Snowpark Container Services: Working with services

Snowpark Container Services enables you to easily deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. After you create an application and upload the application image to a repository in your Snowflake account, you can run your application containers as a service.

A service represents Snowflake running your containerized application on a compute pool, which is a collection of virtual machine (VM) nodes. There are two types of services:

  • long running services. A long-running is like a web service that does not end automatically. After you create a service, Snowflake manages the running service. For example, if a service container stops, for whatever reason, Snowflake restarts that container so the service runs uninterrupted.

  • job services. A job service terminates when your code exits, similar to a stored procedure. When all containers exit, the job service is done.

Snowpark Container Services provides a set of SQL commands you can use to create and manage a service. These include:

Starting Services

The minimum information required to start a service includes:

  • A name: Name of the service.

  • A service specification: This specification provides Snowflake with the information needed to run your service. The specification is a YAML file.

  • A compute pool: Snowflake runs your service in the specified compute pool.

Create a long running service

Use CREATE SERVICE to create a long running service.

  • Create a service using an inline specification. In most cases, during development, you might choose inline specification, as shown:

    CREATE SERVICE echo_service
       IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
         - name: echo
           image: /tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_echo_service_image:tutorial
             port: 8000
             path: /healthcheck
         - name: echoendpoint
           port: 8000
           public: true
  • Create a service using stage information. When you deploy the service in a production environment, it’s advisable to apply the separation of concerns design principle and upload the specification to a stage, provide stage information CREATE SERVICE command, as shown:

    CREATE SERVICE echo_service
      IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
      FROM @tutorial_stage

Execute a job service

Use EXECUTE JOB SERVICE to create a job service. This command runs synchronously, returns response after all containers of the job service exit.

  • Execute a job service using an inline specification:

       IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
       NAME = example_job_service
         - name: main
           image: /tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_job_image:latest
             SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE: tutorial_warehouse
           - "--query=select current_time() as time,'hello'"
           - "--result_table=results"
  • Execute a job service using stage information:

      IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
      NAME = example_job_service
      FROM @tutorial_stage

Creating multiple service instances and enabling autoscaling

By default, Snowflake runs one instance of the service in the specified compute pool. To manage heavy workloads, you can run multiple service instances by setting the MIN_INSTANCES and MAX_INSTANCES properties, which specify the minimum number of instances of the service to start with and the maximum instances Snowflake can scale to when needed.


CREATE SERVICE echo_service
   IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
   FROM @tutorial_stage

When multiple service instances are running, Snowflake automatically provides a load balancer to distribute the incoming requests.


You cannot run more than one instance of a job service.

To configure Snowflake to autoscale the number of service instances running, follow these steps:

  1. Specify the CPU and memory requirements for your service instance in the service specification file. For more information, see the container.resources field.


       memory: <memory-reserved>
       cpu: <cpu-units>
  2. When running the CREATE SERVICE command, set the MIN_INSTANCES and MAX_INSTANCES parameters. You can also use ALTER SERVICE to change these values. Autoscaling occurs when the specified MAX_INSTANCES is greater than MIN_INSTANCES.

Snowflake starts by creating the minimum number of service instances on the specified compute pool. Snowflake then scales up or scales down the number of service instances using an 80% threshold (for both CPU and memory). Snowflake continuously monitors resource utilization (memory or CPU) within the compute pool, aggregating the usage data from all currently running service instances.

When the aggregated resource usage (across all service instances) surpasses 80%, Snowflake deploys an additional service instance within the compute pool. If the aggregated resource usage falls below 80%, Snowflake scales down by removing a running service instance. Snowflake uses a five-minute stabilization window to prevent frequent scaling.

Note the following scaling behaviors:

  • The scaling of service instances is constrained by the MIN_INSTANCES and MAX_INSTANCES parameters configured for the service.

  • If scaling up is necessary and the compute pool nodes lack the necessary resource capacity to start up another service instance, compute pool autoscaling can be triggered. For more information, see Autoscaling of compute pool nodes.

