Snowpark Container Services: Additional considerations for services

Connecting to Snowflake from inside a container

When you start a service (including job services), Snowflake provides credentials to the running containers, enabling your container code to use drivers for connecting to Snowflake and executing SQL (similar to any other code on your computer connecting to Snowflake). The provided credentials authenticate as the owner role (the role that created the service). Snowflake provides some of the information as environment variables in your containers.

Every object in Snowflake has an owner role. The service’s owner role determines what capabilities your service is allowed to perform when interacting with Snowflake. This includes executing SQL, accessing stages, and service-to-service networking.


A service’s owner role refers to the role that created the service. You can also define one or more service roles to manage access to the endpoints the service exposes. For more information, see Managing access to service endpoints.

When you create a service, Snowflake also creates a service user specific to that service. When the service runs a query, it runs the query as the service user, using the service’s owner role. What the service user can do is determined by this owner role.

The service’s owner role cannot be any of the privileged roles, such as ACCOUNTADMIN, SECURITYADMIN, and ORGADMIN. This is to limit what a misbehaving service can do, requiring customers to be more intentional to enable a service to perform administrative operations.

To view the queries issued by a specific service user, you can use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to view the query history. The user names of service users are in the form SF$SERVICE$unique-id.

Connecting to Snowflake

Snowflake provides the following environment variables for you to configure a Snowflake client in your service code:

  • SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT: Provides the name of the Snowflake account the service is currently running under.

  • SNOWFLAKE_HOST: Provides the hostname used to connect to Snowflake.

Snowflake also provides an OAuth token in the container in a file named /snowflake/session/token. When creating a connection, you provide this token to the connector.

When creating a connection to Snowflake from a container, you must use SNOWFLAKE_HOST, SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT, and the OAuth token. You cannot use the OAuth token without also using SNOWFLAKE_HOST, and you cannot use the OAuth token outside Snowpark Container Services. For more information, see Using an OAuth token to execute SQL.


Using external access integrations to access Snowflake can mean sending potentially sensitive information over the internet. Whenever possible, services should use the provided OAuth token to access the SNOWFLAKE_HOST hostname. This avoids the need to access Snowflake from the Internet.

For sample code using various Snowflake drivers, see Snowflake Connection Samples.


  • In Tutorial 2 (see, the code reads the environment variables as follows:


    The code passes these variables to a connection creation code for the Snowflake client of choice. The container uses these credentials to create a new session, with the owner role as the primary role, to execute queries. The following example code is the minimum needed to create a Snowflake connection in Python:

    def get_login_token():
      with open('/snowflake/session/token', 'r') as f:
    conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
      host = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_HOST'),
      account = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT'),
      token = get_login_token(),
      authenticator = 'oauth'
  • When you use the default host (that is, you don’t include the host argument when creating a connection), connecting to Snowflake using other forms of authentication (such as username and password) is supported. For example, the following connection specifies the user name and password to authenticate:

    conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
      account = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT'),
      user = '<user-name>',
      password = <password>

    Using a default host requires external access integration with a network rule allowing access from your service to the Snowflake hostname for your account. For example, if your account name is MyAccount, the hostname will be For more information, see Network egress.

    • Create a network rule that matches your account’s Snowflake API hostname:

      CREATE OR REPLACE NETWORK RULE snowflake_egress_access
        MODE = EGRESS
        TYPE = HOST_PORT
        VALUE_LIST = ('');
    • Create an integration using the preceding network rule:

      CREATE EXTERNAL ACCESS INTEGRATION snowflake_egress_access_integration
        ALLOWED_NETWORK_RULES = (snowflake_egress_access)
        ENABLED = true;

Configuring the database and schema context for executing SQL

This section explains two concepts:

  • The logic Snowflake uses to determine the database and schema in which to create your service.

  • The method through which Snowflake conveys this information to your containers, thus enabling the container code to execute SQL in the same database and schema context.

Snowflake uses the service name to determine the database and schema in which to create a service:

  • Example 1: In the following CREATE SERVICE and EXECUTE JOB SERVICE commands, the service name does not explicitly specify a database and schema name. Snowflake creates the service and the job service in the current database and schema.

    -- Create a service.
    -- Execute a job service.
      IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
      NAME = example_job_service ...
  • Example 2: In the following CREATE SERVICE and EXECUTE JOB SERVICE commands, the service name includes a database and schema name. Snowflake creates the service and job service in the specified database (test_db) and schema (test_schema), regardless of the current schema.

