Snowflake Data Clean Rooms: Provider API reference guide¶
This guide describes the developer APIs that allow a provider to create, configure, and share a clean room. All functions reside inside the following schema:
Set up environment¶
Execute the following commands to set up the Snowflake environment before using developer APIs to work with a Snowflake Data Clean Room. It you don’t have the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role, please contact your account administrator.
use role samooha_app_role;
use warehouse app_wh;
Creates a name for the clean room. The clean room name can only contain alphanumeric characters. The clean room name cannot contain any special characters, other than spaces and underscores.
set cleanroom_name = 'Test Cleanroom 1'; -- This must only have alphanumeric characters.
Create clean room¶
Use the following commands to create and delete a clean room:
Description: Creates a clean room in your account. You can give the clean room a name that contains alphanumeric characters and spaces only. You also need to pass in the distribution of the clean room to specify whether this is a test clean room you intend to only share within your organization (INTERNAL) or a production clean room that you intend to share externally with other organizations (EXTERNAL).
If a distribution is not specified, then it defaults to INTERNAL.
You can change an INTERNAL clean room to an EXTERNAL clean room by using:
alter application package samooha_cleanroom_<CLEANROOM_ID> SET DISTRIBUTION = EXTERNAL;
The distribution can be either EXTERNAL or INTERNAL. If a clean room is marked for EXTERNAL distribution, Snowflake needs to carry out an automated security scan first before it can be shared with collaborators. See provider.set_default_release_directive for more details.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), distribution(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.cleanroom_init($cleanroom_name, 'INTERNAL');
Description: Sets a release directive for the clean room, that is, the version and patch that collaborators will receive.
By default, all clean rooms are created with the following version and patch numbers:
version: V1_0
patch: 0
If the clean room distribution is set to EXTERNAL, this can only be called once the clean room security scan moves to an APPROVED state. To view the current scan status, call:
show versions in application package samooha_cleanroom_<CLEANROOM_ID>;
Input: cleanroom_name(string), version(string), patch(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.set_default_release_directive($cleanroom_name, 'V1_0', '0');
Description: An existing clean room can be dropped by the creator. This deletes the cleanroom entirely, which means consumers who have the clean room installed can no longer access or use it.
Input: cleanroom_name(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.drop_cleanroom($cleanroom_name);
Register and unregister data¶
Use the following command to register and unregister databases, schemas, and objects. Tables and views must be registered before they can be linked into the clean room. If you register a database or schema, all of the objects in that database or schema are registered.
Description: Executes with callers rights and allows account administrators to register databases to be visible to the Snowflake Data Clean Room application. The ability to SELECT is granted on all schemas and tables in the database, and to the Snowflake Data Clean Room native application (SAMOOHA_BY_SNOWFLAKE).
Input: db_name (string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.register_db('SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE');
Description: Similar to register_db
, but operates at a schema level. An array or string representing the fully qualified schema name can be passed in, and grant selects to the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role are made, enabling the user to link the objects in the schema into the clean room.
If you want to register a managed access schema (that is, a schema created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter), use library.register_managed_access_schema
Input: schema_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.register_schema(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO']);
Description: Similar to register_schema
, but registers a schema that was created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter. An array or string representing the fully qualified schema name can be passed in, and grant selects to the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role are made, enabling the user to link the objects in the schema into the clean room.
Input: schema_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.register_managed_access_schema(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO']);
Description: Registers tables and views of all types.
Input: object_names (array), is_view (boolean), is_iceberg (boolean), is_external (boolean), is_under_managed_access_schema (boolean)
Output success message (string)
To register a table:
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.register_table_or_view(
To register an Iceberg table:
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.register_table_or_view(
Description: Similar to register_db
, but operates at a table level. An array or string representing the fully qualified table name can be passed in, and grant selects to the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role are made, enabling the user to link the table into the clean room.
If you want to register tables in a managed access schema (that is, a schema created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter), use library.register_managed_access_table
Input: table_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.register_table(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO.CUSTOMERS']);
Description: Similar to register_table
, but registers tables in a schema that was created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter. An array or string representing the fully qualified table name can be passed in, and grant selects to the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role are made, enabling the user to link the table into the clean room.
Input: table_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.register_managed_access_table(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO.CUSTOMERS']);
Description: Similar to register_db
, but operates at a view level. An array or string representing the fully qualified view name can be passed in, and grant selects to the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role are made, enabling the user to link the view into the clean room.
