TELEMETRY.EVENTS.

To demonstrate operations you can do with an event table resource, code in the following example does the following:

  1. Gets the my_event_table event table resource object in the my_db database and the my_schema schema.

  2. Renames the event table.

  3. Drops the event table.

my_event_table_res = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].event_tables["my_event_table"]


Managing views

You can manage views in Snowflake. A view is a schema-level object and allows the result of a query to be accessed as if it were a table. When you create or reference a view, you do so in the context of its schema.


ALTER VIEW is currently not supported.

The Snowflake Python APIs represents views with two separate types:

  • View: Exposes a view’s properties, such as its name, columns, and SQL query statement.

  • ViewResource: Exposes methods you can use to fetch a corresponding View object and to drop the view.


Creating a view

To create a view, first create a View object that specifies the view name, columns, and SQL query statement.

Code in the following example creates a View object representing a view named my_view with the specified columns and SQL query:

from snowflake.core.view import View, ViewColumn

my_view = View(
      ViewColumn(name="c1"), ViewColumn(name="c2"), ViewColumn(name="c3"),
  query="SELECT * FROM my_table",


The code then creates the view in the my_db database and my_schema schema by passing the View object to the ViewCollection.create method.

Getting view details

You can get information about a view by calling the ViewResource.fetch method, which returns a View object.

Code in the following example gets a View object that represents the my_view view:

my_view = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].views["my_view"].fetch()

Listing views

You can list the views in a specified database using the iter method. The method returns a PagedIter iterator of View objects.

Code in the following example lists views whose name begins with my in the my_db database and my_schema schema:

view_list = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].views.iter(like="my%")
for view_obj in view_list:

Code in the following example also lists views whose name begins with my, but it uses the starts_with parameter instead of like. This example also sets the optional parameter show_limit=10 to limit the number of results to 10:

view_list = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].views.iter(starts_with="my", show_limit=10)
for view_obj in view_list:

Dropping a view

You can drop a view using the ViewResource.drop method.

Code in the following example drops the my_view view:

my_view_res = root.databases["my_db"].schemas["my_schema"].views["my_view"]