Snowflake Data Clean Rooms: Administrator tasks¶

This topic describes the tasks for the administrator of a Snowflake Data Clean Room. For information about implementing a clean environment for the first time, see Installing the Snowflake Data Clean Rooms environment.

Sign in as the Snowflake administrator¶

The clean rooms environment manages user credentials separately from Snowflake. That is, your clean rooms web application credentials are stored and managed separately from your Snowflake credentials.

When you sign in to clean rooms with your clean rooms administrator account, you default to the DCR admin role in the web app. If you want to elevate your privileges to the Snowflake administrator role, you must sign in as described here.

To sign in to the web app as administrator:

  1. Sign in to the web app with your clean room credentials.

  2. Navigate to Admin > Snowflake Admin.

  3. Select Log in to Snowflake and provide your Snowflake credentials. Use the credentials you used to install the environment.

Add potential collaborators to the environment¶

A clean room user who has the Admin role must add a potential collaborator before other users can share a clean room with that collaborator.


If a Snowflake customer has an account in a different region than your Snowflake account, your account administrator must enable Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment before you can add them as a collaborator. For more information, including the limitations of collaborating with customers in other regions, see About Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment.

To add someone as collaborator within a clean room environment, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Snowflake Data Clean Rooms login page.

  2. Log in as a clean room administrator. You do not need to have the ACCOUNTADMIN role in Snowflake.

  3. In the left navigation, select Collaborators.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If the collaborator has a Snowflake account, select Snowflake Partners » + Snowflake Partner. Respond to the prompts to enter the details of the collaborator’s Snowflake account.

    • If the collaborator is not a Snowflake customer, select the Managed Accounts tab to create a clean room managed account for them.

Add DCR admins or clean room managers¶

DCR admins can configure and manage a clean room environment.

Clean room managers can create new clean rooms in that account (act as clean room providers as well as clean room consumers), using the web application.

Learn more about clean room roles.

To allow users in your Snowflake account to use the web app, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Snowflake Data Clean Rooms login page.

  2. Log in as a clean room administrator. You do not need to have the ACCOUNTADMIN role in Snowflake.

  3. Select User Management.

  4. Select + Users.

  5. Enter the email address of the new clean room user.

  6. Select the role of the new user.

The new user is sent an email with a link to join the clean room.

Grant API access¶

To allow users to use the developer APIs to programmatically work with clean rooms, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Snowflake account associated with the clean room environment, which is where you installed the Snowflake Native App.

  2. Open a worksheet, and use the ACCOUNTADMIN ROLE to assign the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role to the user.

    For example, to allow a user joe to use the developer APIs, execute the following code:

    USE ROLE accountadmin;
    GRANT ROLE samooha_app_role TO USER joe;

Add warehouse options¶

Any warehouse for which the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role has usage and operate privileges can be used to run analyses. To add warehouses that can be used by clean room users to execute analyses, create a warehouse and then grant privileges on it to the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE.

For example, to add a warehouse my_big_warehouse that can be used to run analyses, execute the following commands from a worksheet:



Monitor web app activity¶

As an administrator, you can track what users are doing in the web app by monitoring the query history in your Snowflake account. You can identify query history entries that correspond to activity in the web app because the value of user_name is the name of the service account user that was created when the Snowflake account was configured.

You can use the user_email query tag to identify which clean room user performed an action.

To access the query history for your clean room environment, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to use SQL or Snowsight:

  1. Sign in the Snowflake account associated with your clean room environment as a user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role.

  2. Select Monitoring » Query History.

  3. Use the User filter to select the service account user associated with the clean room environment.

  • Execute queries against the QUERY_HISTORY view in the ACCOUNT_USAGE schema of the shared SNOWFLAKE database.

    For example, to trace the web app activity of the user, execute the following code:

    SELECT *,
      TRY_PARSE_JSON(query_tag) AS query_tag_details
      FROM snowflake.account_usage.query_history
      WHERE query_tag_details IS NOT NULL
        AND query_tag_details:request_type = 'DCR'
        AND query_tag_details:user_email = '';

Monitor provider-run analyses¶

A provider-run analysis refers to the process of a provider creating and sharing a clean room, then running an analysis in the clean room after the consumer links their data. These analyses run in the consumer’s account, not the provider’s. This section describes how the consumer can track the queries executed by the provider’s analyses in the clean room.

Snowflake Data Clean Rooms assigns a query tag to each query executed for a provider-run analysis. This query tag takes the form cleanroom_UUID_provider_account_locator. A consumer can retrieve all queries associated with provider-run analyses by searching for the query tag in the query history of their account.

To retrieve the query, first obtain the UUID for a clean room, then search for the query tag. In the following code, replace cleanroom_name and provider_account_locator with the appropriate values.