If you want to register views in a managed access schema (that is, a schema created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter), use library.register_managed_access_view
Input: view_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.register_view(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO.CUSTOMERS']);
Description: Similar to register_view
, but registers views in a schema that was created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter. An array or string representing the fully qualified view name can be passed in, and grant selects to the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role are made, enabling the user to link the view into the clean room.
Input: view_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.register_managed_access_view(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO.CUSTOMERS']);
Description: Reverses the register_db
procedure and remove the database-level grants given to the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role and Snowflake Data Clean Room native application. This also removes any database from the UI dropdown element.
Input: db_name (string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.unregister_db('SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE');
Description: Unregisters a schema, which prevents users from linking its tables and views into the clean room.
If you want to unregister a managed access schema (that is, a schema created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter), use library.unregister_managed_access_schema
Input: schema_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.unregister_schema(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO']);
Description: Similar to unregister_schema
, but unregisters a schema that was created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter.
Input: schema_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.unregister_managed_access_schema(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO']);
Description: Unregisters tables and views of all types.
Input: object_names (array), is_view (boolean), is_iceberg (boolean), is_external (boolean), is_under_managed_access_schema (boolean)
Output success message (string)
To unregister a table:
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.unregister_table_or_view(
Description: Similar to unregister_db
, but operates at a table level. An array or string representing the fully qualified table name can be passed in to unregister the tables. Users cannot link unregistered tables into a clean room.
If you want to unregister tables in a managed access schema (that is, a schema created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter), use library.unregister_managed_access_table
Input: table_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.unregister_table(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO.CUSTOMERS']);
Description: Similar to unregister_table
, but unregisters tables in a managed access schema (that is, a schema created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter).
Input: table_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.unregister_managed_access_table(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO.CUSTOMERS']);
Description: Similar to unregister_db
, but operates at a view level. An array or string representing the fully qualified view name can be passed in to unregister the views. Users cannot link unregistered views into a clean room.
If you want to unregister views in a managed access schema (that is, a schema created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter), use library.unregister_managed_access_view
Input: view_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.unregister_view(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO.CUSTOMERS']);
Description: Similar to unregister_view
, but unregisters views in a managed access schema (that is, a schema created with the WITH MANAGED ACCESS parameter).
Input: view_name (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.unregister_managed_access_view(['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE.DEMO.CUSTOMERS']);
Add datasets and create policies¶
Use the following commands to add data and set up policies for the clean room.
Description: Links a Snowflake table into the clean room. The procedure automatically makes the table accessible to the clean room by creating a secure view of the table from within the clean room, thereby avoiding any need to make a copy of your table.
The third argument is optional. If you do not use it to specify a list of consumers, all consumers of the clean room can access the specified tables. If you specify consumers, only those consumers can access the specified tables.
Input: cleanroom_name (string), tables_list (array), consumer_list (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.link_datasets($cleanroom_name, ['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE_NAV2.DEMO.CUSTOMERS', 'SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE_NAV2.DEMO.EXPOSURES']);
Before linking a view into the clean room, a user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role must execute the following in Snowflake:
grant reference_usage on database <DB NAME> to share in application package samooha_cleanroom_<cleanroom_name>;
Description: Controls whether a particular consumer can access a table in the clean room.
The second argument is a JSON object, where each name/value pair is the name of a table and an array of consumers who can access it. Each consumer is specified using its account locator.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), access_details(variant)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.restrict_table_options_to_consumers(
Description: Specifies which columns the consumer is allowed to perform a join on when running templates within the clean room. Note that the column policy is replace only, so if the function is called again, then the previously set column policy is completely replaced by the current one.
Note that the checks are carried out by examining either the where_clause argument to a SQL Jinja template, or any arguments to which the join_policy filter, has been added. This check looks for any unauthorized columns. Queries with wildcards might not be caught using these checks, and discretion should still be used when designing the analysis template.
By default, checks are carried out on SQL Jinja arguments called where_clause. Make sure you use this tag to enable this check.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), table_and_col_names(array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.set_join_policy($cleanroom_name, ['SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE_NAV2.DEMO.CUSTOMERS:EMAIL', 'SAMOOHA_SAMPLE_DATABASE_NAV2.DEMO.EXPOSURES:EMAIL']);
Use the following commands to add the templates/analyses that are supported in this clean room.
