Preview — 8.23 Release Notes


Content in this page is available in advance of the pending completion of the 8.23 release. The release is scheduled to complete on June 18 (subject to change).

Features, updates, or behavior changes described in this page might not become available in your account(s) until the completion of the release.

For updates to these release notes, see Release notes change log.

SQL updates

Window functions: extended support for RANGE BETWEEN — Preview

With this release, we are pleased to announce that RANGE BETWEEN window frames with explicit offsets (n PRECEDING and n FOLLOWING) are supported for the following window functions:


  • SUM

  • MIN

  • MAX

  • AVG

DISTINCT versions of these window functions do not support this syntax. RANGE BETWEEN window frames with explicit offsets support only one numeric or datetime ORDER BY expression.

This extended range-based functionality makes it easier to run moving aggregations when expected or unexpected missing records cause gaps to occur in time-series data sets.

Account Usage: TABLE_DML_HISTORY and TABLE_PRUNING_HISTORY views — General availability

With this release, we are pleased to announce the following Account Usage views:

  • TABLE_DML_HISTORY can be used to determine the magnitude and effects of the DML operations performed on a table.

  • TABLE_PRUNING_HISTORY can be used to determine pruning efficiency for all tables.

Data governance updates

Data quality: add new system DMFs — Preview

With this release, we are pleased to announce new system data metric functions to support data quality measurements related to statistics and accuracy:








Data quality and data metric functions are in preview as of March 29, 2024.

Data pipelines updates

ALTER DYNAMIC TABLE command: Support for adding search optimization and setting additional properties

With this release, you can now use the ALTER DYNAMIC TABLE command to do the following:

  • Enable search optimization for your dynamic tables.

  • Set the following properties for your dynamic tables:

    • Retention time

    • Comments

    • Default collation

    • Tags

    • Row access and masking policies

Snowflake Native App Framework

Updates to logging and tracing for a Snowflake Native App — Preview

With this release, we are pleased to announce enhancements to the logging and tracing functionality for a Snowflake Native App. These enhancements allow more granular configuration of the log and trace events generated by the app. Providers can add event definitions to the manifest file to specify which log and trace events are required or optional for an app. Consumers can configure which log and trace events they want to allow.

New events generated during app installation and upgrade — Preview

With this release, we are pleased to announce the addition of trace events that are generated when a Snowflake Native App is installed or upgraded. Consumers can view these events to determine the status of the app installation or upgrade.

Release notes change log




Release notes

Initial publication (preview)
