2024_03 Bundle (Generally Enabled)

Bundle History


To determine the current status of bundles in your account, see SYSTEM$SHOW_ACTIVE_BEHAVIOR_CHANGE_BUNDLES.

For more information, see Behavior change management.

  1. Introduced in the 8.12 release (March 26-27) as Disabled by Default; account admins can enable for testing.

  2. Status changed in the 8.17 release (April 30 - May 7) to Enabled by Default; account admins can disable for opt-out.

  3. Status changed in the 8.22 release (June 11-15, 2024) to Generally Enabled; account admins can no longer enable or disable this bundle.

List of Changes


This change list has been compiled using reasonable efforts. We are not always able to determine the full customer impact of a behavior change beforehand. The change list may not include all changes in a release, for example, last minute or emergency changes. In addition, behavior changes that are determined to have minimal to no user impact may not be pre-announced.

If you have any questions about the changes in this bundle, please contact Snowflake Support.

For differences between the in-advance and final versions of these notes, see Behavior Change Bundle change log.

Security Changes

Additional Notes

Network policies: Apply network policy to presigned URL

Snowflake Native Apps Framework: Changes to the MANAGE EVENT SHARING privilege

SQL Changes — Commands & Functions

Additional Notes

New SQL functions: GREATEST_IGNORE_NULLS and LEAST_IGNORE_NULLS may conflict with similarly named UDFs

SHOW OBJECTS command: New column and changes to output

SHOW TABLES command: New column is_dynamic

SQL Changes — Usage Views & Information Schema Views / Table Functions

Additional Notes

Account Usage and Information Schema functions views: New column(s) in output

Account Usage views: Add support for versioned schemas in Snowflake Native App

FUNCTIONS view (Information Schema): Add support for data metric function

Data Pipelines

Additional Notes

Apache Iceberg™ tables: New write location for empty string BASE_LOCATION


Additional Notes

Replication: Skip event tables and hybrid tables during refresh operation

Extensibility & Developer

Additional Notes

Account Usage QUERY_HISTORY View: Change to QUERY_TAG

Python UDFs: Changes to return value types for semi-structured data

SHOW ENDPOINTS command: Output column name change

Web Interface

Additional Notes

Retirement window for free listings published on the Snowflake Marketplace

Snowsight: Default all users in all accounts to Snowsight

Behavior Change Bundle change log




2024_03 BCR Bundle notes

Pending release (preview)



Removed from Virtual Warehouse


CURRENT_DATABASE and CURRENT_SCHEMA functions: Ensure deterministic outputs with policies, views, and UDFs

Removed from Data Governance



BCR-1325 is now included in the 2024_06 bundle and listed as CURRENT_DATABASE and CURRENT_SCHEMA functions: Ensure deterministic outputs with policies, views, and UDFs
