Preview — 8.37 Release Notes


Content in this page is available in advance of the pending completion of the 8.37 release. The release is scheduled to complete on October 01 (subject to change).

Features, updates, or behavior changes described in this page might not become available in your account(s) until the completion of the release.

For updates to these release notes, see Release notes change log.

SQL updates

New SQL functions

The following function(s) are now available with this release:

Function category

New function


Semi-structured and structured data


Reduces an array to a single value based on the logic in a lambda expression.



Given an input GEOGRAPHY object, returns an interpolated object that is within a specified tolerance.

You can call this function when you need to see how GEOGRAPHY objects look like in the planar coordinate system (for example, when using visualization tools for geospatial data).

Extensibility updates

Authentication with AWS IAM from procedures and functions — Preview

With this release, we are pleased to announce preview support for authenticating with AWS services from a procedure or functions using Snowpark External Access via Identity and Access Management (IAM).

Release notes change log




Release notes

Initial publication (preview)
