All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AccessTools |
A set of basic Snowflake access tools.
AppendOnlyKeyValueTable |
Default implementation of AppendOnlyTable , which stores the data as key-value pairs,
similarly to the default implementation of KeyValueTable .
AppendOnlyStateRepository<T> |
An append-only repository for the connector state.
AppendOnlyTable |
A representation of a table to which the records can only be appended, never updated.
Assert |
Utility class to allow for basic sanity checks.
CancelOngoingExecutionsExecutor |
Executor of the CANCEL_ONGOING_EXECUTIONS command.
CascadeMode |
Cascade mode for object dropping queries.
Command |
Representation of the command entity from the command queue table.
Command.CommandType |
Valid command types that are recognized and supported by the command processor.
CommandExecutor |
Task Reactor command executor.
CommandsProcessor |
Task Reactor Commands Processor mechanism that processes commands added to the commands queue.
CommandsQueue |
Task Reactor repository that works with the commands queue table.
CommandsQueue.ColumnName |
Column names of the commands queue table.
CommandTypeUnsupportedByCommandsExecutorException |
ComponentNames |
Helper class containing common Task Reactor object names.
ConfigRepository |
Task reactor configuration repository utility.
ConfigurationMap |
A collection of key-value pairs, with an additional mapping for values.
ConfigurationRepository |
A repository for basic storage of the configuration.
ConfigureConnectorCallback |
ConfigureConnectorHandler |
Handler for the connector configuration process.
ConfigureConnectorHandlerBuilder |
ConfigureConnectorInputValidator |
ConnectionConfigurationCallback |
ConnectionConfigurationHandler |
Handler for the connection configuration process.
ConnectionConfigurationHandlerBuilder |
ConnectionConfigurationInputValidator |
ConnectionConfigurationNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when connection configuration record was not found in the configuration table.
ConnectionConfigurationService |
A service for basic management of the connection configuration.
ConnectionValidator |
ConnectorConfigurationKey |
All keys allowed for the connector configuration properties.
ConnectorConfigurationNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when connector configuration record was not found in the configuration table.
ConnectorConfigurationParsingException |
Exception thrown when provided connector configuration is not valid.
ConnectorConfigurationService |
A service for basic management of the connector configuration.
ConnectorErrorHelper |
Provides utility methods for catching, logging and mapping exceptions within the connector.
ConnectorErrorHelperBuilder |
ConnectorException |
Main exception for the connector errors.
ConnectorResponse |
A standard response format used by the connectors sdk, consisting of a response code, a message,
and a custom additional payload.
ConnectorStatus |
Connector status.
ConnectorStatus.ConnectorConfigurationStatus |
Connector configuration status.
ConnectorStatusNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when no connector status data was found in the database.
ConnectorStatusRepository |
Repository for basic storage of the connector and connector configuration statuses.
ConnectorStatusService |
Service for basic management of the connector and connector configuration statuses.
CreateResourceHandler |
Handler for the ingestion resource creation process.
CreateResourceHandlerBuilder |
CreateResourceValidator |
Callback which is called at the beginning of creating a resource
CreateSchedulerHandler |
Handler for creating a new scheduler.
CreateSchedulerHandlerBuilder |
CreateSchedulerHandlerTestBuilder |
CrudIngestionProcessRepository |
A repository for basic storage of the ingestion processes.
CrudIngestionRunRepository |
A repository for basic storage of the ingestion run information.
DefaultAppendOnlyStateRepository<T> |
DefaultCommandsProcessor |
DefaultCommandsQueue |
Default implementation of the CommandsQueue used by the Task Reactor.
DefaultConfigurationMap |
DefaultConfigurationRepository |
DefaultConnectionConfigurationService |
DefaultConnectorStatusService |
DefaultExpiredWorkSelector |
DefaultIngestionProcessRepository |
DefaultIngestionRunRepository |
DefaultKeyValueStateRepository<T> |
DefaultKeyValueTable |
DefaultLifecycleService |
DefaultTableLister |
This implementation uses SHOW TABLES ...