-- Retrieve clean room UUID
SELECT cleanroom_id FROM samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.public.cleanroom_record
  WHERE cleanroom_name = '<cleanroom_name>';

-- Retrieve queries with provider-run query tag
SELECT * FROM snowflake.account_usage.query_history
  WHERE query_tag = cleanroom_id || '<provider_account_locator>;

You can also use Snowsight to filter the query history by the appropriate query tag after using SQL to retrieve the clean room UUID.

Customize available connectors¶

Connectors let you integrate your clean room environment with your ecosystem partners. As the clean room administrator for a provider, you can customize the clean room environment to limit which connectors appear as options for the clean room user. For example, if you have a single preferred activation partner, you can configure the clean room environment so that the partner is the only option when a consumer activates the results of an analysis in a clean room.


Your customizations apply to new clean rooms only.

To control which connectors are available in a clean room:

  1. Sign in to the web app.

  2. In the left navigation, select Admin » Profile & Features.

  3. Optional: To customize activation connectors, follow these steps:

    1. On the Activation tile, select Edit.

    2. Select which activation options you want to display, and then select Save.

  4. Optional: To customize identity and data provider connectors, follow these steps:

    1. On the Identity & Data Provider tile, select Edit.

    2. Select which identity options you want to display, and then select Save.

Brand your clean rooms¶

You can configure a profile for your clean room environment so every clean room created is branded with your logo and company name. To define the logo and name for your company, complete these steps:

  1. Sign in to the web app.

  2. In the left navigation, select Admin » Profile & Features.

  3. In the Company profile section, do the following:

    1. Upload a logo for your company in JPG or PNG format. This logo will appear on every clean room that is created.

    2. Edit the Company Name to define the name that you want to appear on the clean rooms that are created in your environment.

Enable single sign-on (SSO)¶

You can enable single sign-on (SSO) to access the web UI. This enhancement simplifies user access by eliminating the need for managing additional login credentials for the clean rooms UI while leveraging the enhanced security controls of your Identity Provider (IDP). Supported SSO providers include Okta, Azure AD, and PingFederate.

To enable SSO, contact Snowflake Support.

Allow key-pair authentication¶

The service account user that the clean room environment uses to communicate with your Snowflake account uses key-pair authentication to authenticate. If your Snowflake account uses authentication policies to control how users authenticate, then the authentication policy controlling the service account user must allow key-pair authentication.

To allow key-pair authentication, either remove all authentication policies, or add an authentication policy with AUTHENTICATION_METHODS = ALL or AUTHENTICATION_METHODS = KEYPAIR. If your Snowflake account has an account-level authentication policy that does not allow key-pair authentication, you need to create a new authentication policy with the appropriate parameter, then assign the policy to the service account user that was created during the installation process.

You can check your authentication policies by running this command:


An empty results table indicates no policies, which means that key-pair authentication is allowed.

Configure network policies¶

If your Snowflake account uses a network policy to control network traffic, you must explicitly allow traffic from the IP addresses that the web app uses to communicate with your Snowflake account.

Find your cloud provider account region in the table below and configure your account network policy to allow all the IP addresses listed in that row:

Snowflake account region

Allow these IP addresses for the web app

  • AWS US West (Oregon)

  • AWS US East (Ohio)

  • AWS US East (N. Virginia)

  • AWS South America (Sao Paulo)

  • Azure West US 2 (Washington)

  • Azure Central US (Iowa)

  • Azure South Central US (Texas)

  • Azure East US 2 (Virginia)

  • GCP US Central1 (Iowa)

  • GCP US East4 (N. Virginia)
  • AWS Canada (Central)

  • Azure Canada Central (Toronto)
  • AWS EU (Ireland)

  • AWS Europe (London)

  • AWS EU (Paris)

  • AWS EU (Frankfurt)

  • AWS EU (Stockholm)

  • AWS EU (Zurich)

  • Azure UK South (London)

  • Azure North Europe (Ireland)

  • Azure West Europe (Netherlands)

  • Azure Switzerland North (Zurich)

  • Azure UAE North (Dubai)

  • GCP Europe West2 (London)

  • GCP Europe West4 (Netherlands)
  • AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

  • Azure Central India (Pune)
  • AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore)

  • AWS Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

  • AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka)

  • AWS Asia Pacific (Seoul)

  • AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta)

  • Azure Southeast Asia (Singapore)

  • Azure Japan East (Tokyo)
  • AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney)

  • Azure Australia East (New South Wales)

See details about the service account for this environment¶

The web application uses a service account to communicate with Snowflake. This service account was created by the account administrator when they installed the clean rooms environment for this account.

You cannot modify details about the service account user.

To see details about the service account for this clean rooms environment:

  1. Sign in to the web application.

  2. Navigate to Admin > Snowflake Admin.

  3. Select Log in to Snowflake and log in with your Snowflake administrator credentials.

  4. On the Snowflake Admin page you can see information such as the service user name and service user email.