  • If you specify the MAX_INSTANCES and MIN_INSTANCES parameters when creating a service but don’t specify the CPU and memory requirements for your service instance in the service specification file, no autoscaling occurs; Snowflake starts with the number of instances specified by the MIN_INSTANCES parameter and does not autoscale.

Using specification templates

There are times you might want to create multiple services using the same specification but with different configurations. For example, you suppose that you define an environment variable in a service specification and you want to create multiple services using the same specification but different values for the environment variable.

Specification templates enable you to define variables for field values in the specification. When you create a service you provide values for these variables.

Using specification templates is a two-step process:

  1. Create a specification using variables as values for various specification fields. Use the {{ variable_name }} syntax to specify these variables. For example, the following specification uses a variable named “tag_name” for the image tag name, so that you specify a different image tag for each service.

      - name: echo
        image:{{ tag_name }}
  2. Create a service by providing the specification template in a CREATE SERVICE command. You use SPECIFICATION_TEMPLATE or SPECIFICATION_TEMPLATE_FILE to specify the template. Use the USING parameter to specify the value of the variable. For example, the following statement uses a specification template from a Snowflake stage. The USING parameter sets the tag_name variable to the value 'latest'.

    CREATE SERVICE echo_service
       IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
       USING (tag_name=>'latest');

Guidelines for defining variables in a specification

  • Use the {{ variable_name }} syntax to define variables as field values in the specification.

  • These variables can have default values. To specify the default value, use the default function in the variable declaration. For example, the following specification defines two variables (character_name and endpoint_name) with default values.

      - name: echo
        image: <image_name>
          CHARACTER_NAME: {{ character_name | default('Bob') }}
          SERVER_PORT: 8085
      - name: {{ endpoint_name | default('echo-endpoint') }}
        port: 8085

    In addition, you can specify an optional boolean parameter to the default function to indicate whether you want the default value used when a blank value is passed in for the variable. Consider this specification:

      - name: echo
        image: <image_name>
          CHARACTER_NAME: {{ character_name | default('Bob', false) }}
          SERVER_PORT: 8085
      - name: {{ endpoint_name | default('echo-endpoint', true) }}
        port: 8085

    In the specification:

    • For the character_name variable, the boolean parameter is set to false. Therefore, if the variable is set to an empty string value (‘’) to this parameter, the value remains blank; the default value (“Bob”) is not used.

    • For the echo_endpoint variable, the boolean parameter is set to true. Therefore, if you pass a blank value to this parameter, the default value (“echo-endpoint”) is used.

    By default, the boolean parameter for the default function is false.

Guidelines for passing values for specification variables

Specify the USING parameter in the CREATE SERVICE command to provide values for variables. The general syntax for USING is:

USING( var_name=>var_value, [var_name=>var_value, ... ] );


  • var_name is case sensitive and it should be a valid Snowflake identifier (see Identifier requirements).

  • var_value can be either an alphanumeric value or a valid JSON value.


    -- Alphanumeric string and literal values
    -- JSON string
    USING(some_json_var=>' "/path/file.txt" ')
    -- JSON map
    USING(env_values=>'{"SERVER_PORT": 8000, "CHARACTER_NAME": "Bob"}' );
    -- JSON list
    USING (ARGS='["-n", 2]' );
  • The USING parameter in CREATE SERVICE must provide values for the specification variables (except the variables for which the specification provides default values). Otherwise, an error is returned.


These examples show creating services using specification templates. The CREATE SERVICE commands in these examples use inline specification.

Example 1: Provide simple values

In Tutorial 1 you create a service by providing an inline specification. The following example is a modified version of the same where the specification defines two variables: image_url and SERVER_PORT. Note that the SERVER_PORT variable is repeated in three places. This has the added benefit of using variables that ensure all these fields that are expected to have the same value do have the same value.

