AWS VPC interface endpoints for internal stages

This topic provides concepts as well as detailed instructions for connecting to Snowflake internal stages through AWS VPC Interface Endpoints.


AWS VPC interface endpoints and AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 can be combined to provide secure connectivity to Snowflake internal stages. This setup ensures that data loading and data unloading operations to Snowflake internal stages use the AWS internal network and do not take place over the public Internet.

Prior to AWS supporting VPC interface endpoints for internal stage access, it was necessary to create a proxy farm within the AWS VPC to facilitate secure access to Snowflake internal stages. With the added support of VPC interface endpoints for Snowflake internal stages, users and client applications can now access Snowflake internal stages over the private AWS network. The following diagram summarizes this new support:

Connect to internal stage using AWS PrivateLink for S3

Note the following regarding the numbers in the BEFORE diagram:

  • Users have two options to connect to a Snowflake internal stage:

    • Option A allows an on-premises connection directly to the internal stage as shown by the number 1.

    • Option B allows a connection to the internal stage through a proxy farm as shown by the numbers 2 and 3.

  • If using the proxy farm, users can also connect to Snowflake directly as denoted by the number 4.

Note the following regarding the numbers in the AFTER diagram:

  • The updates in this feature remove the need to connect to Snowflake or a Snowflake internal stage through a proxy farm.

  • An on-premises user can connect to Snowflake directly as shown in number 5.

  • To connect to a Snowflake internal stage, on-premises users connect to an interface endpoint, number 6, and then use AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 to connect to the Snowflake internal stage as shown in number 7.

There is a single Amazon S3 bucket per internal stage deployment. A prefix in the internal stage Amazon S3 bucket is used to organize the data in each Snowflake account. The Amazon S3 bucket endpoint URLs are different depending on whether the connection to the bucket uses private connectivity (i.e. AWS PrivateLink for S3).

Public Amazon S3 Global Endpoint URL:


Private Amazon S3 Endpoint URL:



Implementing VPC interface endpoints to access Snowflake internal stages provides the following advantages:

  • Internal stage data does not traverse the public Internet.

  • Client and SaaS applications, such as Microsoft PowerBI, that run outside of the AWS VPC can connect to Snowflake securely.

  • Administrators are not required to modify firewall settings to access internal stage data.

  • Administrators can implement consistent security and monitoring regarding how users connect to storage accounts.


For limitations of AWS PrivateLink, see the AWS documentation.

Getting started

Before configuring AWS and Snowflake to allow requests to access a Snowflake internal stage via AWS PrivateLink, you must:


  • Set the ENABLE_INTERNAL_STAGES_PRIVATELINK parameter to enable support for connecting to an internal stage over AWS PrivateLink. For both implementation strategies discussed in this topic, the account administrator must execute:

    use role accountadmin;
    alter account set ENABLE_INTERNAL_STAGES_PRIVATELINK = true;
  • AWS PrivateLink for S3.


    AWS PrivateLink for S3 is an AWS service that must be enabled in your cloud environment.

    For help with configuring and implementing this service, contact your internal AWS administrator.

  • Update the firewall allow-listing as follows:

  • For us-east-1 customers only: If using one of the following Snowflake clients to connect to Snowflake, please upgrade to the client version as follows:

    • JDBC driver: 3.13.3 (or higher)

    • ODBC driver: 2.23.2 (or higher)

    • Python Connector for Snowflake: 2.5.1 (or higher)

    • SnowSQL: 1.2.17 (or higher)

      • Upgrade SnowSQL before using this feature. For more information, see Installing SnowSQL.

      • Starting with version 1.3.0, SnowSQL disables automatic upgrades by default to avoid potential issues that can affect production environments when an automatic upgrade occurs. To upgrade, you should download and install new versions manually, preferably in a non-production environment. Snowflake recommends you leave this setting disabled, but you can manually enable the auto-upgrade behavior by configuring the SnowSQL noup option option.

Choosing an implementation strategy

Choosing the right implementation strategy depends on whether your organization is using AWS PrivateLink to access a single internal stage or multiple internal stages.

Accessing an internal stage with an interface endpoint

The following implementation strategy is recommended when your organization is accessing the internal stage of a single account. If you are accessing multiple internal stages from your VPC, see Accessing Internal stages with dedicated interface endpoints.

To configure a VPC interface endpoint to access a Snowflake internal stage, it is necessary to have support from the following three roles in your organization:

  1. The Snowflake account administrator (i.e. a user with the Snowflake ACCOUNTADMIN system role).

  2. The AWS administrator.

  3. The network administrator.

Depending on the organization, it might be necessary to coordinate the configuration efforts with more than one person or team to implement the following configuration steps.


Complete the following steps to configure and implement secure access to a Snowflake internal stage through a VPC endpoint:

  1. As a Snowflake account administrator, execute the following statements in your Snowflake account and record the value defined by the privatelink_internal_stage key. Note that the Amazon S3 bucket name is defined in the first segment of the URL when read from left to right. For more information, see ENABLE_INTERNAL_STAGES_PRIVATELINK and SYSTEM$GET_PRIVATELINK_CONFIG.

    use role accountadmin;
    alter account set ENABLE_INTERNAL_STAGES_PRIVATELINK = true;
    select key, value from table(flatten(input=>parse_json(system$get_privatelink_config())));
  2. As the AWS administrator, create a VPC endpoint for AWS PrivateLink for S3 using the AWS Console. Record the VPCE DNS Name for use in the next step; do not record any VPCE DNS zonal names.

