Machine learning model DDL¶
The following DDL commands are used to create, view, and manage machine-learning models and their versions.
A model is a schema-level object that contains a machine learning model that has been trained and stored in the Snowpark ML Registry. Model commands let you create and manage models in SQL. You can also create and manage models in Python using the Snowpark ML Registry API.
Model monitors allow you to monitor the performance of machine learning models you have deployed in Snowflake.
Machine learning models¶
Creates a new machine learning model in the current/specified schema or replaces an existing model. |
Modifies the properties for an existing model, including its name, tags, default version, or comment. |
Lists the machine learning models that you have privileges to access. |
Removes a machine learning model from the current/specified schema. |
Machine learning model versions¶
Adds a new version to an existing model from an internal stage. |
Removes a version from an existing model. |
Modifies a version of a model, changing the version’s comment or metadata. |
Lists the versions in a machine learning model. |
Machine learing model functions¶
Shows the models (methods) attached to a machine learing model. |
Machine learning model monitors¶
Create a new model monitor. |
Modify the properties of an existing model monitor, including its refresh interval and warehouse, or suspend or resume it. |
Lists the model monitors that you have privileges to access. |
Shows the properties of a model monitor. |
Removes a model monitor from the current/specified schema. |