    -- Create a service.
    CREATE SERVICE test_db.test_schema.test_service IN COMPUTE POOL ...
    -- Execute a job service.
      IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
      NAME = test_db.test_schema.example_job_service ...

When Snowflake starts a service, it provides the database and schema information to the running containers using the following environment variables:



Your container code can use environment variables in the connection code to determine which database and schema to use, as shown in this example:

conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
  host = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_HOST'),
  account = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT'),
  token = get_login_token(),
  authenticator = 'oauth',
  database = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE'),
  schema = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA')


In Tutorial 2, you create a Snowflake job service that connects with Snowflake and executes SQL statements. The following steps summarize how the tutorial code uses the environment variables:

  1. In the common setup (see the Common Setup section), you create resources, including a database and a schema. You also set the current database and schema for the session:

    USE DATABASE tutorial_db;
    USE SCHEMA data_schema;
  2. After you create a job service (by running EXECUTE JOB SERVICE), Snowflake starts the container and sets the following environment variables in the container to the current database and schema of the session:



  3. The job code (see in Tutorial 2) reads these environment variables:

  4. The job code sets the database and schema as the context in which to execute the SQL statements (run_job() function in

       "account": SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT,
       "host": SNOWFLAKE_HOST,
       "authenticator": "oauth",
       "token": get_login_token(),
       "warehouse": SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE,
       "database": SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE,
       "schema": SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA


    SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT, SNOWFLAKE_HOST, SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE, SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA are environment variables that Snowflake generates for the application container, but SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE is not (the Tutorial 2 application code created this variable because Snowflake does not pass a warehouse name to a container).

Specifying the warehouse for your container

If your service connects to Snowflake to execute a query in a Snowflake warehouse, you have the following options to specify a warehouse:

  • Specify a warehouse in your application code. Specify a warehouse as part of the connection configuration when starting a Snowflake session to run queries in your code. For an example, see Tutorial 2.

  • Specify a default warehouse when creating a service. Specify the optional QUERY_WAREHOUSE parameter in the CREATE SERVICE (or EXECUTE JOB SERVICE) command to provide a default warehouse. If your application code does not provide a warehouse as part of connection configuration, Snowflake uses the default warehouse. Use the ALTER SERVICE command to change the default warehouse.

If you specify a warehouse using both methods, the warehouse specified in the application code is used.

Using an OAuth token to execute SQL

All Snowflake-provided clients support OAuth as a way to authenticate. Service containers also use the OAuth mechanism to authenticate with Snowflake. For example, when a container wants to execute SQL, the container creates a connection to Snowflake, similar to any other Snowflake client:

def get_login_token():
  with open('/snowflake/session/token', 'r') as f:

conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
  host = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_HOST'),
  account = os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT'),
  token = get_login_token(),
  authenticator = 'oauth'

When you create a service, Snowflake runs the containers and provides an Oauth token for containers to use at the following location within the container: /snowflake/session/token.

Note the following details about this OAuth token:

  • You should read the contents of the /snowflake/session/token file immediately before use because the content expires in 10 minutes, and Snowflake refreshes this file every few minutes. After a container connects to Snowflake successfully, the expiration time does not apply to the connection (as with any sessions that users create directly).

  • This OAuth token is valid only within the specific Snowflake service. You cannot copy the OAuth token and use it outside the service.

  • Using the OAuth token, the containers connect with Snowflake as the service user and use the service’s owner role.

  • Using the OAuth token to connect will create a new session. The OAuth token is not associated with any existing SQL session.


    A significant difference between executing stored procedures and executing a service is that stored procedures run in the same session as the SQL that runs them. But every time a container establishes a new connection, you are creating a new session.

Configuring network capabilities

The following sections explain how to configure network capabilities (network ingress and egress) for your service (including job services).

Network ingress

To allow anything to interact with your service from the internet, you declare the network ports on which your service is listening as endpoints in the service specification file. These endpoints control ingress.

By default, service endpoints are private. Only service functions and service-to-service communications can make requests to the private endpoints. You can declare an endpoint as public to allow requests to an endpoint from the internet. The service’s owner role must have the BIND SERVICE ENDPOINT privilege on the account.

