Staging data files from a local file system¶

Execute PUT using the SnowSQL client or Drivers to upload (stage) local data files into an internal stage.

If you want to load a few small local data files into a named internal stage, you can also use Snowsight. Refer to Staging files using Snowsight.

Staging the data files¶

User Stage

The following example uploads a file named data.csv in the /data directory on your local machine to your user stage and prefixes the file with a folder named staged.

Note that the @~ character combination identifies a user stage.

  • Linux or macOS

    PUT file:///data/data.csv @~/staged;
  • Windows

    PUT file://C:\data\data.csv @~/staged;
Table Stage

The following example uploads a file named data.csv in the /data directory on your local machine to the stage for a table named mytable.

Note that the @% character combination identifies a table stage.

  • Linux or macOS

    PUT file:///data/data.csv @%mytable;
  • Windows

    PUT file://C:\data\data.csv @%mytable;
Named Stage

The following example uploads a file named data.csv in the /data directory on your local machine to a named internal stage called my_stage. See Choosing an internal stage for local files for information on named stages.

In SQL, note that the @ character by itself identifies a named stage.

  • Linux or macOS

    PUT file:///data/data.csv @my_stage;
  • Windows

    PUT file://C:\data\data.csv @my_stage;

Listing staged data files¶

To see files that have been uploaded to a Snowflake stage, use the LIST command:

User stage:

LIST @~;

Table stage:

LIST @%mytable;

Named stage:

LIST @my_stage;

Next: Copying data from an internal stage