DefaultTableRepository |
Implements operations on snowflake TABLE objects
DefaultTaskLister |
DefaultTaskRef |
DefaultTaskRepository |
DefaultWorkerCombinedView |
DefaultWorkItemQueue |
DisableResourceHandler |
Handler for the process of disabling a resource.
DisableResourceHandlerBuilder |
Dispatcher |
Main task reactor task dispatcher.
DispatcherHandler |
Handler for the Task Reactor dispatcher.
DispatcherTaskManager |
Component for managing dispatcher task.
DraftConnectionValidator |
DropMode |
Drop mode for object dropping queries.
DuplicateKeyException |
Exception thrown when there are duplicated keys in collection
EmptyExceptionContext |
EmptyImplementation |
Placeholder class for use as a ResourceIngestionDefinition parameter, when there is no
need to define custom properties for a given definition implementation.
EnableResourceHandler |
Handler for the process of enabling a resource.
EnableResourceHandlerBuilder |
EnableResourceValidator |
Callback which is called at the beginning of enabling a resource
ExceptionContext |
ExceptionLogger<E> |
A generic exception logging implementation.
ExceptionMapper<E> |
ExecutorStrategies |
The strategy that defines which CommandExecutor implementation is responsible for
execution of command of a particular type.
ExpiredWorkSelector |
Representation of the Task Reactor expired work selector.
FinalizeConnectorCallback |
FinalizeConnectorHandler |
Handler for the configuration finalization process.
FinalizeConnectorHandlerBuilder |
FinalizeConnectorInputValidator |
FinalizeConnectorSdkCallback |
Callback called during the FinalizeConnectorHandler execution, may be used to provide
custom finalization logic required by the sdk.
FullConnectorStatus |
Representation of the full connector status, comprised of the connector and connector
configuration statuses.
Identifier |
Representation of a Snowflake object identifier.
Identifier.AutoQuoting |
Setting for auto quoting on identifier instance creation.
InaccessibleWarehouseException |
Exception thrown when the specified warehouse is inaccessible to the application.
Ingestion<STATE> |
Interface that should be implemented by users of task reactor and passed over to IngestionWorker instance.
IngestionConfiguration<C,D> |
Representation of an ingestion configuration.
IngestionConfigurationMapper |
IngestionProcess |
Representation of an ingestion process.
IngestionProcessRepository |
A repository for basic storage of the ingestion processes.
IngestionProcessStatuses |
Class which contains available statuses of IngestionProcess which are used by the SDK
IngestionProcessUpdateException |
Exception thrown when more or less than one ingestion process row is updated.
IngestionRun |
Representation of an ingestion run.
IngestionRun.IngestionStatus |
Ingestion run status.
IngestionRunRepository |
A repository for basic storage of the ingestion run information.
IngestionRunRepository.Mode |
Update mode for the number of rows ingested during an ingestion run.
IngestionRunsBadStatusException |
Exception thrown when an invalid status is provided when ending an ingestion run.
IngestionRunsReferenceException |
Exception thrown when insufficient ingestion information when starting an ingestion run.
IngestionRunsUpdateException |
Exception thrown when more or less than one ingestion run row is updated.
IngestionStrategy |
Resource ingestion strategy.
IngestionWorker<T> |
InputValidator |
Validator for input parameters in handlers.
InstanceNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when a nonexistent Task Reactor instance name was provided.
InstanceRegistryRepository |
Repository for managing TASK_REACTOR.INSTANCE_REGISTRY table
InstanceStreamService |
Deprecated. |
InternalConnectorException |
Exception thrown when an internal error has occurred.
InternalUpdateWarehouseCallback |
InvalidCommandException |
Exception thrown when the particular value of the Command cannot be found during
execution process.
InvalidCommandTypeException |
Exception thrown when the command type is not included in the predefined set represented by the
Command.CommandType .