- name: <endpoint name>
  port: <port number>
  protocol : < TCP / HTTP / HTTPS >
  public: true

For an example, see Tutorial 1.


Currently only services, not job services, support network ingress.

Ingress and web app security

You can create a Snowpark Container Services service for web hosting using the public endpoint support (network ingress). For added security, Snowflake employs a proxy service to monitor incoming requests from clients to your service and outgoing responses from your service to the clients. This section explains what the proxy does and how it impacts a service deployed to Snowpark Container Services.


When you test a service locally, you are not using the Snowflake proxy and therefore there will be differences between your experience running a service locally as opposed to when deployed in Snowpark Container Services. Review this section and update your local setup for better testing.

For example:

  • The proxy does not forward an incoming HTTP request if the request uses a banned HTTP method.

  • The proxy sends a 403 response to the client if the Content-Type header in the response indicates that the response contains an executable.

Additionally, the proxy can also inject new headers and alter existing headers in the request and the response, with your container and data security in mind.

For example, upon receiving a request, your service might send HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and other content for a web page to the client browser in the response. The web page in the browser is part of your service, acting as the user interface. For security reasons, if your service has restrictions (such as a restriction on making network connections to other sites), you might also want the web page for your service to have the same restrictions.

By default, services have limited permissions to access the internet. The browser should also restrict the client app from accessing the internet and potentially sharing data in most cases. If you set up an External Access Integration (EAI) to allow your service to access (see Network egress), the web page for your service should also be able to access through your browser.

The Snowflake proxy applies the same network restrictions on the service and the web page by adding a Content-Security-Policy (CSP) header in the response. By default, the proxy adds a baseline CSP in the response to protect against common security threats. Browser security is a best effort to balance functionality with security, it is a shared responsibility to ensure this baseline is appropriate for your use case. In addition, if your service is configured to use an EAI, the proxy applies the same network rules from the EAI to the CSP for the web page. This CSP enables the web page in the browser to access the same sites that the service can access.

The following sections explain how the Snowflake proxy handles incoming requests for your service and modifies the outgoing responses from your service to the clients.

Requests incoming to the service

When a request arrives, the proxy does the following before forwarding the request to the service:

  • Incoming requests with banned HTTP methods: If an incoming HTTP request uses any of the following banned HTTP methods, the proxy does not forward the request to your service:

    • TRACE



Responses outgoing to the clients

The Snowflake proxy applies these modifications to the response sent by your service before forwarding the response to the client.

  • Header Scrubbing: Snowflake proxy removes these response headers, if present:

    • X-XSS-Protection

    • Server

    • X-Powered-By

    • Public-Key-Pins

  • Content-Type response header: If your service response includes the Content-Type header with any of the following MIME type values (that indicate an executable), Snowflake proxy does not forward that response to the client. Instead, the proxy sends a 403 Forbidden response.

    • application/x-msdownload: Microsoft executable.

    • application/exe: Generic executable.

    • application/x-exe: Another generic executable.

    • application/dos-exe: DOS executable.

    • application/x-winexe: Windows executable.

    • application/msdos-windows: MS-DOS Windows executable.

    • application/x-msdos-program: MS-DOS executable.

    • application/x-sh: Unix shell script.

    • application/x-bsh: Bourne shell script.

    • application/x-csh: C shell script.

    • application/x-tcsh: Tcsh shell script.

    • application/batch: Windows batch file.

  • X-Frame-Options response header: To prevent clickjacking attacks, the Snowflake proxy sets this response header to DENY, preventing other web pages from using an iframe to the web page for your service.

  • Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) response header: Snowflake sets the COOP response header to same-origin to prevent referring cross-origin windows from accessing your service tab.

  • Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy (CORP) response header: Snowflake sets the CORP header to same-origin to prevent external sites from loading resources exposed by the ingress endpoint (for example, in an iframe).

  • X-Content-Type-Options response header: Snowflake proxy sets this header to nosniff to ensure the clients do not change the MIME type stated in the response by your service.

  • Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) response header: Snowflake proxy sets the COEP response header to credentialless, which means when loading a cross-origin object such as an image or a script, if the remote object does not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) protocol, Snowflake does not send the credentials when loading it.

  • Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only response header: Snowflake proxy replaces this response header with a new value directing the client to send the CSP reports to Snowflake.