CREATE SERVICE echo_service
   IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
         - name: echo
           image: {{ image_url }}
             SERVER_PORT: {{SERVER_PORT}}
             CHARACTER_NAME: Bob
             port: {{SERVER_PORT}}
             path: /healthcheck
         - name: echoendpoint
           port: {{SERVER_PORT}}
           public: true
      USING (image_url=>' "/tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_echo_service_image:latest" ', SERVER_PORT=>8000 );

In this CREATE SERVICE command, the USING parameter provides values for the two specification variables. The image_url value includes slashes and a colon. These are not alphanumeric characters. Therefore, the example wraps the value in double quotes to make it a valid JSON string value. The template specification expands the following specification:

  - name: echo
    image: /tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_echo_service_image:latest
      SERVER_PORT: 8000
      port: 8000
      path: /healthcheck
    - name: echoendpoint
      port: 8000
      public: true

Example 2: Provide a JSON value

In Tutorial 1, the specification defines two environment variables (SERVER_PORT and CHARACTER_NAME) as shown:

 - name: echo
   image: /tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_echo_service_image:latest
     SERVER_PORT: 8000

You can templatize this specification by using a variable for the env field. This lets you create multiple services with different values for the environment variables. The following CREATE SERVICE command uses a variable (env_values) for the env field.

CREATE SERVICE echo_service
  IN COMPUTE POOL tutorial_compute_pool
       - name: echo
         image: /tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_echo_service_image:latest
         env: {{env_values}}
           port: {{SERVER_PORT}}    #this and next tell SF to connect to port 8000
           path: /healthcheck
       - name: echoendpoint
         port: {{SERVER_PORT}}
         public: true
     USING (env_values=>'{"SERVER_PORT": 8000, "CHARACTER_NAME": "Bob"}' );

The USING parameter in CREATE SERVICE provides value for the env_values variable. The value is a JSON map that provides values for both the environment variables.

Example 3: Provide list as variable value

In Tutorial 2, the specification includes the args field that includes two arguments.

  - name: main
    image: /tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_job_image:latest
      SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE: tutorial_warehouse
    - "--query=select current_time() as time,'hello'"
    - "--result_table=results"

In a template version of the specification, you can provide these arguments as a JSON list as shown:

  - name: main
    image: /tutorial_db/data_schema/tutorial_repository/my_job_image:latest
      SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE: tutorial_warehouse
    args: {{ARGS}}
  USING (ARGS=$$["--query=select current_time() as time,'hello'", "--result_table=results"]$$ );

Modifying and dropping services

After creating a service:

  • Use the DROP SERVICE command to remove a service from a schema (Snowflake terminates all the service containers).

  • Use the ALTER SERVICE command to modify the service (for example, suspend or resume the service, change the number of instances running, and direct Snowflake to redeploy your service using a new service specification).


You cannot alter a job service.

Updating service code redeploying the service

After a service is created, use the ALTER SERVICE command to update the specification and redeploy the service code.


You cannot redeploy a job service.

You first upload modified application code to your image repository and then call ALTER SERVICE providing the service specification either inline or specifying the path to a specification file in Snowflake stage. For example:

  • Provide specification inline (partial specification is shown).

    ALTER SERVICE echo_service
  • Provide Snowflake stage file path:

    ALTER SERVICE echo_service
    FROM @tutorial_stage

Upon receiving the request, Snowflake redeploys the service using the new code.

Note the following:

  • When you run ALTER SERVICE and provide a specification, Snowflake always deploys the most recent version of the image from your repository. After creating a service, if you upload a newer version of the image to your repository, ALTER SERVICE deploys the new image.

    If you are the service owner, the output of the DESCRIBE SERVICE command includes the service specification, which includes the image digest (the value of the :code:sha256 field in the specification, as shown below:

     - name: "echo"
        image: ""
        sha256: "@sha256:8d912284f935ecf6c4753f42016777e09e3893eed61218b2960f782ef2b367af"
           SERVER_PORT: "8000"
           CHARACTER_NAME: "Bob"
           port: 8000
           path: "/healthcheck"
     - name: "echoendpoint"
        port: 8000
        public: true
  • When you run ALTER SERVICE to suspend and resume a service, Snowflake deploys the same image version; the service is not updated.

