Snowflake Data Clean Rooms: Activation connectors¶
Snowflake Data Clean Rooms do not currently support data subject consent management. Customers are responsible for ensuring they have obtained all necessary rights and consents to use the data linked in their clean rooms. Customers must also ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations when using Data Clean Rooms, including in connection with third-party connectors.
You can use connectors to integrate your clean room environment with what your ecosystem partners provides. This topic describes how the clean room admin can configure a connector so that clean room users can push the result of an analysis to an activation partner.
If you are a provider who wants to control which connectors show up as options when a clean room user runs an analysis, see Customize available connectors.
Third-party connectors are not offered by Snowflake and may be subject to additional terms. These integrations are made available for your convenience, but you are responsible for any content sent to or received from the integrations.
Customers are responsible for obtaining any necessary consents in connection with their use of Snowflake Data Clean Rooms. Please ensure that you are complying with applicable laws and regulations when using Snowflake Data Clean Rooms, including in connection with third-party connectors for activation purposes.
Google Ads connector¶
Google Ads is an online advertising platform where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users.
The Google Ads Manager APIs in the Activation Hub for the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template are deprecated effective February 3, 2025 and will be unavailable until further notice. Users will still be able to activate audiences via sharebacks to both the Consumer and Provider Snowflake accounts. Snowflake will provide an update for when the connectivity is restored as soon as possible.
You must be a DCR administrator to configure this connector.
To configure the connector so that your clean environment is integrated with your Google Ads account:
In the left navigation of the web app, select Connectors.
Select the Activation tab.
Expand Google Ads.
Enter your Google credentials.
In the Account ID field, enter the ID associated with your Google Ads account.
Specify your API preference. If you select My Developer Token, enter your developer token for the Google Ads API.
Select Save.
See the user guide tab to learn how to activate results using this connector.
Here is how to activate analysis results with Google Ads. These instructions assume that this connector has been properly installed and configured by a DCR administrator.
To push the results of an analysis to Google Ads for activation:
Run an analysis that returns data that can be activated. For example, analyses using the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template can be activated.
For more information about running an analysis, see Run an analysis as a provider or Run an analysis as a consumer.
In the Results section, select Activate.
In the Activation Hub dialog, select Google Ads.
In the Account ID field, enter the identifier for the account where you want to push the segment.
In the Segment Name field, enter a descriptive name for your results.
In the Description field, enter a description of the data you are pushing to Google Ads.
In the Activation IDs section, select the columns that contain hashed email and/or hashed phone identifiers.
Select Push Data.
Google Display & Video 360-PAIR connector¶
Google DV360-PAIR is an online advertising platform where advertisers bid to display. PAIR, gives publishers and advertisers the option to securely and privately reconcile their first-party data for audiences who have visited both an advertiser’s and a publisher’s site.
You must be a DCR administrator to configure this connector.
To integrate your clean room environment with Google DV360-PAIR, you must configure this connector as follows:
Before configuring the connector, link your account ID in Google DV360 to CMU: Snowflake.
In the left navigation of the web app, select Connectors.
Select the Activation tab.
Expand Google DV360.
In the Account ID field, enter the account ID of your Google DV360-PAIR account. Contact Snowflake support for the correct data partner account ID for your clean room.
In the Account Type field, enter the type of your Google DV360-PAIR account.
If you want Snowflake’s data clean room users to be able to activate results to multiple Google DV360-PAIR accounts, select + Account and enter the new account ID and account type for an additional account. Contact Snowflake support for the correct data partner account ID for your clean room.
Select Save.
See the user guide tab to learn how to activate results using this connector.
This topic describes the steps the publisher and advertiser must take to use Google PAIR to activate results of the advertiser’s analysis to their Google DV 360 account. This connector must first be properly installed and configured by a DCR administrator.
When using Google Display & Video 360-PAIR, the publisher is always the provider, and the advertiser is always the consumer.
- Publisher
The publisher must take the following steps to use Google PAIR in a clean room:
Configure their Google DV 360 account to link to Snowflake Data Clean Rooms. For instructions, see Google’s DV 360 documentation.
Install and configure the Google Display & Video 360-PAIR connector as described in the configuration guide tab.
Create a clean room that encrypts identifying columns with Google PAIR, then share the clean room with the advertiser (described below).
Provide the encrypted PAIR IDs in the bid request sent to an SSP (described below).
- Publisher: Create and share a clean room
In the left navigation, select Clean Rooms.
Select + Clean Room.
Use the Add Data step to name the clean room and select the tables that are being shared with the advertiser, then select Next.
Expand the Identity Hub section, and select PAIR.
In the PAIR Join Columns section, select the identifier columns that you want to encrypt with Google PAIR.
For each column selected, the clean room adds a new column to the table. It names these new columns by appending
to the original column name.Select Generate Preview. You can see the name of the new column.
