SHOW GRANTS TO USER and SHOW GRANTS commands: New columns in output


This behavior change is in the 2025_01 bundle.

For the current status of the bundle, refer to Bundle History.

SHOW GRANTS TO USER (and SHOW GRANTS) behaves as follows:

Before the change:

SHOW GRANTS TO USER (and SHOW GRANTS) has the following columns:

  • created_on

  • role

  • granted_to

  • grantee_name

  • granted_by

After the change:

SHOW GRANTS TO USER (and SHOW GRANTS) has the following columns:

  • created_on

  • privilege

  • granted_on

  • name

  • role

  • granted_to

  • grantee_name

  • grant_option

  • granted_by

When this behavior change bundle is enabled, the output of the SHOW GRANTS TO USER and SHOW GRANTS commands includes the following new columns:

Column name



Name of the granted privilege.


Object kind, such as TABLE or DATABASE, on which the privilege is granted.


Name of the object on which the privilege is granted.


TRUE / FALSE. If set to TRUE, the user can grant the privilege to other roles or users.

This change aligns the output of SHOW GRANTS TO ROLE and SHOW GRANTS TO USER, in support of user-based access control.

Ref: 1803