InvalidConnectorConfigurationStatusException |
Exception thrown when an invalid connector configuration status is encountered.
InvalidConnectorResponseException |
Exception thrown when an invalid connector response is encountered.
InvalidConnectorStatusException |
Exception thrown when an invalid connector status is encountered.
InvalidIdentifierException |
Exception thrown when an invalid identifier is encountered.
InvalidIngestionProcessException |
Exception thrown when an invalid ingestion process is encountered.
InvalidInputException |
Exception thrown when an invalid input is encountered.
InvalidObjectNameException |
Exception thrown when an invalid object name is encountered.
InvalidReferenceException |
Exception thrown when an invalid reference is encountered.
InvalidReferenceNameException |
Exception thrown when an invalid reference name is encountered.
InvalidSchemaNameException |
Exception thrown when an invalid schema name is encountered.
KeyNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when no object under provided key exists.
KeyValue |
A key-value pair representation.
KeyValueStateRepository<T> |
A key-value repository for the connector state.
KeyValueTable |
A representation of a table which holds key-value pairs.
LifecycleService |
A service for basic management of the connector lifecycle processes.
LocalDateDeserializer |
LocalDateSerializer |
MergeStatementValidator |
Validator for merge statements executed in Snowflake.
MutableExceptionContext |
NonexistentProcedureCallException |
Exception thrown when a non-existent SQL procedure is called.
ObjectName |
Representation of a Snowflake object name.
OnIngestionFinishedCallback |
Callback called when ingestion has been finished.
OnIngestionFinishedCallback |
Callback called when ingestion is finished.
OnIngestionScheduledCallback |
Callback called when the next scheduler iteration is run.
PauseConnectorCallback |
PauseConnectorHandler |
Handler for the connector pausing process.
PauseConnectorHandlerBuilder |
PauseConnectorSdkCallback |
Callback called during the PauseConnectorHandler execution, may be used to provide custom
pausing logic required by the sdk.
PauseConnectorStateValidator |
Validator called during the PauseConnectorHandler execution, may be used to provide
custom connector state validation.
PauseInstanceExecutor |
Executor of the PAUSE_INSTANCE command.
PauseInstanceHandler |
Handler for the Task Reactor instance pausing process.
PauseInstanceHandlerBuilder |
PauseTaskReactorService |
Service which is used to start the process of pausing the Task Reactor.
PostCreateResourceCallback |
Callback which is called at the end of creating a resource
PostDisableResourceCallback |
Callback which is called at the end of disabling a resource
PostEnableResourceCallback |
Callback which is called at the end of enabling a resource
PostUpdateResourceCallback |
Callback which is called at the end of updating a resource
PreCreateResourceCallback |
Callback which is called before executing the main logic of creating a resource
PreDisableResourceCallback |
Callback which is called at the beginning of disabling a resource
PreEnableResourceCallback |
Callback which is called before executing the main logic of enabling a resource
PrefixLogger |
Logger which adds a given prefix to all logged messages
PrerequisitesRepository |
A repository for basic management of prerequisites.
PreUpdateResourceCallback |
Callback that is called before executing the main logic of resource updating procedure
PrivilegeTools |
Set of basic privileges/grants utilities.
QueueItem |
Representation of an item inserted into a task reactor queue.
QueueItemCleaner |
Class responsible for removal of obsolete items from the WorkItemQueue.
QueueItemDeserializer |
QueueItemSelector |
Class responsible for selection of items from the WorkItemQueue.
QueueItemSerializer |
ReadOnlyKeyValueTable |
RecordsLimitExceededException |
Exception thrown when too many records are inserted/updated.
Reference |
Representation of a Snowflake object reference.
RequiredPrivilegesMissingException |
Exception thrown when not all required privileges are granted to the application instance.
ResetConfigurationCallback |
ResetConfigurationHandler |
Handler for the reset configuration process.
ResetConfigurationHandlerBuilder |
ResetConfigurationSdkCallback |
Sdk callback called during the ResetConfigurationHandler execution, may be used to
provide custom reset logic required by the sdk.
