Troubleshooting Snowpipe

This topic describes a methodical approach to troubleshooting issues with loading data using Snowpipe.

The steps to troubleshoot issues with Snowpipe differ depending on the workflow used to load data files.

Automatically loading data using Cloud Storage event notifications

Error notifications

Configure error notifications for Snowpipe. When Snowpipe encounters errors during a load, the feature pushes a notification to a configured cloud messaging service, enabling analysis of your data files. For more information, see Snowpipe error notifications.

General troubleshooting steps

Complete the following steps to identify the cause of most issues preventing the automatic loading of files.

Step 1: Check the pipe status

Retrieve the current status of the pipe. The results are displayed in JSON format. For information, see SYSTEM$PIPE_STATUS.

Check the following values:


Specifies the timestamp of the last event message received from the message queue. Note that this message might not apply to the specific pipe, e.g., if the path associated with the message does not match the path in the pipe definition. In addition, only messages triggered by created data objects are consumed by auto-ingest pipes.

If the timestamp is earlier than expected, this likely indicates an issue with either the service configuration (i.e. Amazon SQS or Amazon SNS, or Azure Event Grid) or the service itself. If the field is empty, verify your service configuration settings. If field contains a timestamp but it is earlier than expected, verify whether any settings were changed in your service configuration.


Specifies the timestamp of the last “create object” event message with a matching path that was forwarded to the pipe.

If event messages are getting received from the message queue but are not forwarded to the pipe, then there is likely a mismatch between the blob storage path where the new data files are created and the combined path specified in the Snowflake stage and pipe definitions. Verify any paths specified in the stage and pipe definitions. Note that a path specified in the pipe definition is appended to any path in the stage definition.

Step 2. View the COPY history for the table

If event messages are getting received and forwarded, then query the load activity history for the target table. For information, see COPY_HISTORY.

The STATUS column indicates whether a particular set of files was loaded, partially loaded, or failed to load. The FIRST_ERROR_MESSAGE column provides a reason when an attempt partially loaded or failed.

Note that if a set of files has multiple issues, the FIRST_ERROR_MESSAGE column only indicates the first error encountered. To view all errors in the files, execute a COPY INTO <table> statement with the VALIDATION_MODE copy option set to RETURN_ALL_ERRORS. The VALIDATION_MODE copy option instructs a COPY statement to validate the data to be loaded and return results based on the validation option specified. No data is loaded when this copy option is specified. In the statement, reference the set of files you had attempted to load using Snowpipe. For more information about the copy option, see COPY INTO <table>.

If the COPY_HISTORY output does not include a set of expected files, query an earlier time period. If the files were duplicates of earlier files, the load history might have recorded the activity when the attempt to load the original files was made.

Step 3: Validate the data files

If the load operation encounters errors in the data files, the COPY_HISTORY table function describes the first error encountered in each file. To validate the data files, query the VALIDATE_PIPE_LOAD function.

Files generated in Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage not loaded

Currently, some third-party clients do not call FlushWithClose in the ADLS Gen 2 REST API. This step is necessary to trigger events that notify Snowpipe to load the files. Try calling the REST API manually to trigger Snowpipe to load these files.

For more information about the Flush method with the close argument, see For additional REST API reference information about the load for the close parameter, see

Snowpipe stops loading files after Amazon SNS topic subscription is deleted

The first time a user creates a pipe object that references a specific Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic, Snowflake subscribes a Snowflake-owned Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue to the topic. If an AWS administrator deletes the SQS subscription to the SNS topic, any pipe that references the topic no longer receives event messages from Amazon S3.

To resolve the issue:

  1. Wait 72 hours from the time when the SNS topic subscription was deleted.

    After 72 hours, Amazon SNS clears the deleted subscription. For more information, see the Amazon SNS documentation.

  2. Recreate any pipes that reference the topic (using CREATE OR REPLACE PIPE). Reference the same SNS topic in the pipe definition. For instructions, see Step 3: Create a pipe with auto-ingest enabled.

All pipes that worked prior to the deletion of the SNS topic subscription should now begin to receive event messages from S3 again.