  • Content-Security-Policy (CSP) response header: By default the Snowflake proxy adds the following baseline CSP to protect against common web attacks.

    default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob: data:; object-src 'none'; connect-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self';

    There are two content security policy considerations:

    • In addition to the baseline content security policy that proxy adds, the service itself can explicitly add a CSP in the response. A service might choose to enhance security by adding a stricter CSP. For example, a service might add the following CSP to allow scripts only from self.

      script-src 'self'

      In the resulting response sent to the client, there will be two CSP headers. Upon receiving the response, the client browsers then apply the strictest content security policy that includes the additional restrictions specified by each policy.

    • If you configure an External Access Integration (EAI) to allow your service to access an external site (Network egress), the Snowflake proxy creates a CSP that allows your web page to access that site. For example, suppose a network rule associated with an EAI allows your service egress access to Then, Snowflake proxy adds this CSP response header:

      default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob: data:; object-src 'none'; connect-src 'self' wss://; frame-ancestors 'self';

      Browsers honor the content access policy received in the response. In this example, browsers allow the app access to but not other sites.

Network egress

Your application code might require access to the internet. By default, application containers don’t have permission to access the internet. You need to enable internet access using External Access Integrations (EAIs).

Typically, you want an account administrator to create EAIs to manage external access allowed from services (including job services). Account administrators can then grant EAI usage to specific roles that developers use to run services.

The following example outlines the steps in creating an EAI that allows egress traffic to specific destinations specified using network rules. You then refer to the EAI when creating a service to allow requests to specific internet destinations.


Suppose you want your application code to send requests to the following destinations:

  • HTTPS requests to

  • HTTP and HTTPS requests to

Follow these steps to enable your service to access these domains on the internet:

  1. Create an External Access Integration (EAI). This requires appropriate permissions. For example, you can use ACCOUNTADMIN role to create an EAI. This is a two-step process:

    1. Use the CREATE NETWORK RULE command to create one or more egress network rules listing external destinations you want to allow access to. You can accomplish this example with one network rule, but for illustration, we create two network rules:

      1. Create a network rule named translate_network_rule:

        CREATE OR REPLACE NETWORK RULE translate_network_rule
          MODE = EGRESS
          TYPE = HOST_PORT
          VALUE_LIST = ('');

        This rule allows TCP connections to the destination. The domain in the VALUE_LIST property does not specify the optional port number, so the default port 443 (HTTPS) is assumed. This allows your application to connect to any URL that starts with

      2. Create a network rule named google_network_rule:

        CREATE OR REPLACE NETWORK RULE google_network_rule
          MODE = EGRESS
          TYPE = HOST_PORT
          VALUE_LIST = ('', '');

        This allows your application to connect to any URL that starts with or


      For the VALUE_LIST parameter, you must provide a full host name. Wildcards (for example, * are not supported.

      Snowpark Container Services supports only the network rules that allow ports 22, 80, 443, and 1024+. If a network rule referenced allows access to other ports, creation of the service will fail. Contact your account representative if you require use of additional ports.


      To allow your service to send HTTP or HTTPS requests to any destination on the internet, you specify “” as the domain in the VALUE_LIST property. The following network rule allows sending both “HTTP” and “HTTPS” requests anywhere on the internet. Only ports 80 or 443 are supported with “”.

      CREATE NETWORK RULE allow_all_rule
        TYPE = 'HOST_PORT'
        MODE= 'EGRESS'
        VALUE_LIST = ('','');
    2. Create an external access integration (EAI) that specifies that the preceding two egress network rules are allowed:

      CREATE EXTERNAL ACCESS INTEGRATION google_apis_access_integration
        ALLOWED_NETWORK_RULES = (translate_network_rule, google_network_rule)
        ENABLED = true;

      Now the account admin can grant usage of the integration to developers to allow them to run a service that can access specific destinations on the internet.

      GRANT USAGE ON INTEGRATION google_apis_access_integration TO ROLE test_role;
  2. Create the service by providing the EAI as shown in the following examples. The owner role that is creating the service needs the USAGE privilege on the EAI and READ privilege on the secrets referenced. Note that you cannot use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to create a service.

    • Create a service:

      USE ROLE test_role;
      CREATE SERVICE eai_service
            - name: main
              image: /db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_echo_service_image:tutorial
                TEST_FILE_STAGE: source_stage/test_file
            - name: read
              port: 8080

      This example CREATE SERVICE request uses an inline service specification and specifies the optional EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIONS property to include the EAI. The EAI specifies the network rules that allow egress traffic from the service to the specific destinations.

