Known limitations with apps with containers

The topic describes the known issues when creating a Snowflake Native Apps with Snowpark Container Services.

For known issues related to Snowflake Native App Framework see Known limitations with apps with containers.

Known limitations in preview

Snowflake Native Apps with Snowpark Container Services (apps with containers) have the following limitations during private preview:

  • Apps with containers are only supported on specific AWS commercial regions.

  • Virtual Private Snowflake (VPS) and AWS government regions are not supported.

  • Sessions used in connections from containers, for example using the Python connector, are limited to the application owner role. See Snowpark Container Services: Additional considerations for services and jobs for additional information.

  • A maximum of 5 compute pools per application is allowed.

  • Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment is only supported on Amazon Web Services with the following limitation:

    • There is a 100GB limit for each file within the image repository.