Activation with The Trade Desk

This topic describes how to activate analysis results with the The Trade Desk. The Trade Desk is a demand-side platform (DSP) that provides a technology platform for advertisers to plan, buy, and manage digital advertising campaigns across various channels.


At this time, Snowflake Data Clean Rooms do not support data subject consent management. Please ensure you are complying with applicable laws and regulations when using Snowflake Data Clean Rooms, including in connection with third-party connectors for activation purposes.

If you are an administrator who needs to configure the The Trade Desk connector so clean room users can activate results with it, see The Trade Desk connector.

Activating results with The Trade Desk

To push the results of an analysis to The Trade Desk for activation:

  1. Run an analysis that returns data that can be activated. For example, analyses using the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template can be activated.

    For more information about running an analysis, see Run an analysis as a provider or Run an analysis as a consumer.

  2. In the Results section, select Activate.

  3. In the Activation Hub dialog, select The Trade Desk.

  4. In the Segment Name field, enter a descriptive name for your results.

  5. In the Activation IDs section, select a column that contains identifiers, then select the type of those identifiers.

  6. Select Push Data.