To circumvent the 72-hour delay, you can create a SNS topic with a different name. Recreate any pipes that reference the topic using the CREATE OR REPLACE PIPE command, and specify the new topic name.

Loads from Google Cloud Storage delayed or files missed

When automatic data loading from Google Cloud Storage (GCS) using Pub/Sub messages is configured, the event message for only a single staged file could be read. Alternatively, the data loads from GCS could be delayed from between several minutes and one day or longer. In general, either issue is caused when a GCS administrator has not granted the Snowflake service account the Monitoring Viewer role.

For instructions, see “Step 2: Grant Snowflake Access to the Pub/Sub Subscription” in Configuring secure access to Cloud Storage.

Calling Snowpipe REST endpoints to load data

Error notifications

The support for Snowpipe error notifications is available for Snowflake accounts hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Errors encountered during a data load trigger notifications that enable analysis of your data files. For more information, see Snowpipe error notifications.

General troubleshooting steps

Complete the following steps to identify the cause of most issues preventing the loading of files.

Step 1: Checking authentication issues

The Snowpipe REST endpoints use key pair authentication with JSON Web Token (JWT).

The Python/Java ingest SDKs generate the JWT for you. When calling the REST API directly, you need to generate them. If no JWT token is provided in the request, error 400 is returned by the REST endpoint. If an invalid token is provided, an error similar to the following is returned:

snowflake.ingest.error.IngestResponseError: Http Error: 401, Vender Code: 390144, Message: JWT token is invalid.

Step 2. Viewing the COPY history for the table

Query the load activity history for a table, including any attempted data loads using Snowpipe. For information, see COPY_HISTORY. The STATUS column indicates whether a particular set of files was loaded, partially loaded, or failed to load. The FIRST_ERROR_MESSAGE column provides a reason when an attempt partially loaded or failed.

Note that if a set of files has multiple issues, the FIRST_ERROR_MESSAGE column only indicates the first error encountered. To view all errors in the files, execute a COPY INTO <table> statement with the VALIDATION_MODE copy option set to RETURN_ALL_ERRORS. The VALIDATION_MODE copy option instructs a COPY statement to validate the data to be loaded and return results based on the validation option specified. No data is loaded when this copy option is specified. In the statement, reference the set of files you had attempted to load using Snowpipe. For more information about the copy option, see COPY INTO <table>.

Step 3: Checking the pipe status

If the COPY_HISTORY table function returns 0 results for the data load you are investigating, retrieve the current state of the pipe. The results are displayed in JSON format. For information, see SYSTEM$PIPE_STATUS.

The executionState key identifies the execution state of the pipe. For example, PAUSED indicates the pipe is currently paused. The pipe owner could resume running the pipe using ALTER PIPE.

If the executionState value indicates an issue with starting the pipe, check the error key for more information.

Step 4: Validate the data files

If the load operation encounters errors in the data files, the COPY_HISTORY table function describes the first error encountered in each file. To validate the data files, query the VALIDATE_PIPE_LOAD function.

Other issues

Set of files not loaded

Missing COPY_HISTORY record for the load

Check whether the COPY INTO <table> statement in the pipe includes the PATTERN clause. If so, verify whether the regular expression specified as the PATTERN value is filtering out all of the staged files to load.

To modify the PATTERN value, it is necessary to recreate the pipe using the CREATE OR REPLACE PIPE syntax.

For more information, see CREATE PIPE.

COPY_HISTORY record indicates unloaded subset of files

If the COPY_HISTORY function output indicates a subset of files was not loaded, you may try to “refresh” the pipe.

This situation can arise in any of the following situations:

  • The external stage was previously used to bulk load data using the COPY INTO table command.


    • External event-driven functionality is used to call the REST APIs, and a backlog of data files already existed in the external stage before the events were configured.

  • Auto-ingest:

    • A backlog of data files already existed in the external stage before event notifications were configured.

    • An event notification failure prevented a set of files from getting queued.

To load the data files in your external stage using the configured pipe, execute a ALTER PIPE … REFRESH statement.

