Managing Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment in Snowflake Data Clean Rooms¶

About Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment¶

In the default clean room environment, a clean room can be shared only with accounts in the same cloud region. That is, the provider and consumer must be in the same cloud region.

If you want to collaborate with a Snowflake customer whose account is in a different region than your account, you must enable Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment for your clean room environment. A Snowflake user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role must enable Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment before clean room administrators can add accounts in other regions as collaborators.

You can determine your own cloud region by running SELECT CURRENT_REGION();


If you add a consumer from another cloud region and Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment is not enabled for your account, the request will succeed, but any calls to create_or_update_cleanroom_listing will fail. You will not be able to update the clean room until you remove all users in other regions as shown here:

call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.add_consumers(
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.create_or_update_cleanroom_listing($cleanroom_name);

-- **FAILURE**: Cannot enable LAF for this cleanroom.
--   Please enable LAF for Samooha on the account first through
--   the Samooha web application.

call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.remove_consumers(
  $cleanroom_name, 'ACCOUNT_IN_OTHER_REGION');

-- Success

Enabling Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment¶

You must be a Snowflake administrator to manage your Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment.

To allow collaborators from a different region:

  1. Navigate to the Snowflake Data Clean Rooms login page.

  2. Enter your email address, and select Continue.

  3. Enter your password.

  4. If you are associated with multiple clean room environments, select the Snowflake account that you are configuring.

  5. Select Admin > Snowflake Admin.

  6. Select Login to Snowflake, and authenticate as a Snowflake user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role.

  7. Toggle on Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment.

Costs associated with cross-region collaboration¶

There are additional costs associated with collaborators who are in a different region. For more information about how these costs are incurred, see Understand Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment costs.

Limitations on cross-region collaboration¶

Limitations on cross-region collaboration include the following:

  • Collaborators must share the same web app hosting region. For example, if the web app hosting region for one account is Amazon Web Services: US East (N. Virginia) and the web hosting region for another account is Amazon Web Services: Asia Pacific (Mumbai), then the two Snowflake customers cannot collaborate. To determine whether two collaborators share the same web app hosting region, see Web app hosting.

  • A provider cannot use differential privacy in the clean room.

  • Collaborators cannot link external tables and iceberg tables in clean rooms.

  • A provider cannot view the request logs being sent from the consumer of a clean room.

  • A consumer cannot run a multi-provider analysis.

  • Collaborators cannot use masking policies or row access policies.