Get information about services

You can use the these commands:

  • Use the DESCRIBE SERVICE command to get properties of a service (or a job service).

  • Use the SHOW SERVICES command to list current services (including job services), for which you have permissions. By default, the output lists services in the current database and schema. You can alternatively specify any of the following scopes. For example:

    • List the services in the account, in a specific database, or in a specific schema: For example, use the IN ACCOUNT filter to list services in your Snowflake account, regardless of which database or schema the services belong to. This is useful if you have Snowflake services created in multiple databases and schemas in your account. Like all other commands, SHOW SERVICES IN ACCOUNTS is gated by privileges, returning only the services for which the role you are using has viewing permissions.

      You can also specify IN DATABASE or IN SCHEMA to list the services in the current (or specified) database or schema.

    • List the services running in a compute pool: For example, use IN COMPUTE POOL filter to list the services running in a compute pool.

    • List the services that start with a prefix or that match a pattern: You can apply the LIKE and STARTS WITH filters to filter the services by name.

    • List job services. or exclude job services from the list: You can use SHOW JOB SERVICES or SHOW SERVICES EXCLUDE JOBS to list only job services or exclude job services.

You can also combine these options to customize the SHOW SERVICES output.

Monitoring a service

Use SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_STATUS — Deprecated to get the detailed runtime status of a service or a job service. For example, you can call this function to determine whether the service is still running or whether the service failed to start. If the service failed to start, the function provides more details about the failure.

When calling this function, pass in the name of the service.



The following are example outputs:

  • Sample output of a service that is running one instance and has one container:


    instanceId is the service instance ID to which the container belongs. If you run two instances of this service, the output includes two such objects and provides the container status for each service instance. In this case, the instance IDs are 0 and 1.

    Note that the preceding output is formatted for convenience. You can use the PARSE_JSON function to get formatted output of SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_STATUS.

  • Sample output of a service that is running one instance and has three containers:


    The output includes status information for each container. All these containers belong to the single service instance that has the instance ID 0.

SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_STATUS takes an optional timeout_secs argument. If timeout_secs is not specified or is specified with value 0, the function immediately returns the current status. If timeout_secs is specified, Snowflake waits until the service reaches a terminal state (READY or FAILED) within the specified time before returning the service status. If the service does not reach the terminal state within the specified time, Snowflake returns the current state at the end of the specified time interval.

The timeout you specify is an approximation based on when you expect the service to be ready, and this can help identify situations such as when Snowflake is waiting for other services and jobs to stop and free up resources in the specified compute pool before starting another service. The following SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_STATUS function specifies a 10-second timeout:

call SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_STATUS('echo_service', 10);

Accessing local container logs

Snowflake collects whatever your application container outputs to standard output or standard errors. You should ensure that your code outputs useful information to debug a service.

Snowflake provides two ways to access these service (including job service) container logs:

  • Using the SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_LOGS system function: Gives access to logs from a specific container. After a container exits, you can continue to access the logs using the system function for a short time. System functions are most useful during development and testing, when you are initially authoring a service or a job. For more information, see SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_LOGS.

  • Using an event table: An event table gives you access to logs from multiple containers across all services. Snowflake persists the logs in the event table for later access. Event tables are best used for the retrospective analysis of services and jobs. For more information, see Using an event table.


You provide the service name, instance ID, container name, and optionally the number of most recent log lines to retrieve. If only one service instance is running, the service instance ID is 0. For example, the following GET_SERVICE_LOGS command retrieves the trailing 10 lines from the log of a container named echo that belongs to instance 0 of a service named echo_service:

CALL SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_LOGS('echo_service', '0', 'echo', 10);

Example output:

| SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_LOGS                                                  |
| - - [11/Apr/2023 21:44:03] "GET /healthcheck HTTP/1.1" 200 - |
| - - [11/Apr/2023 21:44:08] "GET /healthcheck HTTP/1.1" 200 - |
| - - [11/Apr/2023 21:44:13] "GET /healthcheck HTTP/1.1" 200 - |
| - - [11/Apr/2023 21:44:18] "GET /healthcheck HTTP/1.1" 200 - |
1 Row(s) produced. Time Elapsed: 0.878s

If you don’t know service information (such as the instance ID or container name), you can first run SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_STATUS to get information about the service instances and containers running in each instance.

