Understand limitations in the Snowflake Native App Framework

This topic provides information about the limitations of the Snowflake Native App Framework.

Known Limitations

The Snowflake Native App Framework has limitations, including:

  • Temporary tables or stages are not supported.

  • Some Streamlit features are not supported. See Unsupported Streamlit Features for details.

  • The Snowflake Native App Framework does not support failover for business continuity. For example, adding an application package to a replication group or failover group is not supported.

Known limitations in Snowflake Native Apps with Snowpark Container Services

Snowflake Native Apps with Snowpark Container Services have the following limitations:

  • Apps with containers are only supported on specific AWS and Azure commercial regions. See Support for private connectivity, VPS, and government regions for information on support for private connectivity, VPS, and government regions.

  • Sessions used in connections from containers, for example using the Python connector, are limited to the application owner role. See Snowpark Container Services: Additional considerations for services and jobs for additional information.

  • A maximum of 15 compute pools per application is allowed.

  • Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment is only supported on Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure (preview) with the following limitation:

    • There is a 100GB limit for each file within the image repository.

  • Using the LOG_LEVEL, TRACE_LEVEL, and METRIC_LEVEL properties in the manifest.yml file to set the logging and trace level for a container is not supported. Instead, use the spec.logExporters property in the service specification file.

    See spec.logExporters field (optional) for more information.

Support for private connectivity, VPS, and government regions

The following tables list Snowflake Native App Framework support for private connectivity, Virtual Private Snowflake (VPS), and government regions on the cloud platform that Snowflake supports:

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

AWS PrivateLink

Virtual Private Snowflake

Government regions

Snowflake Native App Framework (without containers)

Generally available

Generally available

Generally available

Generally available

Snowflake Native App Framework (with containers)

Generally available

Generally available

Not yet supported

Not yet supported

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Private Link

Virtual Private Snowflake

Government regions

Snowflake Native App Framework (without containers)

Generally available

Generally available

Not yet supported

Generally available

Snowflake Native App Framework (with containers)

Generally available


Not yet supported

Generally available

Google Cloud

Google Cloud

Google Cloud Private Service Connect

Virtual Private Snowflake

Snowflake Native App Framework (without containers)

Generally available

Not yet supported

Not yet supported

Snowflake Native App Framework (with containers)

Not yet supported

Not yet supported

Not yet supported

Limitations on government regions

The following limitations apply to Snowflake Native App Framework support for government regions:

  • AWS GovCloud is supported in only the following regions:

    • US Gov West 1 (FedRAMP High Plus)

    • US Gov East 1 (FedRAMP High Plus)

  • AWS Commercial Gov is supported in only the following regions:

    • US East (N. Virginia)

  • Only Azure GovCloud is supported in only the following regions:

    • US East (N. Virginia)

  • Providers publishing apps from government regions can only share listings within the same organization.

Limitations on Virtual Private Snowflake (VPS)

The following limitations apply to Snowflake Native App Framework support for Virtual Private Snowflake (VPS):

  • The Snowflake Native App Framework and Streamlit are not enabled by default in Virtual Private Snowflake. To use the Snowflake Native App Framework or Streamlit in VPS, contact Snowflake Support.

  • If Streamlit is not enabled in the VPS deployment, consumers cannot use the Python Permission SDK to manage privileges and references.

  • Sharing an app from a VPS account to an account outside the VPS is only supported within the same organization. To share an app outside the current organization, contact Snowflake Support.

  • Only private listings are supported for applications published inside the VPS.

  • Consumers in the VPS can enable event sharing for an app. However, log messages and trace events are not shared unless the provider has an event table within the VPS.

  • Because the Snowflake Marketplace interface is not available in VPS, providers and consumers must manage listings by using SQL. For additional information, see About managing listings using SQL.