Getting started with Snowflake Notebooks¶

To start experimenting with Snowflake Notebooks, sign into Snowsight, set up your account to use notebooks, and then select Projects » Notebooks. A list of notebooks that you have access to in your account is displayed. You can either create a new notebook from scratch or upload an existing .ipynb file.

The following table shows the topics to review if you’re new to Snowflake Notebooks:

Getting started guides

Set up Snowflake Notebook

Setting up Snowflake Notebooks Instructions for developers and admins before using Notebooks.

Create Snowflake Notebook

Create a notebook Create a new notebook from scratch or from an existing file.

Develop and run code in Snowflake Notebook

Develop and run code in Snowflake Notebooks Create, edit, execute Python, SQL, and Markdown cells.

Developer guides¶



Session context in notebooks

Accessing and modifying the session context.

Saving results in notebooks

Saving notebooks and results across sessions.

Import Python packages to use in notebooks

Importing Python packages from Anaconda channel.

Visualize and Interact with your data in Notebook

Visualize data with matplotlib, plotly, or altair, and develop a data app with Streamlit.

Cell and variable referencing in Notebook

Reference SQL cell output and Python variable values.

Keyboard shortcuts for Notebooks

Leverage keyboard shortcuts to navigate and streamline the editing experience.

Leveling up your notebook workflows¶



Sync Snowflake Notebooks with Git

Version control your notebook for collaboration and development.

Work with files in notebooks

Manage and work with files in your notebook environment.

Schedule notebook runs

Schedule notebooks to run and execute code within Snowflake.

Troubleshoot errors in Snowflake Notebooks

Troubleshoot errors that may occur while you’re using Snowflake Notebooks.


Highlighted use cases¶

Check out highlighted use cases for data science, data engineering, and ML/AI in Github.

Getting started guides¶



Set up Snowflake Notebook

Setting up Snowflake Notebooks Instructions for developers and admins before using Notebooks.

Create Snowflake Notebook

Create a notebook Create a new notebook from scratch or from an existing file.

Develop and run code in Snowflake Notebook

Develop and run code in Snowflake Notebooks Create, edit, and execute Python, SQL, and Markdown cells.


These quickstarts are only shown as examples. Following along with the example may require additional rights to third-party data, products, or services that are not owned or provided by Snowflake. Snowflake does not guarantee the accuracy of these examples.

Additional resources¶

  • For notebook demos, tutorials, and examples, see the collection of Snowflake Notebooks demos in GitHub.

  • To view tutorial videos, see the Snowflake Notebooks YouTube playlist.

  • To learn about SQL commands to create, execute, and show notebooks, see Snowflake Notebooks API reference.

  • Looking for reference architectures, industry-specific use cases and solutions best practices using Notebooks? See Notebooks examples in the Snowflake Solution Center.