SYSTEM$GET_SERVICE_LOGS output has the following limitations:

  • It merges standard output and standard error streams. Snowflake provides no indication which stream the output came from.

  • It reports the captured data for a specific container in a single service instance.

  • It only reports logs for a running container. The function cannot fetch logs from a previous container that was restarted or from a container of a service that is stopped or deleted.

  • The function returns up to 100 KB of data.

Using an event table

Snowflake can capture and record standard output and standard errors from your containers into the event table configured for your account. For more information about configuring an event table, see Logging and Tracing Overview.

You control the level of logs (all, errors only, or none) that you want stored in an event table by using the spec.logExporters field in the service specification file.

You can then query the event table for events. For example, the following SELECT statement retrieves Snowflake service and job events recorded in the past hour:

FROM <current-event-table-for-your-account>
WHERE timestamp > dateadd(hour, -1, current_timestamp())
AND RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES:"snow.executable.type" = 'SnowparkContainers'
ORDER BY timestamp DESC

Snowflake recommends that you include a timestamp in the WHERE clause of event table queries, as shown in this example. This is particularly important because of the potential volume of data generated by various Snowflake components. By applying filters, you can retrieve a smaller subset of data, which improves query performance.

The events table includes the following columns, which provide useful information regarding the logs collected by Snowflake from your container:

  • TIMESTAMP: Shows when Snowflake collected the log.

  • RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: Provides a JSON object that identifies the Snowflake service and the container in the service that generated the log message. For example, it furnishes details such as the service name, container name, and compute pool name that were specified when the service was run.

    "": 549816068,
    "": "echo",
    "": "0",
    "": "cd0cf2",
    "": 549816076,
    "": "TUTORIAL_DB",
    "": 980991015,
    "": "ECHO_SERVICE",
    "snow.executable.type": "SnowparkContainers",
    "": 549816076,
    "": "DATA_SCHEMA"
  • RECORD_ATTRIBUTES: For a Snowflake service, it identifies an error source (standard output or standard error).

    { "log.iostream": "stdout" }
  • VALUE: Standard output and standard error are broken into lines, and each line generates a record in the event table.

    "echo-service [2023-10-23 17:52:27,429] [DEBUG] Sending response: {'data': [[0, 'Joe said hello!']]}"

Accessing compute pool metrics

Your services run on a Snowflake compute pool you provide. Each compute pool publishes a set of metrics about the nodes in the compute pool (for example, the amount of free memory available for use by containers on a node) and the containers running in that compute pool (for example, memory used by a specific container).

You can use the published metrics to understand where in the compute pool your service is running and what resources your service is using. For more information, see Compute Pool Metrics.

Managing access to service endpoints

The service owner role (the role that you use to create the service) has full access to the service and endpoints the service exposes. Other roles will need USAGE privilege on the endpoints to communicate with the service. For example,

  • The owner role of the client needs USAGE privilege on the endpoint. Client refers to a service function or a service making requests to endpoints of another service.

    • To create a service function referencing an endpoint, the user needs access to the endpoint. That is, the service function’s owner role needs USAGE privilege on the endpoint referenced in the CREATE FUNCTION.

    • In service-to-service communications, the owner role of the client service (that is calling the other service’s endpoint) needs the USAGE privilege on the endpoint.

  • A user making ingress requests from outside Snowflake to a public endpoint needs USAGE privilege on the endpoint.