Description: Adds a list of pre-defined templates using their name identifiers. Examples include “prod_overlap_analysis”, and “prod_provider_data_analysis”.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), template_names(array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.add_templates($cleanroom_name, ['prod_overlap_analysis']);
Description: Given the template name, retrieves the template definition from the clean room. This helps the user visually inspect it and determine which parameters they need to pass when running the template.
Input: cleanroom_name (string), template_name (string)
Output: The template definition (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_template_definition($cleanroom_name, 'prod_overlap_analysis');
Description: Removes a specified template (referred to by its name) from the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), template_name(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.clear_template($cleanroom_name, 'prod_custom_template');
Description: Removes all the templates that have been added to the clean room. Once this is called, templates will need to be added again.
Input: cleanroom_name(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.clear_all_templates($cleanroom_name);
Description: Sets which columns in the data the consumer can carry out operations on. This should only be called after adding the template. This is also a function of the template, so inputs need to be of the form template_name:full_table_name:column_name
. Note that the column policy is replace only, so if the function is recalled, then the previously set column policy is completely replaced by the current one.
The column policy API should not be called on identity columns like email. It should only be used on aggregate and the group by columns.
Note that the checks are carried out by parsing the SQL query to be run against the data for any unauthorized columns. Queries with wildcards might not be caught using these checks, and discretion should still be used when designing the analysis template.
By default, checks are carried out on SQL Jinja arguments called dimensions or measure_columns. Make sure you use these tags to enable this check.
Alternatively, you may use the join_policy and column_policy tags in the SQL Jinja template to enforce security policies against custom SQL Jinja arguments.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), analysis_and_table_and_columns(array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.set_column_policy($cleanroom_name,
Description: Adds a custom SQL Jinja template into the clean room. This makes the template callable by the consumer.
You can call this API more than once to add multiple custom templates to the clean room. The procedure overwrites any previous template with the same name. If you want to edit an existing template, pass the existing template name as an argument to the API.
If the consumer is using the template to activate results back to the provider, the command must meet the following requirements:
Name of the custom template must begin with the string
. For example,activation_custom_template
.Definition of the template must create a table that begins with
. For example,CREATE TABLE cleanroom.activation_data_analysis_results AS ...
.Definition of the template must return the unique part of the table name that was created in the definition, which is the string appended to
. For example,return 'data_analysis_results'
In SQL Jinja templates, there are two special arguments:
source_table: an array of tables from the provider side
my_table: an array of tables from the consumer side
All provider/consumer tables must be referenced using these arguments since the name of the secure view actually linked to the clean room will be different to the table name. Critically, provider table aliases MUST be p (or p1), p2, p3, p4, etc. and consumer table aliases must be c (or c1), c2, c3, etc. This is required in order to enforce security policies in the clean room.
Furthermore, for the “column_policy” and “join_policy” to carry out checks on the consumer analysis requests, all column names must be referred to as dimensions or measure_columns in the SQL Jinja template. Make sure you use these tags to refer to columns you want to be checked in custom SQL Jinja templates by default.
Alternatively, any argument in a custom SQL Jinja template can be checked for compliance with the join and column policies using the following filters:
join_policy: checks if a string value or filter clause is compliant with the join policy
column_policy: checks if a string value or filter clause is compliant with the column policy
join_and_column_policy: checks if columns used for a join in a filter clause are compliant with the join policy, and that columns used as a filter are compliant with the column policy
For example, in the clause {{ where_clause | sqlsafe | join_and_column_policy }}, an input of p.HEM = c.HEM and p.STATUS = 1 will be parsed to check if p.HEM is in the join policy and p.STATUS is in the column policy.
Note: Only use the sqlsafe filter with caution, it allows collaborators to put pure SQL into the template.
If you do not specify a list of consumers, all consumers can use the custom template. If you use the parameter to specify a list of consumers, only those consumers can use the template in the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), template_name(string), template(string), differential_privacy_sensitivity(float, OPTIONAL), consumer_list(array, OPTIONAL)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.add_custom_sql_template(
$cleanroom_name, 'prod_custom_template',
identifier({{ dimensions[0] | column_policy }})
identifier({{ my_table[0] }}) c
inner join
identifier({{ source_table[0] }}) p
c.identifier({{ consumer_id }}) = identifier({{ provider_id | join_policy }})
{% if where_clause %} where {{ where_clause | sqlsafe | join_and_column_policy }} {% endif %};
Description: Controls whether a particular consumer can use a template in the clean room.