Select Add Identity.
In the Join Policies section, select the PAIR columns so they can be matched with the PAIR columns of the advertiser.
Select Next.
Complete the fields for the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template. Do not set the Threshold Value below 1000.
Select Next.
Use the Select Collaborator to select the advertiser, then select Finish.
Publisher: Send a bid request
As a publisher, you need to include the encrypted PAIR IDs in your bid request. Best practice is to maintain a URL-safe format and use Base64 encoding when providing these IDs within the bid request.
To obtain the PAIR IDs, you need to access your Snowflake account and run the following commands in a worksheet:
-- Find the UUID of the clean room SELECT * FROM samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.public.cleanroom_record; -- Replace <uuid> with the UUID of the clean room to find the tables that contain the PAIR IDs -- Names of tables with PAIR IDs are appended with _PAIR DESCRIBE SCHEMA samooha_cleanroom_<uuid>.shared_schema; -- Query the table with PAIR IDs SELECT * samooha_cleanroom_<uuid>.shared_schema.<tablename_PAIR>;
- Advertiser
The advertiser must take the following steps to enable Google PAIR in a clean room:
Configure their Google DV 360 account to link to Snowflake Data Clean Rooms. For instructions, see Google’s DV 360 documentation.
Install and configure the Google Display & Video 360-PAIR connector as described in the configuration guide tab.
Install the clean room so it is PAIR-enabled (described below).
Activate the results of their analysis to their Google DV 360 account (described below).
Advertiser: Join a clean room
In the left navigation, select Clean Rooms.
On the Invited tab, find the clean room and select Join.
Select the tables that you want to include in the clean room, and then select Next.
Expand the Identity Hub section, and select PAIR.
In the PAIR Join Columns section, select the identifier columns that you want to encrypt with Google PAIR.
For each column selected, the clean room adds a new column to the table. It names these new columns by appending
to the original column name.Select Generate Preview to see the name of the new column.
Select Add Identity.
Use the Join Policies section to match your PAIR columns to the corresponding PAIR columns of the publisher, and then define any additional join policies.
Select Next.
Complete the fields for the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template, and select Finish.
Advertiser: Run the analysis and activate results
In the left navigation, select Clean Rooms.
On the Joined tab, find the clean room in the list and select Run.
Select Audience Overlap & Segmentation, and then select Proceed.
Run the analysis, using the encrypted PAIR IDs to match records.
In the Results section, select Activate.
Select Google DV 360.
In the Account ID field, select a Google DV 360 account that has been integrated with the clean room environment.
In the Segment Name field, enter a descriptive name for your results.
In the Description field, enter a description of the data you are pushing to Google DV 360 for activation.
In the Publisher Name, enter the name of the publisher you are collaborating with.
Select the PAIR ID columns, and the type of these identifiers.
Select Push Data.
LiveRamp connector¶
LiveRamp is a leading connectivity platform leveraged by brands and their partners to deliver products and experiences. LiveRamp RampID connects people, data, and devices across the digital and physical world, powering people-based marketing and allowing consumers to safely connect with brands and products.
If you choose to configure the LiveRamp connector so data is uploaded using a Snowflake share, LiveRamp must set up share ingestion before users can activate using LiveRamp.
You must be a DCR administrator to configure this connector.
To configure the connector so that your clean environment is integrated with your LiveRamp account:
In the left navigation of the web app, select Connectors.
Select the Activation tab.
Expand LiveRamp.
Use the Select Upload Type drop-down list to do one of the following:
If you want to share data with LiveRamp using SFTP:
Select SFTP.
Enter the username and password provided by LiveRamp for the purpose of using their SFTP.
If you want to share data with LiveRamp using Snowflake data sharing:
Select Snowflake Share.
Use the Account drop-down to select the LiveRamp Snowflake account.
Select Generate Share.
Send your LiveRamp representative the name of your account and the generated share.
Select Authenticate.
See the user guide tab to learn how to activate results using this connector.
Here is how to activate analysis results with the LiveRamp connector. These instructions assume that this connector has been properly installed and configured by a DCR administrator.
To push the results of an analysis to LiveRamp for activation:
Run an analysis that returns data that can be activated. For example, analyses using the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template can be activated.
For more information about running an analysis, see Run an analysis as a provider or Run an analysis as a consumer.
In the Results section, select Activate.
In the Activation Hub dialog, select LiveRamp.
In the Segment Name field, enter a descriptive name for your results. This name must start with a letter, and can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.
The string
will be appended to this name.In the RampID drop down, select the column from your table that contains your RampID.
Select Push Data.
Meta Ads Manager connector¶
Meta Ads Manager is an ad platform that lets you build targeted campaigns and optimize ad spend.
You must be a DCR administrator to configure this connector.
To configure the connector so that your clean environment is integrated with your Meta Ads Manager account:
In the left navigation of the web app, select Connectors.