A Service role is a mechanism to grant privileges on service endpoints to other roles. You have these options:

  • Use the default service role: Snowflake defines a default service role (ALL_ENDPOINTS_USAGE) that grants the USAGE privilege on all endpoints the service exposes and grants this default service role to the service’s owner role. Thus, the owner role can access all the endpoints the service exposes. You can grant this default service role to other roles.

  • Create a service role: Instead of granting privileges on all endpoints using the default service role, you can define one or more service roles in the service specification. Within the definition, indicate specific endpoints for which the role is granted the USAGE privilege. You can grant (or revoke) the service role to other roles using the GRANT SERVICE ROLE and REVOKE SERVICE ROLE commands. You can also use the SHOW ROLES IN SERVICE, SHOW GRANTS commands to display information about the grants.

    Snowflake creates the service roles when you create a service and deletes them when you delete the service.

    Creating custom service roles enables you to grant different access permissions for difference scenarios. For example, you can grant a service role permission to an endpoint for use with a service function. You might create another service role with permission to a public endpoint used with a web UI.

Note the following:

  • If you use the same role to create multiple services, because the owner role has access to all endpoints, those services can communicate with each other seamlessly without any extra configuration changes.

  • If a service has multiple containers, these containers can communicate with each other via localhost, and these communications are local within each service instance and not subject to role-based access control.

The following sections provide details. You can also try a tutorial (Configure and test service endpoint privileges) that provides step-by-step instructions to explore this feature.

Granting the USAGE privilege on all endpoints using the default service role

When you create a service (including job service), Snowflake also creates a default service role, named ALL_ENDPOINTS_USAGE. This role has USAGE privilege on all endpoints the service exposes. You can grant other roles this default service role using the GRANT SERVICE ROLE command:

GRANT SERVICE ROLE my_echo_service_image!ALL_ENDPOINTS_USAGE TO ROLE some_other_role;

Users who are using some_other_role have the USAGE privilege on all the service endpoints.

When you drop a service, Snowflake drops all the service roles (default service role and service roles defined in the service specification) associated with the service and voids all the service role grants.

Granting the USAGE privilege to specific endpoints using service roles defined in the specification

Use service roles to manage fine-grained access to service endpoints. You define the service roles, along with the list of endpoints they are granted USAGE privilege to, in the service specification.

Granting privilege on specific endpoints of a service is a two-step process:

  1. Define a service role: Use a service specification to define a service role by providing a role name and a list of one or more endpoints for which you want to grant USAGE privilege. For example, in the following specification fragment, the top-level serviceRoles field defines two service roles, each with USAGE privilege on specific endpoints.

    serviceRoles:                 # Optional list of service roles
    - name: <svc_role_name1>
      endpoints:                  # endpoints that role can access
      - <endpoint_name1>
      - <endpoint_name2>
    - name: <svc_role_name2>
      - <endpoint_name3>
      - <endpoint_name4>
  2. Grant the service role to other roles. Using the GRANT SERVICE ROLE command, you grant the service role to other roles (account roles, application roles, or database roles). For example:

    GRANT SERVICE ROLE <service-name>!<svc_role_name1> TO ROLE <another-role>

Using a service

After creating a service, users in the same account (that created the service) can use any of the following three supported methods to use it. The user will need access to roles having the necessary privileges.

  • Use the service from a SQL query (Service function): You create a service function, a user-defined function (UDF) associated with a service, and use it in a SQL query to communicate with the service. For an example, see Tutorial 1.

  • Use the service from outside Snowflake (Ingress): You can declare one or more service endpoints as public to allow network ingress access to the service. For an example, see Tutorial 1.

  • Use service from another service (Service-to-service communications): Services can communicate with each other using Snowflake-assigned service DNS name for service-to-service communication For an example, see Tutorial 3.


  • A job service runs like a job and terminates when done. Using service function or ingress to communicate with a job service is not supported.

    • You cannot associate a service function with any endpoint of a job service.

    • You cannot create a job service wit a specification that defines a public endpoint.

  • Service-to-service communications with job services are supported. That is, services and job services can communicate with each other.