The second argument is a JSON object, where each name/value pair is the name of a template and an array of consumers who can use it. Each consumer is specified using its account locator.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), access_details(variant)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.restrict_template_options_to_consumers(
'prod_template_1': ['CONSUMER_1_LOCATOR', 'CONSUMER_2_LOCATOR']
Consumer-defined templates¶
The following APIs allow you to approve or reject a request from a consumer to add a template to the clean room. A consumer-defined template is only added to a clean room if the provider approves the consumer’s request to add it. For more information, see Using the developer API to add consumer-defined templates.
Description: Lists all requests from consumers who want to add a consumer-defined template to a clean room. This includes pending, approved, and rejected requests.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: request_id(string), consumer_identifier(string), template_name(string), template_definition(string), status(string)
CALL samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.list_template_requests('dcr_cleanroom');
Description: Approves a request to add a template to the clean room. To obtain the <request_id> argument, execute the provider.list_template_requests
command to retrieve the UUID of the request.
Input: cleanroom_name (string), request_id (string)
Output: success message (string)
CALL samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.approve_template_request('dcr_cleanroom',
Description: Rejects a request to add a template to the clean room. To obtain the <request_id> argument, execute the provider.list_template_requests
command to retrieve the UUID of the request.
Input: cleanroom_name (string), request_id (string), reason_for_rejection(string)
Output: success message (string)
CALL samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.reject_template_request('dcr_cleanroom',
'Failed security assessment');
Configure who can run analyses¶
Use the following commands to configure who can run analyses in the clean room. You can specify the provider (clean room creator), consumer (clean room installer), or both.
Description: Enables the provider (clean room creator) to run analyses in the clean room (this is disabled by default).
Very Important: this needs to be called after provider.add_consumer
, and before a consumer installs a clean room. If this is changed after a consumer has already installed their clean room, then they will need to reinstall the clean room to reflect the new configuration.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), consumer_account_locator(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.enable_provider_run_analysis($cleanroom_name, ['<CONSUMER_ACCOUNT_LOCATOR>']);
Description: Disables the provider (clean room creator) to run analyses in the clean room (this is disabled by default).
Very Important: this needs to be called after provider.add_consumer
, and before a consumer installs a clean room. If this is changed after a consumer has already installed their clean room, then they will need to reinstall the clean room to reflect the new configuration.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), consumer_account_locator(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.disable_provider_run_analysis($cleanroom_name, ['<CONSUMER_ACCOUNT_LOCATOR>']);
Description: Enables the consumer (clean room installer) to run analyses in the clean room (this is enabled by default).
Very Important: this needs to be called after provider.add_consumer
, and before a consumer installs a clean room. If this is changed after a consumer has already installed their clean room, then they will need to reinstall the clean room to reflect the new configuration.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), consumer_account_locator(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.enable_consumer_run_analysis($cleanroom_name, ['<CONSUMER_ACCOUNT_LOCATOR>']);
Description: Disables the consumer (clean room installer) to run analyses in the clean room (this is enabled by default).
Very Important: this needs to be called after provider.add_consumer
, and before a consumer installs a clean room. If this is changed after a consumer has already installed their clean room, then they will need to reinstall the clean room to reflect the new configuration.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), consumer_account_locator(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.disable_consumer_run_analysis($cleanroom_name, ['<CONSUMER_ACCOUNT_LOCATOR>']);
Description: Checks if this clean room has Provider Run Analysis enabled. Note: explicit approval still needs to be given by calling consumer.enable_templates_for_provider_run
(see below).
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: enabled message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.is_provider_run_enabled($cleanroom_name)
Description: Checks if this clean room has Consumer Run Analysis enabled. This flag determines if the clean room consumer (installer) can run analyses, or else act as a data-contributor to the collaboration.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: enabled message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.is_consumer_run_enabled($cleanroom_name)
Template Chains¶
Use the following commands to create and manage template chains. For general information about using template chains, see Using the developer APIs to execute templates sequentially.