Select the Activation tab.
Expand Meta Ads Manager.
Enter your Meta Business Manager credentials.
In the Meta Ads Manager Account ID field, enter the ID of your Meta Ads Manager account.
Select Save.
See the user guide tab to learn how to activate results using this connector.
These instructions assume that this connector has been properly installed and configured by a DCR administrator.
To push the results of an analysis to Meta Ads Manager for activation:
Run an analysis that returns data that can be activated. For example, analyses using the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template can be activated.
For more information about running an analysis, see Run an analysis as a provider or Run an analysis as a consumer.
In the Results section, select Activate.
In the Activation Hub dialog, select Meta Ads Manager.
In the Account ID field, enter the identifier for the account where you want to push the segment.
In the Segment Name field, enter a descriptive name for your results.
In the Description field, enter a description of the data you are pushing to Google Ads.
In the Activation IDs section, select the columns that contain identifiers, then select the type of those identifiers.
Select Push Data.
The Trade Desk - CRM connector¶
The Trade Desk CRM integrates customer relationship management (CRM) data to activate and target audience segments within The Trade Desk’s platform for personalized advertising campaigns.
You must be a DCR administrator to configure this connector.
To configure the connector so that your clean room environment is integrated with your account with The Trade Desk - CRM:
In the left navigation of the web app, select Connectors.
Select the Activation tab.
Expand The Trade Desk - CRM.
In the Username field, enter the username associated with your account with The Trade Desk.
In the Password field, enter the password your account with The Trade Desk.
In the Advertiser ID field, enter the advertiser ID associated with your account with The Trade Desk.
In the Region field, select the region of your The Trade Desk account.
Select Authenticate.
See the user guide tab to learn how to activate results using this connector.
These instructions assume that this connector has been properly installed and configured by a DCR administrator.
To push the results of an analysis to The Trade Desk - CRM for activation:
Run an analysis that returns data that can be activated. For example, analyses using the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template can be activated.
For more information about running an analysis, see Run an analysis as a provider or Run an analysis as a consumer.
In the Results section, select Activate.
In the Activation Hub dialog, select The Trade Desk - CRM.
In the Segment Name field, enter a descriptive name for your results.
In the Activation IDs section, select a column that contains identifiers, then select the type of those identifiers.
Select Push Data.
The Trade Desk - UID 2.0 connector¶
The Trade Desk - UID 2.0 is a demand-side platform (DSP) that provides a technology platform for advertisers to plan, buy, and manage digital advertising campaigns across various channels.
You must be a DCR administrator to configure this connector.
To configure the connector so that your clean room environment is integrated with your account with The Trade Desk - UID 2.0:
In the left navigation of the web app, select Connectors.
Select the Activation tab.
Expand The Trade Desk - UID 2.0.
In the Advertiser ID field, enter the advertiser ID associated with your account with The Trade Desk.
In the Secret Key field, enter the secret key associated with your account with The Trade Desk.
Use the Data Center drop-down list to select a The Trade Desk data center.
Select Authenticate.
See the user guide tab to learn how to activate results using this connector.
These instructions assume that this connector has been properly installed and configured by a DCR administrator.
To push the results of an analysis to The Trade Desk - CRM for activation:
Run an analysis that returns data that can be activated. For example, analyses using the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template can be activated.
For more information about running an analysis, see Run an analysis as a provider or Run an analysis as a consumer.
In the Results section, select Activate.
In the Activation Hub dialog, select The Trade Desk - UID 2.0.
In the Segment Name field, enter a descriptive name for your results.
In the Activation IDs section, select a column that contains identifiers, then select the type of those identifiers.
Select Push Data.
Yahoo DSP connector¶
Yahoo DSP is a demand-side platform that allows advertisers to programmatically buy and optimize digital ad inventory across various channels.
You must be a DCR administrator to configure this connector.
To configure the connector so that your clean room environment is integrated with Yahoo DSP:
In the left navigation of the web app, select Connectors.
Select the Activation tab.
Expand Yahoo DSP.
Enter the MDM ID associated with your Yahoo account.
Select Authenticate.
See the user guide tab to learn how to activate results using this connector.
These instructions assume that this connector has been properly installed and configured by a DCR administrator.
To push the results of an analysis to Yahoo DSP for activation:
Run an analysis that returns data that can be activated. For example, analyses using the Audience Overlap & Segmentation template can be activated.
For more information about running an analysis, see Run an analysis as a provider or Run an analysis as a consumer.
In the Results section, select Activate.
In the Activation Hub dialog, select Yahoo DSP.
In the Segment Name field, enter a descriptive name for your results.
In the Description field, enter a description of the data you are pushing to Yahoo DSP.
In the Activation IDs section, select columns that contains identifiers, then select the type of those identifiers.
Select Push Data.