    The VPCE DNS Name can be found by describing an interface endpoint once the endpoint is created.

    In this example, a wildcard (i.e. *) is listed as the leading character in the VPCE DNS Name. Replace the leading wildcard with the Amazon S3 bucket name from the previous step. For example:





  3. As the network administrator, update the DNS settings to resolve the following URL:

    <bucket_name>.s3.<region> to the VPCE DNS name after the leading wildcard is replaced with the Amazon S3 bucket name.

    In this example, resolve <bucket_name>.s3.<region> to <bucket_name>


    • Do not use wildcard characters (i.e. *) with DNS mapping because of the possible impact of accessing other Amazon S3 buckets outside of Snowflake.

    • Use a separate Snowflake account for testing, and configure a private hosted DNS zone in a test VPC to test the feature so that the testing is isolated and does not impact your other workloads.

    • If using a separate Snowflake account is not possible, use a test user to access Snowflake from a test VPC where the DNS changes are made.

    • To test from on-premises applications, use DNS forwarding to forward requests to the AWS private hosted zone in the VPC where the DNS settings are made. If there are client applications in both the VPC and on-premises, use AWS Transit Gateway.

    • Execute the following command from the client machine to verify that the IP address returned is the private IP address for the storage account:

      dig <bucket_name>.s3.<region>
  4. For Snowflake accounts in us-east-1, verify your Snowflake clients are on their latest versions.

Accessing Internal stages with dedicated interface endpoints

The following implementation strategy is recommended when your organization is accessing the internal stages of multiple accounts.

The S3_STAGE_VPCE_DNS_NAME parameter allows users to associate a Snowflake account with the DNS name of an Amazon S3 interface endpoint. This allows organizations with multiple Snowflake accounts in an AWS deployment to associate each internal stage with a different interface endpoint. When each internal stage has its own interface endpoint, network traffic to a specific internal stage is isolated from network traffic to other internal stages.

Before continuing, make sure you have met the prerequisites.


The strategy in which an internal stage within an AWS deployment has a dedicated Amazon S3 interface endpoint has the following benefits:


Each account can have a different security strategy because individual interface endpoints can have different security configurations.

Chargeback models:

Companies can isolate network traffic based on the type of account (for example, production vs. development), and attribute costs associated with data flowing through an endpoint to the correct account.

DNS Management:

The DNS name of an Amazon S3 interface endpoint is a globally unique name that locates the specific endpoint within a specific region. AWS automatically registers this DNS name in its public DNS service, meaning it is publicly resolvable. For these reasons, an administrator does not need to do any additional DNS configuration to route traffic through an Amazon S3 interface endpoint to an internal stage. For example, the administrator does not need to set up a private hosted zone (PHZ) when configuring the Amazon Route 53 DNS service or register a DNS name to point to an endpoint.


The network isolation strategy consists of the following:

  1. In AWS, an administrator creates a new Amazon S3 interface endpoint for every Snowflake account in the organization. For example, if an organization has two accounts in the Snowflake deployment, the administrator creates two interface endpoints.

  2. In Snowflake, an administrator uses the S3_STAGE_VPCE_DNS_NAME parameter to associate each Snowflake account with the DNS name of its dedicated interface endpoint. All traffic to the account’s internal stage goes through this interface endpoint.

AWS configuration

In your VPC as an AWS administrator:

  1. Create a separate Amazon S3 interface endpoint for each of your Snowflake accounts.

  2. For each of these endpoints, use the AWS VPC Management Console to:

    1. Open the endpoint to view its Details.

    2. Find the DNS Names field, and copy the region-scoped DNS name. The Snowflake S3_STAGE_VPCE_DNS_NAME parameter will be set to this value.

      The format of the region-scoped DNS name looks like * Though AWS also provides an availability zone DNS name, Snowflake recommends the region-scoped DNS name because it provides high availability with failover capabilities.

Snowflake configuration

After the AWS administrator creates the interface endpoint for a Snowflake account’s internal stage, the Snowflake administrator can use the S3_STAGE_VPCE_DNS_NAME parameter to associate the DNS name of that endpoint with the account.

The S3_STAGE_VPCE_DNS_NAME parameter should be set to the region-scoped DNS Name of the interface endpoint associated with a specific internal stage. The standard format begins with an asterisk (*) and ends with (for example, *

As an example, the account administrator can execute the following to associate an endpoint with the current account:

alter account set S3_STAGE_VPCE_DNS_NAME='*';

Final DNS value

The final DNS name associated with an account has the form: <bucketname>.bucket.vpce-<vpceid>.s3.<region>


  • <bucketname> is the name of the internal stage’s Amazon S3 bucket.

  • <vpceid> is the unique identifier of the Amazon S3 interface endpoint associated with the account.

  • <region> is the cloud region that hosts your Snowflake account.

The final DNS name appears in logs for each driver that connects to the internal stage.