Creating, joining, removing, and uninstalling clean rooms¶

This page shows how to create a basic clean room, join a clean room to which you have been invited, delete a clean room that you created, or remove a clean room that you have joined as a consumer.

Create a new clean room¶

You must have the proper permission in a Snowflake account to be able to create a clean room. The clean room creator is called the provider.

The Clean Rooms page in the web app lets you, as a provider, manage the lifecycle of a clean room, including creating and sharing. If you don’t have access to the clean rooms web app, speak to a clean rooms administrator for your Snowflake account.

To create and share a clean room, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your clean room environment in the web app.

  2. In the left navigation, select Clean Rooms.

  3. Select + Clean Room. The creation process has the following steps:

    1. Use the Add Data step to name the clean room and select the tables that are being shared with the consumer. The name can be 80 characters maximum, case-insensitive a-z, 0-9, spaces, and underscores.

    2. Use the Specify Join Policies step to enable identity providers enabled by your clean rooms account administrator and select which columns the consumer can join on.

    3. Use the Configure Analysis & Query step to define which templates are available in the clean room, template-specific configuration settings, and addtional features such as activation and privacy settings.

    4. Use the Share Clean Room step to invite consumers to use the clean room to collaborate. You can also use the Enable Run Analysis & Query option to specify which collaborators can run analyses in the clean room.

For a full walkthrough of creating a new clean room in the web application, try the clean rooms web app tutorial

Install (join) a clean room¶

If you have been invited to join a clean room, you will receive an email message with a link to install, configure, and run the clean room in the web application. You can follow the link and use the web application, or install and run the clean room using code.

The Clean Rooms page in the web app lets you, as a consumer, install clean rooms that have been shared with you by a provider. To install a clean room, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your clean room environment in the web app.

  2. In the left navigation, select Clean Rooms.

  3. On the Invited tab, find the clean room and select Join. You should get a direct link to this page in an invitation email when you are added as a collaborator in the web application.

  4. Select the tables that you want to use to collaborate with the provider’s data, then select Next.

  5. Select any identity providers available in your clean rooms environment that you need to use in this clean room.

  6. Specify which columns in your table can be joined, and the corresponding columns from the provider’s data.

  7. Select Next.

  8. Provide template-specific settings for any templates assigned to the clean room.

  9. Click Finish, and optionally run a template immediately, or schedule a repeating run of that template.

Delete a clean room that you created¶

After deletion, a clean room will no longer be visible to shared users the next time they open the clean room web app. If an analysis is in progress when a clean room is deleted, it might not complete before the clean room is deleted.

To use the web application to delete a clean room that you created, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your clean room environment in the web app.

  2. In the left navigation, select Clean Rooms.

  3. In the clean room to delete, select More (Three vertical dots indicating more options) > Delete.

Uninstall (unjoin) a clean room¶

You can uninstall a clean room that you installed (joined) as a consumer. This will uninstall the clean room for all users in the account.

  1. Sign in to your clean room environment in the web app.

  2. In the left navigation, select Clean Rooms.

  3. Navigate to Clean Rooms » Joined

  4. In the clean room to uninstall, select More (Three vertical dots indicating more options) > Leave.