    • Execute a job service:

        IN COMPUTE POOL tt_cp
        NAME = example_job_service
          - name: curl
            image: /tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repo/alpine-curl:latest
            - "curl"
            - ""

      This example EXECUTE JOB SERVICE command specifies inline specification and the optional EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIONS property to include the EAI. This allows egress traffic from the job to destinations specified in the network rules the EAI allows.

Network communications between containers

There are two considerations:

  • Communications between containers of a service instance: If a service instance runs multiple containers, these containers can communicate with each other over localhost (there is no need to define endpoints in the service specification).

  • Communication between containers across multiple services or multiple service instances: Containers belonging to different services (or different instances of the same service) can communicate using endpoints defined in specification files. For more information, see Service-to-service communications.

Using Snowflake secrets to pass credentials to a container

If your service communicates with external endpoints (outside Snowflake), you will need to provide credential information in your container for your application code to use. To provide the credentials:

  1. Store your credentials in Snowflake secret objects. Note that, the role that is creating the service (owner role) will need the READ privilege on the secrets referenced.

  2. In the service specification file, include the containers.secrets field to pass these secrets to the containers. You can either pass these credentials to environment variables in the containers, or make them available in local files in the containers. Depending on what you choose, the specification file provides constructs, as explained in the following sections.

Passing secrets as environment variables

To pass containers Snowflake secrets as environment variables, include a containers.secrets field:

- name: main
  image: <url>
  - snowflakeSecret: <snowflake-secret-name>
    secretKeyRef: <secret-key-reference>
    envVarName: <env-variable-name>

secretKeyRef: This value depends on the type of Snowflake secret. Possible values:

  • username or password if the Snowflake secret is of the password type.

  • secret_string if the Snowflake secret is of the generic_string type.

  • access_token if the Snowflake secret is of the oauth2 type.


Secrets passed as environment variables cannot be updated after a service is created.

Example 1: Passing secrets of the password type as environment variables

In this example, you create the following Snowflake secret object of the password type:

CREATE SECRET testdb.testschema.my_secret_object
  TYPE = password
  USERNAME = 'snowman'
  PASSWORD = '1234abc';

To provide this Snowflake secret object to the environment variables (for example, LOGIN_USER and LOGIN_PASSWORD) in your container, add the following containers.secrets field in the specification file:

- name: main
  image: <url>
  - snowflakeSecret: testdb.testschema.my_secret_object
    secretKeyRef: username
    envVarName: LOGIN_USER
  - snowflakeSecret: testdb.testschema.my_secret_object
    secretKeyRef: password
    envVarName: LOGIN_PASSWORD

The containers.secrets field in this example is a list of two snowflakeSecret objects:

  • The first object maps username in the Snowflake secret object to the LOGIN_USER environment variable in your container.

  • The second object maps the password in the Snowflake secret object to the LOGIN_PASSWORD environment variable in your container.

Example 2: Passing secrets of the generic_string type as environment variables

In this example, you create the following Snowflake secret object of the generic_string type:

CREATE SECRET testdb.testschema.my_secret
       some_magic: config

To provide this Snowflake secret object to environment variables (for example, GENERIC_SECRET) in your container, you add the following containers.secrets field in the specification file:

- name: main
  image: <url>
  - snowflakeSecret: testdb.testschema.my_secret
    secretKeyRef: secret_string
    envVarName: GENERIC_SECRET

About passing secrets of the oauth2 type to environment variables

This is not a useful scenario because when OAuth tokens expire, a new token must be passed in to the container. But secrets passed as environment variables cannot be updated, so do not pass secrets of the “oauth2” type as environment variables.

Passing secrets in local container files

To make Snowflake secrets available to your application container in local container files, include a containers.secrets field:

- name: <name>
  image: <url>
  - snowflakeSecret: <snowflake-secret-name>
    directoryPath: '<local directory path in the container>'

directoryPath: Snowflake populates one file for each secret key in this specified directory; specifying the secretKeyRef is not necessary.


After a service is created, if the Snowflake secret object is updated, Snowflake will update the corresponding secret files in the running containers.