Duplicate data in target tables

Compare the COPY INTO <table> statements in the definitions of all pipes in the account by executing SHOW PIPES or by querying either the PIPES view in Account Usage or the PIPES view in the Information Schema. If multiple pipes reference the same cloud storage location in the COPY INTO <table> statements, verify that the directory paths do not overlap. Otherwise, multiple pipes could load the same set of data files into the target tables. For example, this situation can occur when multiple pipe definitions reference the same storage location with different levels of granularity, such as <storage_location>/path1/ and <storage_location>/path1/path2/. In this example, if files are staged in <storage_location>/path1/path2/, both pipes would load a copy of the files.

Unable to reload modified data, modified data loaded unintentionally

Snowflake uses file loading metadata to prevent reloading the same files (and duplicating data) in a table. Snowpipe prevents loading files with the same name even if they were later modified (i.e. have a different eTag).

The file loading metadata is associated with the pipe object rather than the table. As a result:

  • Staged files with the same name as files that were already loaded are ignored, even if they have been modified, e.g. if new rows were added or errors in the file were corrected.

  • Truncating the table using the TRUNCATE TABLE command does not delete the Snowpipe file loading metadata.

However, note that pipes only maintain the load history metadata for 14 days. Therefore:

Files modified and staged again within 14 days:

Snowpipe ignores modified files that are staged again. To reload modified data files, it is currently necessary to recreate the pipe object using the CREATE OR REPLACE PIPE syntax.

The following example recreates the mypipe pipe based on the example in Step 1 of Preparing to load data using the Snowpipe REST API:

create or replace pipe mypipe as copy into mytable from @mystage;
Files modified and staged again after 14 days:

Snowpipe loads the data again, potentially resulting in duplicate records in the target table.

In addition, duplicate records can be loaded into the target table if COPY INTO <table> statements are executed that reference the same bucket/container, path, and target table as in your active Snowpipe loads. The load histories for the COPY command and Snowpipe are stored separately in Snowflake. After you have loaded any historic staged data, if you need to load data manually using the pipe configuration, execute an ALTER PIPE … REFRESH statement. See Set of Files Not Loaded in this topic for more information.

Load times inserted using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP earlier than LOAD_TIME values in COPY_HISTORY view

Table designers may add a timestamp column that inserts the current timestamp as the default value as records are loaded into a table. The intent is to capture the time when each record was loaded into the table; however, the timestamps are earlier than the LOAD_TIME column values returned by the COPY_HISTORY function (Information Schema) or the COPY_HISTORY view (Account Usage). The reason is, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is evaluated when the load operation is compiled in cloud services rather than when the record is inserted into the table (i.e. when the transaction for the load operation is committed).


We currently do not recommend using the following functions in the copy_statement for Snowpipe:









It is a known issue that the time values inserted using these functions can be a few hours earlier than the LOAD_TIME values returned by the COPY_HISTORY function or the COPY_HISTORY view.

Use the copy option INCLUDE_METADATA with METADATA$START_SCAN_TIME instead, which provides a more accurate representation of record loading. For more information, see CREATE PIPE examples.

Error: Integration {0} associated with the stage {1} cannot be found

003139=SQL compilation error:\nIntegration ''{0}'' associated with the stage ''{1}'' cannot be found.

This error can occur when the association between the external stage and the storage integration linked to the stage has been broken. This happens when the storage integration object has been recreated (using CREATE OR REPLACE STORAGE INTEGRATION). A stage links to a storage integration using a hidden ID rather than the name of the storage integration. Behind the scenes, the CREATE OR REPLACE syntax drops the object and recreates it with a different hidden ID.

If you must recreate a storage integration after it has been linked to one or more stages, you must reestablish the association between each stage and the storage integration by executing ALTER STAGE stage_name SET STORAGE_INTEGRATION = storage_integration_name, where:

  • stage_name is the name of the stage.

  • storage_integration_name is the name of the storage integration.

Errors for Snowpipe referencing government regions

You may get an error when Snowpipe referencing a bucket in a government region while the account is in a commercial region. Note that the government regions of the cloud providers do not allow event notifications to be sent to or from other commercial regions. For more information, see AWS GovCloud (US) and Azure Government.