Description: Creates a new template chain. Templates must exist before being added to the template chain.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), template_chain_name(string), templates(array of objects)
The JSON object that represents a template can contain the following fields:
(string) - Specifies the template being added to the template chain. The template must already exist.cache_results
(boolean) - Determines whether the results of the template are temporarily saved so other templates in the template chain can access them. To cache results, specify TRUE.output_table_name
(string) - When cache_results = TRUE, specifies the name of the Snowflake table where template results are stored.jinja_output_table_param
(string) - When cache_results = TRUE, specifies the name of the Jinja parameter that other templates must include to accept the results that are stored in output_table_name.cache_expiration_hours
(integer) - When cache_results = TRUE, specifies the number of hours before the results in the cache are dropped. When the cache expires, then next time the template chain is executed the cache is refreshed with the results of the template.
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.add_template_chain(
'template_name': 'crosswalk',
'cache_results': True,
'output_table_name': 'crosswalk',
'jinja_output_table_param': 'crosswalk_table_name',
'cache_expiration_hours': 2190
'template_name': 'transaction_insights',
'cache_results': False
Description: Views the template chains currently active in the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: The added template chains (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_added_template_chains($cleanroom_name);
Description: Returns the attributes of a template chain.
Input: cleanroom_name (string), template_chain_name (string)
Output: The template chain definition (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_template_chain_definition($cleanroom_name, 'insights_chain');
Description: Removes a specified template chain (referred to by its name) from the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), template_chain_name(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.clear_template_chain($cleanroom_name, 'insights_chain');
Description: Removes all the template chains that have been added to the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.clear_all_template_chains($cleanroom_name);
Running analyses as a clean room creator¶
Description: Running analysis as a clean room provider happens by submitting an analysis request. This analysis request goes through to the clean room, and gets checked against the consumer’s security policies. Once the security checks, and differential privacy layers allow the analysis to go through, the analysis executes within the clean room and the results are stored securely inside the clean room.
When enabling the provider to run analyses, a cryptographic key is added to the clean room which only the provider knows. This key is used to encrypt the results of the analysis, before it transits back to the provider tenant, where it is then decrypted using the secure key. This ensures that no one but the provider can ever see the results of an analysis the provider has requested.
Input: cleanroom_name (string), consumer_account_locator (string), template_name (string), consumer_tables (array), provider_tables (array), analysis_arguments (object)
Output: request ID (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.submit_analysis_request(
'dimensions', ['c.REGION_CODE'],
'measure_type', ['AVG'],
'measure_column', ['c.DAYS_ACTIVE']
-- This API returns a request ID that we save into a local variable.
set request_id = '<REQUEST_ID';
Description: Once an analysis request has been submitted, use this API to check the status of the request. The request can take up to 1 minute after submission to appear. Once done, the status appears as COMPLETED.
Input: cleanroom_name (string), request_id (string), consumer_account_locator (string)
Output: status (string)
-- It can take up to 2 minutes for this to pick up the request ID after the initial request
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.check_analysis_status(
Description: Once the analysis status appears as COMPLETED for a given request ID, the results for a request_id can be obtained using this API. This takes the results, decrypts then with the secret key created in your account during analysis enablement, and outputs the analysis results.
Input: cleanroom_name (string), request_id (string), consumer_account_locator (string)
Output: analysis results (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.get_analysis_result(
Functions to load Python code into clean room¶
Description: Confidentially loads any Python function into the clean room. Any code loaded into the clean room using this API will not be visible to the consumer. The resulting function can be called inside any SQL Jinja template as clean room.
This procedure adds your Python code to the clean room as a patch on the existing version. This will re-trigger the security scan and you may have to wait for it to be APPROVED before sharing the latest version to collaborators. If you do, then call provider.set_default_release_directive
before sharing the clean room to providers with the latest version/patch. See the Snowflake native app documentation for more details.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), function_name(string), arguments(array), packages(array), ret_type(string), handler(string), code(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.load_python_into_cleanroom(
'assign_group', // Name of the UDF
['data variant', 'index integer'], // Arguments of the UDF, along with their type
['pandas', 'numpy'], // Packages UDF will use
'integer', // Return type of UDF
'main', // Handler
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def main(data, index):
df = pd.DataFrame(data) # you can do something with df but this is just an example
return np.random.randint(1, 100)
Clean room UI registration methods¶
Use the following commands to register a clean room loaded with custom analyses into the web app of a Snowflake Data Clean Room under the Custom Analysis tab.