Example 1: Passing secrets of the password type in local container files

In this example, you create the following Snowflake secret object of the password type:

CREATE SECRET testdb.testschema.my_secret_object
  TYPE = password
  USERNAME = 'snowman'
  PASSWORD = '1234abc';

To make these credentials available in local container files, add the following containers.secrets field in the specification file:

- name: main
  image: <url>
  - snowflakeSecret: testdb.testschema.my_secret_object
    directoryPath: '/usr/local/creds'

When you start your service, Snowflake creates two files inside the containers: /usr/local/creds/username and /usr/local/creds/password. Your application code can then read these files.

Example 2: Passing secrets of the oauth2 type in local container files

In this example, you create the following Snowflake secret object of the oauth2 type:

CREATE SECRET testdb.testschema.oauth_secret
  OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN = '34n;vods4nQsdg09wee4qnfvadH'
  OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME = '2023-12-31 20:00:00'
  API_AUTHENTICATION = my_integration;

To make these credentials available in local container files, add the following containers.secrets field in the specification file:

- name: main
  image: <url>
  - snowflakeSecret: testdb.testschema.oauth_secret
    directoryPath: '/usr/local/creds'

Snowflake fetches the access token from the OAuth secret object and creates /usr/local/creds/access_token in the containers.

When a service uses secrets of the oauth2 type, the service is expected to use that secret to access an internet destination. An oauth secret must be allowed by External Access Integration (EAI); otherwise CREATE SERVICE or EXECUTE JOB SERVICE will fail. This extra EAI requirement only applies to secrets of the oauth2 type and not to other types of secrets.

In summary, the typical steps in creating such a service are:

  1. Create a secret of the oauth2 type (shown earlier).

  2. Create an EAI to allow use of the secret by a service. For example:

      ALLOWED_NETWORK_RULES = (<name>)
      ALLOWED_AUTHENTICATION_SECRETS = (testdb.testschema.oauth_secret)
      ENABLED = true;
  3. Create a service that includes a containers.secrets field in the specification. That also specifies the optional EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIONS property to include an EAI to allow use of the oauth2 secret.

    An example CREATE SERVICE (with inline specification) command:

    CREATE SERVICE eai_service
          - name: main
            image: <url>
            - snowflakeSecret: testdb.testschema.oauth_secret
              directoryPath: '/usr/local/creds'
          - name: api
            port: 8080

For more information about egress, see Network egress.

Guidelines and limitations

  • Image plaform requirements: Currently, Snowpark Container Services requires linux/amd64 platform images.

  • Service containers are not privileged: Service containers do not run as privileged, and therefore cannot change the configuration of the hardware on the host and can change only limited OS configurations. Service containers can only perform operating system configurations that a normal user (that is, a user who doesn’t require root) can do.

  • Renaming the database and schema:

    • Do not rename databases and schemas where you already created a service. Renaming is effectively moving a service to another database and schema, which is not supported. For example:

      • The service DNS name will continue to reflect the old database and schema name.

      • Database and schema information that Snowflake provided to the running service containers will continue to refer to the old names.

      • New logs that services ingest in the event table will continue to refer to the old database and schema names.

      • The service function will continue to reference the service in the old database and schema, and when you invoke the service function, it will fail.

    • A service specification can reference objects such as Snowflake stages and image repositories. If you rename database or schema names where these objects reside, you need to manually update the database and schema names of the referenced objects in the service specification.

  • Dropping and un-dropping a database and schema:

    • When you drop the parent database or schema, services are deleted asynchronously. This means that a service might continue to run for some time before internal processes remove it.

    • If you attempt to un-drop a previously deleted database or schema, there is no guarantee that services will be restored.

  • Ownership transfer: Ownership transfer for services (including job services) is not supported.

  • Replication: When dealing with replication in Snowflake, note the following:

    • Snowpark Container Services objects, such as services, compute pools, and repositories, cannot be replicated.

    • If you create a repository within a database, the entire database cannot be replicated. In cases where the database contains other resources, such as services or compute pools, the database replication process will succeed, but these individual objects within the database will not be replicated.

  • Job services timeout: Snowpark Container Services job services runs synchronously. If a statement times out, the job service is canceled. The default statement timeout is two days. Customers can change the timeout by setting the parameter STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS using ALTER SESSION.

    ALTER SESSION SET statement_timeout_in_seconds=<time>

    Set it before running the EXECUTE JOB SERVICE command.