ResetConfigurationValidator |
ResourceCreationException |
Exception thrown when creation of a resource failed.
ResourceDisablingException |
Exception thrown when disabling of a resource failed.
ResourceEnablingException |
Exception thrown when enabling of a resource failed.
ResourceIngestionDefinition<I,M,C,D> |
Base class of a resource ingestion definition.
ResourceIngestionDefinitionInstantiationException |
Exception thrown when instantiation of an ingestion definition class failed.
ResourceIngestionDefinitionRepository<R extends ResourceIngestionDefinition<?,?,?,?>> |
A repository for basic storage of the resource ingestion definitions, created for instances of
the specified ResourceIngestionDefinition implementations.
ResourceIngestionDefinitionRepositoryFactory |
ResourceIngestionDefinitionValidationException |
Exception thrown when validation of resource ingestion definition fails.
ResourceUpdateException |
Exception thrown when updating of a resource failed.
ResumeConnectorCallback |
ResumeConnectorHandler |
Handler for the connector resuming process.
ResumeConnectorHandlerBuilder |
ResumeConnectorSdkCallback |
Callback called during the ResumeConnectorHandler execution, may be used to provide
custom resuming logic required by the sdk.
ResumeConnectorStateValidator |
Validator called during the ResumeConnectorHandler execution, may be used to provide
custom connector state validation.
ResumeInstanceExecutor |
Executor of the RESUME_INSTANCE command.
ResumeInstanceHandler |
Handler for the Task Reactor instance resuming process.
ResumeInstanceHandlerBuilder |
ResumeTaskReactorService |
Service which is used to start the process of resuming the Task Reactor which was paused.
RunSchedulerIterationHandler |
Handler for running a scheduler iteration.
RunSchedulerIterationHandlerBuilder |
Scheduler |
Ingestion process scheduler.
SchedulerCreationException |
Exception thrown when scheduler creation failed.
SchedulerManager |
SchedulerTaskReactorOnIngestionFinishedCallback |
ScheduleType |
Type of the ingestion schedule.
SchemaName |
Representation of a Snowflake schema name.
SdkClock |
SetWorkersNumberExecutor |
Executor of the SET_WORKERS_NUMBER command.
SetWorkersNumberHandler |
Handler for the Task Reactor worker number update.
SimpleIngestion<I,M,C,D> |
Interface that should be implemented by users of task reactor and passed over to IngestionWorker instance.
SimpleIngestionWorker<I,M,D,C> |
SimpleIngestionWorkItem<I,M,C,D> |
A payload of a work item containing a data needed by a single simple ingestion task.
SimpleTask<T> |
Interface that should be implemented by users of task reactor and passed over to SimpleTaskWorker instance.
SimpleTaskWorker<T> |
SnowparkFunctions |
Class containing overloaded Snowpark's functions which shouldn't be used in Connector's code.
SourceValidator |
SqlTools |
Set of basic SQL utilities.
SystemClock |
TableLister |
Lists tables in the schema
TableProperties |
Represents properties of the table object as returned by the "SHOW TABLES ..." expression
TableRepository |
Interface for operations on the table objects.
TaskCreationException |
Exception thrown when task creation has failed.
TaskDefinition |
TaskLister |
A simple utility for listing task properties.
TaskNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when a specified task was not found.
TaskParameters |
Class representing additional task parameters.
TaskProperties |
Class representing main task properties.
TaskProperties.Builder |
TaskReactorConfig |
Representation of configuration stored in CONFIG table
TaskReactorExistenceVerifier |
A utility for verifying whether the Task Reactor is enabled.
TaskReactorGetTroubleshootingDataService |
A service providing troubleshooting data about the Task Reactor.
TaskReactorInstance |
Task Reactor instance representation.
TaskReactorInstanceActionExecutor |
Utility class for executing actions on all Task Reactor instances.
TaskReactorInstanceComponentProvider |
Class which is used to provide components that require Task Reactor instance name.