Description:: Adds customizations for the UI form for clean rooms you want registered in the web app for your consumers. At a minimum, you must specify values for display_name
, description
, and methodology
Allowed customizations are:
: One of the following UI elements:boolean
: True/false selectorinteger
: Use arrows to change the numbermultiselect
: Select multiple items from a dropdowndropdown
: Select 1 item from a dropdowndate
: Date selectorany
: Regular text entry field
: List of choices available for dropdown and multiselect typesdefault
: Any default valuedisplay_name
(Required): Display name of the UI elementdescription
(Required): Description appearing under the namemethodology
(Required): Description of how the consumer should use the form to execute an analysis.infoMessage
: Information message that renders when you hover over an “i” icon next to the namesize
: Choose the element size betweenXS
: Indicates whether the element is required. SpecifyTRUE
: Put the same value for multiple elements to group them all together in the UI formrender_table_dropdowns
: Controls whether the default drop-down lists that let users select tables appear in the template. If not specified, a drop-down appears for both provider and consumer tables. If you want a drop-down list that consists of all provider or all consumer tables, but do not want to have to list them, use thereferences
parameter instead.The value of
is a dict that consists of following keys:render_consumer_table_dropdown
, the default drop-down list for consumer tables is hidden. Default isTRUE
, the default drop-down list for provider tables is hidden. Default isTRUE
If you hide the default drop-down lists, you can use the
{{ source_table }}
and{{ my_table}}
special arguments in the custom template, then define your own drop-down list that contains the desired tables. For more details about using these special variables when defining the custom template, see provider.add_custom_sql_template.references
: Creates a drop-down list containing tables or columns that are available in the clean room. Allows users to select tables and columns when executing an analysis in the web app without having to specify each table or column individually when creating the user interface.It has the following possible string values:
: Drop-down list consists of all of the provider’s tables in the clean room.CONSUMER_TABLES
: Drop-down list consists of all of the consumer’s tables in the clean room.PROVIDER_COLUMN_POLICY
: Drop-down list consists of the columns in the provider’s column policies, for example, the columns that can be filtered on. If specified, you must also include theprovider_parent_table_field
parameter to identify which provider table contains the column policies.PROVIDER_JOIN_POLICY
: Drop-down list consists of the columns in the provider’s join policies, that is, the columns in the provider’s table that the consumer can use as a join key. If specified, you must also include theprovider_parent_table_field
parameter to identify which provider table contains the join policies.CONSUMER_COLUMNS
: Drop-down list consists of the columns in the consumer’s join policies, that is the columns in the consumer’s table that the analyst can use as a join key. If specified, you must also include theconsumer_parent_table_field
parameter to identify which consumer table contains the join policies.
: Specifies the name of a UI field that allows a user to select a provider table. Required if thereferences
parameter specifiesPROVIDER_COLUMN_POLICY
.For example, if
is the name of a UI field that allows the analyst to select a provider table, then the UI field that allows the user to select columns from a provider table might include the name/value pair'provider_parent_table_field': 'a_provider_table'
: Specifies the name of a UI field that allows a user to select a provider table. Required if thereferences
parameter specifiesCONSUMER_COLUMNS
.For example, if
is the name of a UI field that allows the analyst to select a consumer table, then the UI field that allows the user to select columns from a consumer table might include the name/value pair'consumer_parent_table_field': 'a_consumer_table'
: Optional customization that controls which kind of warehouse the consumer account will use to run analyses. For example, for most machine learning use cases, Snowflake recommends specifying a Snowpark-optimized warehouse. For valid values forwarehouse_size
Visual customizations are:
: Quantitative data points that are displayed in the output. These columns include metrics and dimensions that allow for detailed data analysis.default_output_type
: The format in which the data will be visualized. Supported types:TABLE
: Displays data in a tabular format. This is the default output type.BAR
: Visualizes data using bar charts, which are ideal for comparing different categories.LINE
: Uses line charts to show trends over time or continuous data.PIE
: Represents data as a pie chart, suitable for showing proportions or percentages.
