Search Optimization Service

The search optimization service can significantly improve the performance of certain types of lookup and analytical queries. An extensive set of filtering predicates are supported (see Identifying queries that can benefit from search optimization).


To start with a tutorial that compares execution time with and without search optimization, see Getting Started with Search Optimization.

The search optimization service aims to significantly improve the performance of certain types of queries on tables, including:

Once you identify the queries that can benefit from the search optimization service, you can enable search optimization for the columns and tables used in those queries.

The search optimization service is generally transparent to users. Queries work the same as they do without search optimization; some are just faster. However, search optimization does have effects on certain other table operations. For more information, see Working with search-optimized tables.

How the Search Optimization Service Works

To improve performance of search queries, the search optimization service creates and maintains a persistent data structure called a search access path. The search access path keeps track of which values of the table’s columns might be found in each of its micro-partitions, allowing some micro-partitions to be skipped when scanning the table.

A maintenance service is responsible for creating and maintaining the search access path:

  • When you enable search optimization, the maintenance service creates and populates the search access path with the data needed to perform the lookups.

    Building the search access path can take significant time, depending on the size of the table. The maintenance service works in the background and does not block any operations on the table. Queries are not accelerated until the search access path has been fully built.

  • When data in the table is updated (for example, by loading new data sets or through DML operations), the maintenance service automatically updates the search access path to reflect the changes to the data.

    If queries are run while the search access path is still being updated, queries might run more slowly, but will still return correct results.

The progress of each table’s maintenance service appears in the search_optimization_progress column in the output of SHOW TABLES. Before you measure the performance improvement of search optimization on a newly-optimized table, make sure this column shows that the table has been fully optimized.

Search access path maintenance is transparent. You don’t need to create a virtual warehouse for running the maintenance service. However, there is a cost for the storage and compute resources of maintenance. For more details on costs, see Search optimization cost estimation and management.

Other Options for Optimizing Query Performance

The search optimization service is one of several ways to optimize query performance. Other techniques include:

  • Query acceleration.

  • Clustering a table.

  • Creating one or more materialized views (clustered or unclustered).

Each of these has different advantages, as shown in the following table:


Supported Query Types


Search Optimization Service

The search optimization service can improve the performance of these types of searches for the supported data types.

Query Acceleration Service

Queries with filters or aggregation. If the query includes LIMIT, the query must also include ORDER BY.
The filters must be highly selective, and the ORDER BY clause must have a low cardinality.

Query acceleration works well with ad-hoc analytics, queries with unpredictable data volume,
and queries with large scans and selective filters.

Query acceleration and search optimization are complementary. Both can accelerate the same query. See Compatibility with Query Acceleration.

Materialized View

  • Equality searches.

  • Range searches.

  • Sort operations.

You can also use materialized views to define different clustering keys on the same source table (or a subset of that table), or to store flattened JSON or variant data so it only needs to be flattened once.

Materialized views improve performance only for the subset of rows and columns included in the materialized view.

Clustering the Table

  • Equality searches.

  • Range searches.

A table can be clustered only on a single key, which can contain one or more columns or expressions.

The following table shows which of these optimizations have storage or compute costs:

Storage Cost

Compute Cost

Search Optimization Service

Query Acceleration Service

Materialized View

Clustering the Table


Compatibility with Query Acceleration

Search optimization and query acceleration can work together to optimize query performance. First, search optimization can prune the micro-partitions not needed for a query. Then, for eligible queries, query acceleration can offload portions of the rest of the work to shared compute resources provided by the service.

Performance of queries accelerated by both services varies depending on workload and available resources.


Start by creating a table with data:

create or replace table test_table (id int, c1 int, c2 string, c3 date) as
select * from values
  (1, 3, '4',  '1985-05-11'),
  (2, 4, '3',  '1996-12-20'),
  (3, 2, '1',  '1974-02-03'),
  (4, 1, '2',  '2004-03-09'),
  (5, null, null,  null);

Add the SEARCH OPTIMIZATION property to the table using ALTER TABLE:

alter table test_table add search optimization;

The following queries can use the search optimization service:

select * from test_table where id = 2;
select * from test_table where c2 = '1';
select * from test_table where c3 = '1985-05-11';
select * from test_table where c1 is null;
select * from test_table where c1 = 4 and c3 = '1996-12-20';

The following query can use the search optimization service because the implicit cast is on the constant, not the column:

select * from test_table where c2 = 2;

The following cannot use the search optimization service because the cast is on the table’s column:

select * from test_table where cast(c2 as number) = 2;

An IN clause is supported by the search optimization service:

select id, c1, c2, c3
    from test_table
    where id IN (2, 3)
    order by id;

If predicates are individually supported by the search optimization service, then they can be joined by the conjunction AND and still be supported by the search optimization service:

select id, c1, c2, c3
    from test_table
    where c1 = 1
          c3 = TO_DATE('2004-03-09')
    order by id;

DELETE and UPDATE (and MERGE) can also use the search optimization service:

delete from test_table where id = 3;
update test_table set c1 = 99 where id = 4;