The following sections provide details.

Service functions: Using a service from an SQL query

A service function is a user-defined function (UDF) you create using CREATE FUNCTION (Snowpark Container Services). However, instead of writing the UDF code directly, you associate the UDF with your service endpoint. Note that, you can associate a service function only with a service endpoint that supports the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.

For example, in Tutorial 1, you create a service named echo_service that exposes one endpoint (echoendoint) as defined in the service specification:


  - name: echoendpoint
    port: 8080

echoendpoint is a user-friendly endpoint name that represents the corresponding port (8080). To communicate with this service endpoint, you create a service function by providing the SERVICE and ENDPOINT parameters as shown:

CREATE FUNCTION my_echo_udf (text varchar)
   RETURNS varchar
   AS '/echo';

The AS parameter provides the HTTP path to the service code. You get this path value from the service code. For example, the following code lines are from in Tutorial 1."/echo")
def echo():

When you invoke the service function, Snowflake directs the request to the associated service endpoint and path.


A service function is used to communicate with a service, and not with a job. In other words, you can only associate a service (not a job) with a service function.

Specifying batch size when sending data to a service to increase concurrency

When you run multiple instances of your service, you can create a service function by specifying the optional MAX_BATCH_ROWS parameter to limit the batch size, the maximum rows that Snowflake sends in a batch to the service. For example, suppose MAX_BATCH_ROWS is 10 and you call my_echo_udf service function with 100 input rows. Snowflake partitions the input rows into batches, with each batch having at most 10 rows, and sends a series of requests to the service with the batch of rows in the request body. Configuring batch size can help when processing takes nontrivial time, and distributing rows across all available servers can also help.

You can use ALTER FUNCTION to alter a service function. The following ALTER FUNCTION command changes the service endpoint to which it associates and the batch size:

   SET SERVICE=other_service

Data exchange format

For data exchange between a service function and an application container, Snowflake follows the same format that external functions use (see Data Formats). For example, suppose you have data rows stored in a table (input_table):

"Alex", "2014-01-01 16:00:00"
"Steve", "2015-01-01 16:00:00"

To send this data to your service, you invoke the service function by passing these rows as parameters:

SELECT service_func(col1, col2) FROM input_table;

Snowflake sends a series of requests to the container, with batches of data rows in the request body in this format:

         "2014-01-01 16:00:00"
         "2015-01-01 16:00:00"

The container then returns the output in the following format:

      [0, "a"],
      [1, "b"],
      [ row_index,  output_column1]

The example output shown assumes that the result is a one-column table with rows (“a”, “b” …).

When multiple service instances are running, you can create a service function using the MAX_BATCH_ROWS parameter to distribute the input rows for processing across all available servers. For more information, see Specifying batch size when sending data to a service to increase concurrency.

Privileges required to create and manage service functions

To create and manage service functions, a role needs the following privileges:

  • To create a service function: The current role must have the USAGE privilege on the service being referenced.

  • To alter a service function: You can alter a service function and associate it with another service. The current role must have the USAGE privilege on the new service.

  • To use a service function: The current role must have the USAGE privilege on the service function, and the service function owner role must have the USAGE privilege on the associated service.

The following example script shows how you might grant permission to use a service function:

USE ROLE service_owner;
GRANT USAGE ON service service_db.my_schema.my_service TO ROLE func_owner;

USE ROLE func_owner;
  AS '/run';

SELECT test_udf(col1) FROM some_table;

  SERVICE = service_db.other_schema.other_service

GRANT USAGE ON FUNCTION test_udf(varchar) TO ROLE func_user;
USE ROLE func_user;
SELECT my_test_udf('abcd');

Ingress: Using a service from outside Snowflake

A service can expose one or more endpoints as public to allow users to use the service from the public web. In this case, Snowflake manages access control. Note that ingress is allowed only with HTTP or HTTPS endpoints.