Input: template name (string), template_description (dict), customizations (dict), output_config (dict)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.add_ui_form_customizations(
'display_name': 'Custom Analysis Template',
'description': 'Use custom template to run a customized analysis.',
'methodology': 'This custom template dynamically renders a form for you to fill out, which are then used to generate a customized analysis fitting your request.',
'warehouse_hints': {
'warehouse_size': 'xsmall',
'snowpark_optimized': FALSE
'render_table_dropdowns': {
'render_consumer_table_dropdown': false,
'render_provider_table_dropdown': false
'a_provider_table': {
'display_name': 'Provider table',
'order': 3,
'description': 'Provider table selection',
'size': 'S',
'group': 'Seed Audience Selection',
'references': ['PROVIDER_TABLES'],
'type': 'dropdown'
'a_provider_col': {
'display_name': 'Provider column',
'order': 4,
'description': 'Which col do you want to count on',
'size': 'S',
'group': 'Seed Audience Selection',
'references': ['PROVIDER_COLUMN_POLICY'],
'provider_parent_table_field': 'a_provider_table',
'type': 'dropdown'
'measure_columns': ['col1', 'col2'],
'default_output_type': 'PIE'
Description: Registers a clean room for use in the web app by the consumer. The clean room is created and configured by the provider using developer APIs. This method then registers it into the web app for consumers to install, add their table, and run any custom analyses you’ve added without needing to use developer APIs. They work with the clean room entirely through the user interface of the web app.
You can call this API more than once to include multiple custom templates in the web app.
Input: cleanroom_name(string), template name(string), consumer_account_locator(string), user_email(string)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.register_cleanroom_in_ui($cleanroom_name, 'prod_custom_template', <CONSUMER ACCOUNT LOCATOR>, <USER_EMAIL>)
Description: Views the list of requests raised from the account to register clean rooms into the web app. Each request has an associated ID which can be used in conjunction with the view_ui_registration_log
procedure to view the status of the requests. The requests are shared to the backend where they are processed and the clean room added into the clean room.
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_ui_registration_request_log();
Clean room metadata getter methods¶
Use the following commands to show relevant properties of the clean room.
Description: Creates a text summary containing all information about what has been added to the clean room, including templates, datasets, and policies.
Input: cleanroom_name(string)
Output: Extensive description string of cleanroom (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.describe_cleanroom($cleanroom_name);
Description: Views all datasets that have been added to the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name(string)
Output: All the provider dataset names in cleanroom (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_provider_datasets($cleanroom_name);
Description: Views the join policies currently active in the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: The join policy (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_join_policy($cleanroom_name);
Description: Views the templates currently active in the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: The added templates (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_added_templates($cleanroom_name);
Description: Views the column policies currently active in the clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: The column policy (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_column_policy($cleanroom_name);
Description: Views the consumers the clean room has been shared with.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: Consumer accounts that have access to the cleanroom (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_consumers($cleanroom_name);
Description: Views all recently created clean rooms sorted by the date they were created on.
Output: All existing cleanrooms ordered by create date (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_cleanrooms();
Description: Views the request logs being sent from consumers of this clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: A set of logs recorded of the queries being run against the cleanroom (table)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.view_request_logs($cleanroom_name);
General helper methods¶
Use the following methods to generally assist in leveraging clean room functionality and supported flows.
Description: Allows upstream databases that contain data to be granted reference_usage to the clean room.
This command is for use with the web app only.
This is a much more limited grant than those in register_db
. Using this procedure is necessary when adding views or UDTFs which reference data from upstream databases, but it won’t allow the SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE role to see the actual tables or show these databases in the dropdown in the web app.
This command should be called on databases that contain data used in linked views and UDTFs.
Input: database_names (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.grant_reference_usage(['<DATABASE_NAME>']);
Description: Removes databases from the list of referenced databases created by provider.grant_reference_usage
This command is for use with the web app only.
Input: database_names (array)
Output: success message (string)
call samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.revoke_reference_usage(['<DATABASE_NAME>']);
Description: Gives providers access to information coming back to the provider from the consumers of a clean room.
Input: cleanroom_name (string)
Output: success message (string)
CALL samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.provider.mount_request_logs_for_all_consumers($cleanroom_name);
Description: Enables the task, samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.admin.expected_version_task
, that automatically upgrades the Snowflake Native App for Snowflake Data Clean Rooms as new versions are released.
Input: None
Output: success message (string)
CALL samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.enable_local_db_auto_upgrades();
Description: Disables the task, samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.admin.expected_version_task
, that automatically upgrades the Snowflake Native App for Snowflake Data Clean Rooms as new versions are released.
Input: None
Output: success message (string)
CALL samooha_by_snowflake_local_db.library.disable_local_db_auto_upgrades();