Limitations with Notebooks

This topic describes unsupported features and limitations of Snowflake Notebooks.

Unsupported Notebooks features

  • For Python cells, non-linear cell execution order and global referencing are not supported. You must define and run a Python variable in a cell before referencing it in a subsequent cell. For example, to reference a Python variable in cell 2, the variable must be previously declared in cell 1 and the cells must be executed in order. This behavior differs from other notebooks such as Jupyter, where out-of-order execution is supported, meaning that once a variable is declared, it can be used anywhere in the notebook.

  • Only one executable notebook is permitted within each notebook object. Multiple executables are not permitted.

  • You cannot add a resource monitor to the default Notebooks warehouse. Snowflake recommends using a budget to help optimize costs.

Additional Notebooks limitations

Notebooks have the following additional limitations:

  • You cannot GRANT OWNERSHIP or USAGE on a notebook to a different role.

  • Streamlit components and widgets, such as slider values, do not retain their state if you refresh the browser window, open the notebook in a new tab, or close and reopen the current tab.

  • UNDROP <object> is not supported for Snowflake Notebooks. Once you drop a notebook, it cannot be restored.

  • When you create a notebook from a repository, only the selected notebook will be visible and editable. Any other notebooks in the repository can be selected, but they will be read-only. To edit other notebooks in the repository, create a new notebook from the same repository and select the new .ipynb file.