Snowpark ML FileSystem and FileSet — Deprecated

The Snowpark ML library includes FileSystem, an abstraction that is similar to a file system for an internal, server-side encrypted Snowflake stage. Specifically, it is an fsspec AbstractFileSystem implementation. The library also includes FileSet, a related class that allows you to move machine learning data from a Snowflake table to the stage, and from there to feed the data to PyTorch or TensorFlow (see Snowflake ML Data Connector).


Most users should use the newer Dataset API for creating immutable, governed data snapshots in Snowflake and using them in end-to-end machine learning workflows.


The FileSystem and FileSet APIs are part of the Snowpark ML Python package, snowflake-ml-python. See Using Snowflake ML Locally for installation instructions.

Creating and Using a File System

Creating a Snowpark ML file system requires either a Snowflake Connector for Python Connection object or a Snowpark Python Session. See Connecting to Snowflake for instructions.

After you have either a connection or a session, you can create a Snowpark ML SFFileSystem instance through which you can access data in your internal stage.

If you have a Snowflake Connector for Python connection, pass it as the sf_connection argument:

import fsspec
from import sfcfs

sf_fs1 = sfcfs.SFFileSystem(sf_connection=sf_connection)

If you have a Snowpark Python session, pass it as the snowpark_session argument:

import fsspec
from import sfcfs

sf_fs2 = sfcfs.SFFileSystem(snowpark_session=sp_session)

SFFileSystem inherits many features from fsspec.FileSystem, such as local caching of files. You can enable this and other features by instantiating a Snowflake file system through the fsspec.filesystem factory function, passing target_protocol="sfc" to use the Snowflake FileSystem implementation:

local_cache_path = "/tmp/sf_files/"
cached_fs = fsspec.filesystem("cached", target_protocol="sfc",
                    target_options={"sf_connection": sf_connection,
                                    "cache_types": "bytes",
                                    "block_size": 32 * 2**20},

The Snowflake file system supports most read-only methods defined for a fsspec FileSystem, including find, info, isdir, isfile, and exists.

Specifying Files

To specify files in a stage, use a path in the form @database.schema.stage/file_path.

Listing Files

The file system’s ls method is used to get a list of the files in the stage:

print(*"@ML_DATASETS.public.my_models/sales_predict/"), end='\n')

Opening and Reading Files

You can open files in the stage by using the file system’s open method. You can then read the files by using the same methods you use with ordinary Python files. The file object is also a context manager that can be used with Python’s with statement, so it is automatically closed when it’s no longer needed.

path = '@ML_DATASETS.public.my_models/test/data_7_7_3.snappy.parquet'

with, mode='rb') as f:

You can also use the SFFileSystem instance with other components that accept fsspec file systems. Here, the Parquet data file mentioned in the previous code block is passed to PyArrow’s read_table method:

import pyarrow.parquet as pq

table = pq.read_table(path, filesystem=sf_fs1)
table.take([1, 3])

Python components that accept files (or file-like objects) can be passed a file object opened from the Snowflake file system. For example, if you have a gzip-compressed file in your stage, you can use it with Python’s gzip module by passing it to gzip.GzipFile as the fileobj parameter:

path = "sfc://@ML_DATASETS.public.my_models/dataset.csv.gz"

with, mode='rb', sf_connection=sf_connection) as f:
    g = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f)
    for i in range(3):

Creating and Using a FileSet

A Snowflake FileSet represents an immutable snapshot of the result of a SQL query in the form of files in an internal server-side encrypted stage. These files can be accessed through a FileSystem to feed data to tools such as PyTorch and TensorFlow so that you can train models at scale and within your existing data governance model. To create a FileSet, use the FileSet.make method.

You need a Snowflake Python connection or a Snowpark session to create a FileSet. See Connecting to Snowflake for instructions. You must also provide the path to an existing internal server-side encrypted stage, or a subdirectory under such a stage, where the FileSet will be stored.

To create a FileSet from a Snowpark DataFrame, construct a DataFrame and pass it to FileSet.make as snowpark_dataframe; do not call the DataFrame’s collect method:

# Snowpark Python equivalent of "SELECT * FROM MYDATA LIMIT 5000000"
df = snowpark_session.table('mydata').limit(5000000)
fileset_df = fileset.FileSet.make(

To create a FileSet using a Snowflake Connector for Python connection, pass the connection to Fileset.make as sf_connection, and pass the SQL query as query:

fileset_sf = fileset.FileSet.make(
    query="SELECT * FROM MYDATA LIMIT 5000000",
    shuffle=True,           # see later section about shuffling


See Shuffling Data in FileSets for information about shuffling your data by using the shuffle parameter.

Use the files method to get a list of the files in the FileSet:


For information about feeding the data in the FileSet to PyTorch or TensorFlow, see Feeding a FileSet to PyTorch or Feeding a FileSet to TensorFlow, respectively.

Feeding a FileSet to PyTorch

From a Snowflake FileSet, you can get a PyTorch DataPipe, which can be passed to a PyTorch DataLoader. The DataLoader iterates over the FileSet data and yields batched PyTorch tensors. Create the DataPipe using the FileSet’s to_torch_datapipe method, and then pass the DataPipe to PyTorch’s DataLoader:

from import DataLoader

# See later sections about shuffling and batching
pipe = fileset_df.to_torch_datapipe(

for batch in DataLoader(pipe, batch_size=None, num_workers=0):

Feeding a FileSet to TensorFlow

You can get a TensorFlow Dataset from a Snowflake FileSet using the FileSet’s to_tf_dataset method:

import tensorflow as tf

# See following sections about shuffling and batching
ds = fileset_df.to_tf_dataset(

for batch in ds:

Iterating over the Dataset yields batched tensors.

Shuffling Data in FileSets

It is often valuable to shuffle the training data to avoid overfitting and other issues. For a discussion of the value of shuffling, see Why should the data be shuffled for machine learning tasks?

If your query does not already shuffle your data sufficiently, a FileSet can shuffle data at two points:

  • When the FileSet is created by using FileSet.make.

    All rows in your query are shuffled before they are written to the FileSet. This is a high-quality global shuffle and can be expensive with large datasets. Therefore, it is performed only once, when materializing the FileSet. Pass shuffle=True as a keyword argument to FileSet.make.

  • When you create a PyTorch DataPipe or a TensorFlow Dataset from a FileSet.

    At this point, the order of the files in the FileSet is randomized, as is the order of the rows in each file. This can be considered an “approximate” global shuffle. It is of lower quality than a true global shuffle, but it is much less expensive. To shuffle at this stage, pass shuffle=True as a keyword argument to the FileSet’s to_torch_datapipe or to_tf_dataset method.

For best results, shuffle twice: when creating the FileSet and when feeding the data to PyTorch or TensorFlow.

Batching Data in FileSets

FileSets have a batching feature that works the same as the batching functionality in PyTorch and TensorFlow but is more efficient. Snowflake recommends that you use the batch_size parameter in the FileSet’s to_torch_datapipe and to_tf_dataset methods instead of having PyTorch or TensorFlow do the batching. With PyTorch, to disable its batching functionality, you must explicitly pass batch_size=None when instantiating DataLoader.

You can also drop the last batch if it is incomplete by passing drop_last_batch=True to to_torch_datapipe or to to_tf_dataset.