Query the Cortex Search service with Snowflake Connector for SharePoint


The Snowflake Connector for SharePoint is subject to the Connector Terms.

You can use the Cortex Search service to build chat and search applications to chat with or query your documents in SharePoint.

After you install and configure the Snowflake Connector for SharePoint and it begins ingesting content from Sharepoint, you can query the Cortex Search service. For more information about using Cortex Search, see Query a Cortex Search service.

Filter responses

To restrict responses from the Cortex Search service to documents that a specific user has access to in SharePoint, you can specify a filter containing the user ID or email address of the user when you query Cortex Search. For example, filter.@contains.user_ids or filter.@contains.user_emails. The name of the Cortex Search service created by the connector is search_service in the schema Cortex.

Run the following SQL code in a SQL worksheet to query the Cortex Search service with files ingested from your SharePoint site.

Replace the following:

  • application_instance_name: Name of your database and connector application instance.

  • user_emailID: Email ID of the user who you want to filter the responses for.

  • your_question: The question that you want to get responses for.

  • number_of_results: Maximum number of results to return in the response. The maximum value is 1000 and the default value is 10.

        "query": "<your_question>",
         "columns": ["chunk", "web_url"],
         "filter": {"@contains": {"user_emails": "<user_emailID>"} },
         "limit": <number_of_results>
)['results'] AS results

Here’s a complete list of values that you can enter for columns:

Column name





A full path to the file from the Sharepoint site documents root. Example: folder_1/folder_2/file_name.pdf.



A URL that displays an original Sharepoint file in a browser.



Date and time when the item was most recently modified.



A piece of text from the document that matched the Cortex Search query.



An array of Microsoft 365 user IDs that have access to the document. It also includes user IDs from all the Microsoft 365 groups that are assigned to the document.



An array of Microsoft 365 user email IDs that have access to the document. It also includes user email IDs from all the Microsoft 365 groups that are assigned to the document.

Example: Query an AI assistant for human resources (HR) information

You can use Cortex Search to query an AI assistant for employees to chat with the latest versions of HR information, such as onboarding, code of conduct, team processes, and organization policies. Using response filters, you can also allow HR team members to query employee contracts while adhering to access controls configured in SharePoint.

Run the following in a SQL worksheet to query the Cortex Search service with files ingested from SharePoint. Select the database as your application instance name and schema as Cortex.

Replace the following:

  • application_instance_name: Name of your database and connector application instance.

  • user_emailID: Email ID of the user who you want to filter the responses for.

             "query": "What is my vacation carry over policy?",
             "columns": ["chunk", "web_url"],
             "filter": {"@contains": {"user_emails": "<user_emailID>"} },
             "limit": 1
 )['results'] AS results

Next steps

Manage the Snowflake Connector for SharePoint.