TaskReactorInstanceIsActiveException |
Exception thrown when performing an operation on a Task Reactor instance which requires the
instance to be inactive, but it still is active.
TaskReactorLogger |
Class which should be used in order to create a logger for taskreactor module The logger adds a
prefix ConnectorsSDK::TaskReactor:: to all logged messages
TaskReactorOnIngestionScheduledCallback<I,M,C,D,R extends ResourceIngestionDefinition<I,M,C,D>> |
TaskReactorTelemetry |
Telemetry utility for Task Reactor.
TaskRef |
An interface that allows user to interact with Snowflake tasks.
TaskRepository |
A repository providing general operations on tasks.
TimestampUtil |
TransactionManager |
Wraps given action with transaction.
UnknownConnectorException |
Exception thrown when an unknown error has occurred.
UnknownSqlException |
Exception thrown when an unknown SQL error has occurred.
UpdateConnectionConfigurationHandler |
Handler for the connection configuration update process.
UpdateConnectionConfigurationHandlerBuilder |
UpdateResourceHandler |
Handler for the process of updating a resource.
UpdateResourceHandlerBuilder |
UpdateResourceValidator |
Callback which is called at the beginning of updating a resource ingestion configuration
UpdateTaskReactorTasks |
An interface providing update operations on tasks.
UpdateWarehouseCallback |
Callback called during the UpdateWarehouseHandler execution, may be used to provide
custom warehouse update logic.
UpdateWarehouseExecutor |
Executor of the UPDATE_WAREHOUSE command.
UpdateWarehouseHandler |
Handler for the warehouse update process.
UpdateWarehouseHandlerBuilder |
UpdateWarehouseInputValidator |
UpdateWarehouseInstanceHandler |
Handler for the Task Reactor instance warehouse update.
UpdateWarehouseInstanceHandlerBuilder |
UpdateWarehouseSdkCallback |
Callback called during the UpdateWarehouseHandler execution, used to provide additional
logic for sdk-controlled components.
VariantDeserializer |
Jackson JSON deserializer for Variant .
VariantMapper |
VariantMapperException |
Exception thrown when an error during Variant
mapping is encountered.
VariantResource |
WarehouseAlreadyUsedException |
Exception thrown when the specified warehouse is already used by the connector.
Worker<T> |
A set of methods performed by the Worker implementation.
WorkerCombinedView |
Utility for creating a combined view of worker queues.
WorkerException |
Exception thrown when a worker fails.
WorkerId |
Representation of worker id.
WorkerJobCancelledException |
Exception thrown when new running worker was scheduled for cancellation.
WorkerLifecycleStatus |
Lifecycle status for each worker stored in a WORKER_REGISTRY table.
WorkerManager |
A set of utilities for worker management.
WorkerOrchestrator |
A Task Reactor worker orchestrator.
WorkerOrchestratorValidationException |
Exception thrown when an invalid number of workers is specified.
WorkerQueue |
Implementation of Task Reactor Worker Queue
WorkerQueueManager |
Manager responsible for creating queues for given workers
WorkerRegistry |
Registry repository of task reactor workers.
WorkerRegistryService |
Registry of task reactor workers.
WorkerStatus |
WorkerStatusRepository |
Repository for basic storage of the Task Reactor workers statuses.
WorkerStatusRepository.ColumnNames |
Column names of the worker_status table.
WorkerTaskManager |
Component for managing worker tasks.
WorkItem |
Class describing an item that was inserted to the input queue of the task reactor.
WorkItemQueue |
Interface of Task Reactor input Queue for basic management of the work items
WorkItemQueueException |
Exception thrown when statements executed on WorkItemQueue failed .
WorkSelector |
Class representing selection mechanism from WorkItemQueue.
WorkSelectorType |
Work selector type.
ZoneIdDeserializer |
Jackson JSON deserializer for ZoneId .
ZoneIdSerializer |
Jackson JSON serializer for ZoneId .