Mark the endpoint as public in your service specification file:

  - name: <endpoint name>
    port: <port number>
    public: true

Public endpoint access from outside Snowflake and authentication

Not everyone can access the public endpoints exposed by a service. Only users in the same Snowflake account as the service and having USAGE privilege on the public endpoint can access the public endpoint. You can use service role to grant this privilege.

These users can access the public endpoint using a browser or programmatically. Snowflake uses OAuth to authenticate these requests:

  • Accessing a public endpoint by using a browser: When the user uses a browser to access a public endpoint, Snowflake provides an automatic redirect for user authentication. The user is required to sign in and, behind the scenes, the user sign-in generates an OAuth token from Snowflake. The OAuth token is then used to send a request to the service endpoint.

  • Accessing a public endpoint programmatically: You application can use key pair authentication to authenticate requests to the public endpoint. In your code, you generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) from the key pair, exchange the JWT token with Snowflake for an OAuth token, and then use the OAuth token to authenticate requests to the public endpoint of a service.

Tutorial 1 provides step-by-step instructions for you to test public endpoint access.

Key pair authentication as shown in Tutorial 1 is the recommended way to authenticate requests when accessing public endpoints. The following code can be used to authenticate as an alternative to using key pair; however, there is no guarantee the code will work with future versions of Snowflake Connector for Python. This Python code uses the Python connector to first generate a session token that represents your identity. The code then uses the session token to log in to the public endpoint.

import snowflake.connector
import requests

ctx = snowflake.connector.connect(
   user="<username>",# username
   password="<password>", # insert password here

# Obtain a session token.
token_data = ctx._rest._token_request('ISSUE')
token_extract = token_data['data']['sessionToken']

# Create a request to the ingress endpoint with authz.
token = f'\"{token_extract}\"'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Snowflake Token={token}'}
# Set this to the ingress endpoint URL for your service
url = 'http://<ingress_url>'

# Validate the connection.
response = requests.get(f'{url}', headers=headers)

# Insert your code to interact with the application here

In the code:

  • If you don’t know your account information (<orgname>-<acctname>), see the Tutorial common setup.

  • You can get the ingress_url of the public endpoint exposed by the service by using SHOW ENDPOINTS.

User-specific headers in ingress requests

When a request for an ingress endpoint arrives, Snowflake automatically passes the following header along with the HTTP request to the container.

Sf-Context-Current-User: <user_name>

Your container code can optionally read the header, know who the caller is, and apply context-specific customization for different users. In addition, Snowflake can optionally include the Sf-Context-Current-User-Email header. To include this header, contact Snowflake Support.

Service-to-service communications

Services can communicate with each other using the DNS name that Snowflake automatically assigns to each service. For an example, see Tutorial 3. Note that if a service endpoint is created only to allow service-to-service communications, the TCP protocol should be used.

The DNS name format is:


Use SHOW SERVICES (or DESCRIBE SERVICE) to get the DNS name of a service. The preceding DNS name is a full name. Services created in the same schema can communicate using just the <service-name>. Services that are in the same database but different schemas must provide the schema name, such as <service-name>.<schema-name>.

Snowflake allows network communications between services created by the same role and blocks network communications between services created by different roles. If you want to prevent your services from communicating with each other (for reasons such as security), use different Snowflake roles to create those services.

DNS names have the following limitations:

  • Your database, schema, or service names must be valid DNS labels. (See also Otherwise, creating a service will fail.

  • Snowflake replaces an underscore (_) in the names (database, schema, and service name) by a dash (-) in the DNS name.

  • After creating a service, do not change the database or the schema name, because Snowflake will not update the DNS name of the service.

  • A DNS name is only for internal communications within Snowflake between services running in the same account. It is not accessible from the internet.






To communicate with a service you need the USAGE privilege on the service endpoint. Required for creating a service function, using public endpoints, and connecting from another service.


To monitor a service and get runtime status.


To suspend or resume a service.


Full control over the service. Only a single role can hold this privilege on a specific object at a time.


Grants all privileges, except OWNERSHIP, on the service.